14 “Anytime” Compliments to Use on Her Today | Girls Chase

14 “Anytime” Compliments to Use on Her Today

Chase Amante

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how to compliment a girl
A good compliment goes a long way with women. But to give a good compliment and have it be effective can take a bit of know-how. Here’s everything you need.

I love to give a good compliment. It makes me happy to compliment girls, because if I’m not being brazenly honest with someone, I’m uncomfortable. I have to be like that.

Plus, it’s so beautifully polarizing to compliment women. It’s the epitome of strength, in my opinion.

All of that “oh, never compliment a girl, because you’ll make her think you’re just another loser who’s chasing her” nonsense is exactly that – nonsense.

Are there times when you shouldn’t compliment a girl? SURE.

If she’s being a snotty ho with her nose in the air? Don’t compliment her. She doesn’t deserve it.

But if you just met her and you’re having a conversation, and she’s been nothing but nice and warm?


I find the “don’t give her a compliment” camp quite funny because they’re so afraid of coming off like they’re “beta” that they inevitably come off as beta. They’re afraid of some girl thinking, “Oh, he likes me.” Sounds pretty lame to me.

Complimenting a girl makes it a man-to-woman interaction. She knows you’re attracted, have a sexual and romantic interest in her, and are going for it.

Girls respect that purposefulness.

Okay, so why is the title of this article “14 Anytime Compliments to Use on Her Today”?

Because you can use these compliments anywhere and anytime.

The sun is up? Compliment.

The sun is down? Compliment.

The world is ending in an inferno of chaos? Compliment.

You can use it at any point in the conversation.

The first thing you say (the “open”)? COMPLIMENT.

Five minutes into conversation? Compliment.

As you’re fishing for the edge of her uterus with your dick? CUMPLIMENT.

K. Cool. Compliments are cool.

So, how do you give a good compliment?


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