Secrets to Getting Girls: Similarity of Interest | Girls Chase

Secrets to Getting Girls: Similarity of Interest

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

similarity of interestWomen run off when men come on too strong for them. Yet, they lose interest when men come on too weak. You must calibrate to the girl to effectively seduce.

Alek's recent strident indictments of direct game (part 1 | part 2) caused a small uproar on here and generated a flurry of both nodding heads and vociferous disagreements.

The main arguments against Alek's position of "direct game does not work (very well)" seem to be 1.) "well, it works for me", and 2.) what about guys whose methods are primarily direct game, a la Hector Castillo?

I'd like to address both Alek's point that very direct game usually doesn't work as well as more indirect game, plus the fact that sometimes it does work (though not nearly as consistently).

Note that we aren't talking about direct vs. indirect openers here. We're talking about the whole game system a man employs. I'd add that what Alek recommends (as well as what I do), while we tend to call it 'indirect game', is really an indirect-direct fusion that combines elements of both styles, but leans a bit more indirect than direct. I'll spell out more what the difference is between direct and indirect as we go.

In today's article, I'll boil down the answer to those questions above with a simplified framework that anyone can understand. That framework is this:

In a good seduction, what allows you to proceed with the girl is similarity of interest.

The closer your expressed level of interest is to the level of interest she's currently feeling, and the better you pace her interest levels as the seduction progresses, the better able you are to hold her interest and guide the seduction toward a licentious night in bed.

What trips men up on interest levels?

Either showing

  1. too much (i.e., too direct) or
  2. too little (i.e., too indirect)

interest in the girl they're courting.


GC Spectator's picture

Man, I never knew such brilliance existed in God's green earth until I stumbled across a guy called Chase Amante.

I hope he'll do us the honor applying that genius level brain toward explaining
the concept mirroring and how to use it through out a seduction.

P.S; If you don't mind it, may I ask you what your IQ is. Pretty sure even Einstein would have a hard time keeping up with you.


GC Spectator.

Lucas's picture

Hey Chase, great article as usual. I have a question that is completely unrelated to it, however. As a guy who's just finishing highschool and about to get into university (I'm 16, soon to be 17, end of senior year), where should I go to meet women? Should I even do it at all? I'm in decente shape and am also decent looking, but am also crippingly short (5'5) and have never had a girlfriend or much luck with girls at all. In general, what do you recommend?

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