Female Mind | Page 37 | Girls Chase

Female Mind

A look into the way women see love, life, lust, and relationships.

4 Steps to Give Women Orgasmic Anal Sex

Chase Amante's picture

anal sexI wasn’t always a fan of anal sex.

Used to be that when girls asked me for it, my erection would disappear and I’d lose all interest in sex of any sort after that. I mean, gross. And in any event, her pussy’s right there; why would I want to stick it in her butt?

As I got older, I became less of a stick in the mud and decided to give anal more of a chance. Eventually, I discovered that, done right, women absolutely loved it, and soon I enjoyed it a fair bit too.

The fear for her, that comes with accepting you into the wrong hole... the thrill she feels at doing something taboo... and the pure pleasure that comes with an opening packed to the brim with nerve endings swallowing up your manhood into it, its sanctity at the mercy of it... all these things contribute to the emotional and physical excitement of it for her.

And, if you’re executing anal sex technically correct, with an aim towards supplying anal orgasms, your member will be hitting her vagina from the other side, a truly intense and orgasmic experience.

As a man, there’s the sense that you’re dominating this woman in a way you’re not ‘supposed’ to do, and the sense that she is yielding her body to you in a way she hasn’t to too many (or perhaps any) other men. These things enhance the experience for her as well.

However, this article isn’t here to discuss the merits of anal sex (though I will cover that briefly towards the end) – I’m not here to ‘convert’ anybody.

If you’re reading this, I assume you’d like to know how to do it well, and not that you are recoiling at how gross it is (like I, well, used to).

So... let’s talk about giving her thunderous orgasms, through her back door.

DISCLAIMER: I did really try to find some non-NC17 images for communicating the ‘position’ part to you below, but found it next to impossible to locate any images showing the position I wanted to show at all, let alone any PG-13 ones. So, there are a couple of NSFW images near the end of this post – you have been forewarned. Don’t read at the cubicle, or on the bench in the park by the local kindergarten.

What It Means When She Says She Has a Boyfriend

Chase Amante's picture

I had an interesting conversation with one of our senior members on the discussion boards recently. He’d approached a girl, really hit it off with her, until at some point she told him she had a boyfriend and started resisting him more.

It wasn’t a question of value or attraction. This girl clearly liked him.

Instead, in this case, it was attainability that triggered her bringing up the boyfriend.

has a boyfriend

Now, I know there are a lot of folks reading who are going to say, “Well, hold the phone – maybe it was just that the girl has a boyfriend and she isn’t going to cheat on him!”

We’ll talk about that below. However, odds are, taking things at face value with women is usually a sign there’s something you’re not getting... not a sign she’s among the 2½% of women who says what she means and means what she says.

How to Decipher Female Subcommunication, Part 2

Joseph W. South's picture

In the last segment of the Practical Female Psychology series, we discussed how and why females developed the language of Subcommunication and how it gets used by women today.

We learned how women are often Ambivalent; that is, a woman will communicate in such a way so as to cause confusion in the male mind, make sure she keeps her options open, and attract resources and romantic affection from as many avenues as possible without crossing the line into social ostracism, where she risks getting labeled a “slut”.

We also learned how the men who best succeed with women understand this secret female language, and in turn have learned the art of Discretion, which is basically a conspiracy to allow females to operate in that certain way without any hindrance.


Today we’ll discuss Subcommunication as it relates to the dangers and opportunities surrounding dating in the workplace; why no matter how much you learn about females, you still want to talk like a man does; and some more practical tips for mastering the fine art of interacting with females.

Girls Chase Podcast Interviews Ep. 4: Joseph W. South

Chase Amante's picture

Today we’re serving up our fourth fantastic podcast interview, this time with Varoon Raja interviewing Girls Chase author Joseph W. South.

In today’s podcast, Joseph and Varoon discuss:

Why It Feels “Off” to Her

Chase Amante's picture

feels off to herI recently addressed a thread on our discussion boards where a member reported on a couple of women who seemed to initially like him, and then backed off in a big way, telling him things like, “I’m just not looking for this right now.”

He’d suspected the issue was he just wasn’t doing all that well at targeting women who were going to be receptive to him, but in this case, the actual issue was he was jumping the gun and expressing too much interest without her giving him a reason to yet.

And what happened next was the girl started feeling like something was “off”.

As soon as that feeling comes up, you’re in bad shape.

And it isn’t always caused by missing a step here or there, either.

Everything I Know About Race and Dating Girls

William Gupta's picture

My friend had just told me that he saw the girl I liked with another guy.

“I don’t get it man! I know that she likes me.”

“Bro, it’s because of this,” he said, pointing to his dark skin.

I responded saying, “What are you talking about man?”

“It’s because you’re black bro; girls like her only date white guys.”

race and dating

Until that point I had not looked at dating through a racial lens. But after that day I started to become more “aware” of race and dating. I started “seeing” that white guys had it easier when it came to getting girls. It didn’t matter that I had dated many different races of girls before. It didn’t matter that I ended up dating the girl that we were talking about. That conversation had given me the ultimate excuse: that if a girl didn’t like me, it was because of my race.

It took me years to get away from that particular train of thought. It still creeps in from time to time, but as soon as I catch myself thinking like that now I cut that line of reasoning. So I will go ahead and answer the question that is on a lot of your minds right now.

Does race matter when it comes to dating? Yes.

Does it matter as much as people think it matters? No.

In this post, I will answer common questions I get from guys about race and dating; some advice for getting over racial insecurities and some stories from my journey.

Dance Floor Game Tips #9: More on Handling Resistance

Alek Rolstad's picture

dance floor resistancePreviously I discussed a few important premises and techniques that will help reduce your chances of having to face resistance when you escalate physically – or at least will minimize the impact of the resistance.

Previous articles in this series here:

  1. Dance game foundations

  2. Warming up on the dance floor

  3. Dance floor target selection

  4. Opening on the dance floor

  5. Building attraction on the dance floor

  6. Physical escalation on the dance floor

  7. Handling her friends

  8. What causes resistance

However, even knowing what causes it and how best to avoid it, sometimes resistance will occur anyway. It’s far from uncommon. Even good seducers face resistance – although less often than beginners.

Before I begin, please note this: just because you are getting resistance does not mean you have failed to pull off the techniques (the preventive techniques against resistance) from our last post.

Some women are just harder cases than others, and that can either be due to the situation and her current mood or her personality.

Some women are harder to get than others – that’s just life.

Is There Something About Girls You Just Don’t Get?

Chase Amante's picture

A reader named Will makes the following comment on our discussion boards about the “secret society”:

I really don’t understand this concept of a secret society. One that all women and successful seducers belong to. Any society that over 50% of the world’s population belongs to is not a secret. And I’ve been with younger, slightly (or more than) crazy girls who in no way seemed to understand much about social interactions before, during or after sex – you can find that a little too often with internet dating, but I think it kind of disproves this secret society idea.

don't get it

I myself don’t use the “secret society” term for the same reason; it’s an older pickup term a lot of guys do like, but for many guys outside the pickup world, it can confuse... and makes the whole concept sound planned-out (when it’s actually more an emergent phenomenon).

Personally, “secret society” was one turn-of-the-phrase that always makes my brain have to pause a minute. For whatever reason, at least for me, the term makes the concept it describes pretty unintuitive.

Alek has already explained the “secret society” concept in-depth in a 2013 article here: “Social Order, Sexual Restriction, and the Secret Society.”

Today, I’d like to talk a bit more about what’s going on in women’s heads when they meet a guy who “gets it” versus a guy who does not... and how they figure out who’s who.

Indecision is a Woman’s Prerogative (and She Likes It that Way)

Chase Amante's picture

Women are vexing creatures, aren’t they?

Men often find aspects of basic female nature completely perplexing. Women, for their part, often find many aspects of basic male nature an utter bore.

woman's prerogative

I talked about the multi-layered aspects of what women want before; today I’m going to talk about why exactly they make it so indecipherable what they want in any one moment for men (and frequently themselves).

Have you ever watched a man who is good with women? You’ll notice women do all kinds of womanly things around him that would make most men boil, while he just laughs.

How can such a man be so nonplussed around the madness that is woman?

We see men commenting on Girls Chase about this often. A guy comes on and rages about how women don’t make any sense and men shouldn’t have to change one lick for them. Shades of the good old fashioned “just be yourself and everything will work out fine” argument which took over popular thought sometime in the 20th century with its ineffectual pseudo-intellectual quips.

There is one element you see again and again that drives men to tear their hair out in patches though, and that’s this: women change their minds like monsoon season weather. One minute it’s pounding sheets of rain, and the next minute the sun’s out bright with nary a cloud in sight.

Most men do not understand this... while the men who are good with women just smile and laugh. “Girls are silly and cute,” such men say.

You may know this mentality is better intellectually, but perhaps you still find yourself bugged by women’s behavior emotionally. Happens to lots of guys.

With regard to the man irritated by women’s behavior, and the man at peace with it:

How can these two men have such totally different views on women – and what’s really going on in women’s heads that make them so darn flakey?

Target Selection, Pt 1: Finding Sexually Receptive Women

Drexel Scott's picture

target selectionThis is the first article in a two-part series about the importance of Target Selection. This first article talks about Target Selection as it relates to sleeping with new women; the second, Target Selection when it comes to relationship potential, as well as which type of relationship a girl is a fit for with you (FB, FWB, MLTR, LTR, OLTR).

As you'll discover in the next article, not all women are built equal and some are simply poor candidates for certain roles in your life.

Today we will discuss why it's important to choose targets wisely when hunting for new sex partners. The reason for this is simple: it is a giant waste of time to pursue women who are not interested or available. It will never "work", and even if you end up sleeping with such a woman, it will come at great expense to you and will not work out the way you want it to.

First, let's define the terms "interested", "available", and "interested and available".