Emotions | Page 21 | Girls Chase


The effects emotions have on men and women, and how they can be a powerful tool in attraction and relationship building.

The Key to Nipping Girlfriend Drama in the Bud in LTRs

Chase Amante's picture

340Breeze had a comment about issues he was running into managing his long-term relationships over on Darius’s recent article about leading and seduction – here’s the excerpt of Breeze’s comment relevant to our discussion today:

... seems like women keep the hurt bottled up inside, and then women want to get revenge on me or hurt me because somehow my words hurt them (idk). My personality is such that I can’t easily control feeling the strong negative emotions when people who are close to me start acting like clowns, I get extremely pissed off for a little while, then after a few minutes I calm down. I don’t stay upset for long but some women seem to never ever let go of a bad feeling and cling to it with a death grip. And then some women are always testing, always poking and prodding, and always trying to say or do little things to try and get under your skin, and sometimes the shit they say or do is beyond the pale. It’s like they start drama for no reason all because they’re mad from 2 weeks or 2 months ago and instead of calmly talking about the issue and why/how they’re affected and coming to a calm solution, they let the negative emotions from the past infect their current and future feelings and subsequent behavior and I find it so hard not to say anything in response to their near-continuous shit testing.

girlfriend drama

This is, unfortunately, a scenario most men run into eventually in long-term relationships, and a primary contributor to everything from breakups to cheating to “betaization” (that is, males moving into the subordinate role in a relationship).

So what’s the problem here, and what do we have to do to fix it?

Seducing a Girl by Leading the Seduction Dance

Darius Bright's picture

Do you know what separates just a good male dancer from one who women love and just can’t seem to get enough of?

They both need to be good at leading and know how to use their body to the music; the difference, however, is that a good dancer will try to show off his own “moves” while the one who’s being asked out to dance again and again will use leading to make her look amazing.


I remember an exercise we did when I started learning couples dancing, one dedicated to helping you understand how to lead – as a male partner you stand in place and while the song is playing you’re only using your hands to lead her and have her make the dance look great.

Can there be a more perfect analogy for seduction?

You extend your hand firmly to show what will happen next and even though she’s free to choose whether to follow your directions or not, if you do it right she will do so more often than not.

When she doesn’t it’s either because your extension wasn’t clear enough and she’s not sure what you want her to do or maybe she has her weight on another leg and the direction you want her to go would be too uncomfortable or even physically impossible to follow. Either that, or she simply doesn’t trust you enough to feel confident that you will make the whole dance look good.

At no point do you try to force her into a particular position though.

When she does follow through with your lead, all you have to do is stop for a moment and admire how stunningly sexy she looks while spinning, moving her hips, or gently falling into your embrace. Then you extend your arm and show her the next direction.

All this happens while you as a man stand firmly in your position.

5 Tools for Obliterating Suppression and Anxiety

Cody Lyans's picture

A lot of guys who ask for help with women suppress the value of the advice they receive in order to avoid a tender issue. In this article I am going to discuss the tendency to suppress new information in order to continue with old habits and the unconscious anxiety that fuels this behavior.


It is about how suppressive behaviors empower anxiety into a chronic problem and inflate the ego so you never want to LEAVE.

How Your Self-Perception Can Make or Break Your Night

Darius Bright's picture

Early in my “career” I noticed a rather peculiar phenomenon – when I was out with guys (and gals) who saw me as a sort of master seducer (usually due to a combination of my image, behavior, and, occasionally, seeing my previous successes), I would find myself performing much better with women. Every single part of the seduction dance would become noticeably easier without any additional conscious effort on my part.


Would you like to guess why this happens?

Sure, being in a good mood because you’re hanging out or meeting people you like plays a significant role, and an occasional comment like “Oh yeah, he’s very experienced in bed” said jokingly in a group setting does its job to create a reputation of someone who knows what he’s doing.

But that’s not it; the change that makes the biggest impact turns out to be in our head.

You see, when I hang out with people who already see me as someone who’s successful with women and expect me to act like that, it puts a certain positive pressure and, in a way, makes it socially okay, even expected, to act sexually.

In turn, I would find myself assuming the role of a sexy guy who pulls women left and right, which, as we’ll learn later in the article, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy – cool, right?

Note that this is happening almost exclusively in our head and, more often than not, without conscious interference – a change in self-perception based on the environment.

The Genuine Man, Part 7: The Introspective Man

Hector Castillo's picture

Welcome back to the journey, gentlemen.

So far, we’ve covered:

Now I’m going to teach you the single most important tool in becoming a genuine man.



To make any profitable progress on this path, you gotta inspect that intro. There is no exception to this. I stress the importance of introspection from more than just personal experience; every cool guy I know in my life is extremely reflective and usually quite intelligent (read: you can train intelligence).

If you find yourself wasting mental cycles on frivolity and never dedicate your time to scanning your mind for flaws that hinder the progress of your skills, genuity will never be reached. You cannot Helen Keller your way to success with women or any other pursuit in life.

For as many constantly improving superstars I know, I can name twenty more guys with amazing intelligence, skills with women, charm, and good looks, who squander their potential. They spend years recycling unproductive mental and behavioral habits that don’t bring them anywhere close to the dreams they’ve told me about. If they instead challenged their own beliefs they would find them inefficient at best, and inhibiting at worst.

Don’t be that guy. Chew on everything I teach you, or anything you read from any other author on this site. The best way I’ve found to truly evaluate an idea?

First, accept it like it’s been bequeathed upon you from the gods of seduction and debauchery.

And then rabidly test its efficiency.

Let’s get concrete.

Why Sucking with Women Might be Good for You

Darius Bright's picture

I wonder how many of you fellow sexy men can identify with being a “hard case”? For how many of you is learning seduction, becoming a better, sexier man, and getting better with women not just a way to “have more control over your sex life”, but also a vital necessity, because otherwise “settling down” in the evening would be beyond your reach?

How many of you found this site not after a bad break-up (or several) but because you’ve never even had someone to have a bad break-up with in the first place?

When I first started on this path I was like that – completely, utterly terrible with women and seemingly beyond repair. So much so, that it took me YEARS just to get that first lay.

I remember thinking how much I hated the fact that I was struggling with something that came naturally to others.

Even though I had one friend at the time who impressed me immensely with his sexual conquests, his results were so far from my reality that even in my wildest dreams I couldn’t imagine that one day I’d be in a position where, like him, sex was just a few text messages and a drink or two away. Or that I’d compete with another natural buddy for the same women in bars (for mutual self-amusement) and be the one taking them home more often than not.

No, during those early years I would’ve sold my soul just to be “normal”; to find a nice, simple girl, who would like me (alright, who are we kidding, I would’ve settled with “tolerate me”); one who I could treat like a princess and be monogamous with. I had those fantasies despite knowing full well that it wouldn’t work long-term and that I would never feel fulfilled being monogamous; restrained.

suck with women

But for me even this “Plan B” was not in the cards.

It’s funny, but looking back, I consider myself to be very fortunate to not even have had the option to succumb to this temptation. Or, simply said, being completely terrible with women was one of the best things that happened in my life, as it pushed me not to resort to the seductive mistress that is mediocrity.

I’ll be frank – with this article my goal is not to teach you anything in particular, maybe just show a different way to look at your current circumstances.

This article is meant to motivate, to keep you going after a night out or a date when nothing really worked and you’re lying in your bed, lonely and wondering how much more wonderful life would be if only you could be “like normal guys” or if you “had a nice girlfriend” (or something similarly silly).

This article is also going to be very personal, as I will share some of the most embarrassing moments from my learning process and how “taking a beating” early resulted in disproportionate rewards later in life.

And in the same regard, I would like this article to be a sort of introduction. You’ve probably already seen my articles on becoming physically sexy (fashion, grooming), but the stories I’m about to share will set the context for some of the articles I will be writing in the future, and you’ll be able to have a better understanding of my background, my style, the way I do things, and, in turn, decide if that’s something you want for yourself or if maybe another author’s style is more suitable to you.

How to Ramp Up Social Momentum (and Meet Loads of Girls)

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well. If you haven’t seen many posts from me lately, it is not because I have been busy, but more that we have had a lot of article submissions from both new and old writers, which in itself should be good news for you.

The topic of today is social momentum.

Social Momentum

Social momentum is a mental state (hence also the reason many people in the seduction community refers to this as “state” – “being in state”) where you feel in a social mood where you don’t only feel like socializing with people, but also manage to do so smoothly.

When approaching strangers, you will feel like your openings are smooth as butter – the reactions you will be getting from your approaches will most of the time be positive, and if that is not the case, you won’t bother about it and move on to the next girl/group. When you have social momentum, not only will you feel a boost of energy, but you will feel very social and stop fearing rejections.

So there are a few nice benefits of social momentum:

  • You won’t fear rejections, so you will approach much more

  • Due to your higher level of initial confidence, your approaches will tend to be smoother and your success rate will be higher

  • You will have more fun, obviously

Compared to many other theories in pick-up and seduction, with this one there is a consensus that social momentum is a powerful factor. Everybody agrees that once you build enough social momentum, picking up women becomes much easier and smoother. You just feel on fire – you are the god of the night and nothing can stop you. We will discuss in this post how you can reach it.

However, where the opinion differs is our attitude toward it – should we depend on it or not? Should we give up and go home if we haven’t built social momentum? If not, what can we do if we don’t feel in the mood to socialize? All these questions and more will be answered in this post.

The Genuine Man, Part 6: A Lover Of Women

Hector Castillo's picture

Welcome back to the path, folks. We’re making good progress.

So far in this series we’ve covered:

lover of women

And in the most recent article we examined a host of poisonous beliefs about women and how we knowingly or unknowingly cultivate these beliefs. It’s vital that you find any beliefs like this within yourself and, even more importantly, realize how they’re hindering your progress with women and your satisfaction in your relationships with them.

Egomania, the Blindness You Were Born Into

Cody Lyans's picture

We are all infected.

The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV-series in the world right now. It is a show about survivors of a zombie apocalypse and their struggle to stay alive... at least on the surface. However, underneath all the blood and gore is actually a show about egos and the stress we feel when things in life don’t go as planned (as usually is the case). One of the strongest themes underlying the show is growth of egomaniacal characters in their quest to “survive”.


The show brings up questions that draw a fine line between what it takes to survive and what it means to go too far. The show is just a fiction, but part of its appeal is that it reflects a lot of people’s concerns and struggles with the question of “what is really necessary?” and “what is egomaniacal?”

One of the main concepts of the show is “we are all infected”, which we can translate roughly to: we are all one mistake or slip away from becoming someone else’s nightmare. If we give up, quit, become a burden, choose an easy path to “survival”, we become the problem for the few left who haven’t.

Are we takers? Or do we walk the line?

Well, for those of you who don’t watch the show, don’t worry, I only bring it up because the topic of this article is egomania, and the famous line “we are all infected” is a good starting point for discussing it.

The number one problem beginners and intermediate guys have with seduction is that they believe they are immune to egomania and don’t need to address it. You think you couldn’t possibly be a bad guy and so never consider that it’s quite possible you are.

Beginners complain and whinge and cry about how THEY are special, about how THEY are the exception to every rule, because they are overwhelmed and surprised by the sheer aggressiveness of reality and how HARD it bitch slaps them into taking responsibility onto their shoulders.

Guys will resort to anything to avoid real improvement:

  • Ask a girl they only sort of like to marry them
  • Abandon responsibilities as a decent dad and become a drunk
  • Avoid women entirely and resort to a porn oasis to get by

Our mistakes often aren’t THAT drastic, normally it is a bit of cynicism here, a few nasty edged decisions there, and an indulgence on occasion that screws over someone you don’t know now and then.

You figure, “Hey? What is the harm?” and you get into the habit of sucking, until one day a responsibility is too big, and BAM, you become the bad guy you swore you never would be.

Egomania is a real thing and you START OFF infected.

Female Neuropsychology: Arousal, Talking, Passivity, and More

Joseph W. South's picture

If you’re a red-blooded heterosexual male who has ever interacted with a female, you will likely agree with the spiritual guru and relationship coach David Deida when he describes the differences between masculine and feminine thinking as like being in two completely different universes.

female neuropsychology

The good news is, for perhaps the first time ever, we can truly begin to understand how females think and the reasons why. We’ve learned to translate certain female thought patterns and actions into something much more comprehensible to the average masculine mind.

I would love to see the topic of Female Neuropsychology taught to men at school! Many marriages would be saved and many couples would be happier. While that’s not likely in the near future, let me try to shed some light on this complex topic for you.

Since the beginning of time, women have tended to be more refined in their understanding of male sexual neuropsychology; they simply needed such skills for physical survival in a world dominated by large, aggressive men. Women are usually completely silent about their deep knowledge of the male psyche and sexuality though. I believe this silence – playing the fool, as it were – is the result of two factors:

  • The female need to manipulate the male into a Provider role for reasons of survival; and

  • The female need for social acceptance, or “Social Status Preservation” (aka Anti-Slut Defense), whenever female promiscuity is punished. The corollary to Anti-Slut Defense in women is the Madonna/whore Complex in men, which I will discuss at length in a later article.