Jealousy plotlines are great tools for upping and maintaining attraction in situations where you can't immediately pull (or the girl needs more priming before the pull).
They set up competition for you between women. They get women laser-focused on you as the prize they're trying to win. And they preselect you to the hilt.
They are fantastic tools, used right, to pick girls up with.
There's just one problem:
If you're uncareful, women you run jealousy plotlines on can auto-reject.
The girl you want may decide you are simply too big a flirt... that you are only toying with her, with no real intention to escalate things anywhere with you... that this is just a thing you do with girls, where you suck them in for your own validation, then cast them aside.
More mature women will often just leave whatever venue they're in where they think you're 'taunting' them, and simply not reply to your messages after that.
Less mature women may try to 'get back at' you, by running their own jealousy plotlines... flirting with some other guy, touching some other guy, making out with some other guy, going home with some other guy.
But there's a way you can maintain a loud, clear signal to women you're running jealousy plotlines with that they are your prime choice.
You can keep yourself attainable, even as you leave women in suspense, wondering if they really will get you or not.
The thing you'll do is simple, but it sends a loud, clear message to the woman you want -- and causes the other girls you flirt with to switch into overdrive trying to win you over.