Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

7 Reasons People Will Try to Tool You

Chase Amante's picture

people tool you
People will tool you for a variety of reasons. You don’t belong, you’re a soft target, you’re a threat to a member... and other excuses.

"Hey dude, nice hair! Did you cut that yourself? Ha ha ha!"

"Hey man, can you move over? You're taking up too much room."

"Excuse me bro, but your girl is seriously cute. How long have you known each other?"

Whether it's in the schoolyard, the nightclub, the public bus, or the office, other people trying to tool you is a mondo bother. Your threat radar should have perked up going through those lines above. They state a guy's intentions to rain on your parade... And whether you see him as a threat or not, you're going to have to deal with him one way or another.

Now, note right up front: this article is not about HOW to handle threats like this; for that, see the articles below. In these, I've given you a full complement of tools to dispose of challengers like this in a split:

Rather, what this article is about is what causes challengers like this to swarm over to you.

What incites them to veer off of whatever it is they were doing, and come approach you... Whether to feel you out, test you for weakness, or even launch a full on social or romantic assault against you.

Because once you identify the primary reasons other people try to tool you, you may then take steps to avoid the need to even deal with these disruptions in the first place.

So, I present to you the seven (7) reasons people will try to tool you... And what steps to take to discourage them from trying.

In we go.

Tactics Tuesdays: 2 Techniques that Let You Read Minds

Denton Fisher's picture

read her mind
What if you could read a girl’s mind? It’s possible to get inside anyone’s head – but you’ve got to know the techniques.

It is uncanny how some people seem unnaturally good at getting into your head. They can understand your needs and wants. Know when you are feeling a certain way. And do it as if they possess a weird sixth sense that lends a window into your mind.

Sometimes it makes you wonder if these people are born with a special ability.

But, as cool as that sounds, I do not believe in ESP.

What these so-called mind readers are incorporating – either consciously or subconsciously – is a set of techniques that allow them that extra edge. What are these techniques, and how can you master them?

Through my adolescent years I was caught in a social fog, unable to read people or their feelings, let alone their thoughts. I struggled and grasped at seemingly nothing, trying to find a firm hold on what was going on around me. Interactions with my peers seemed to buzz by me in a flurry, and I just could not keep up no matter how hard I tried.

People utterly baffled me. After several years, amazing mentorships, and loads of experience, I can say now that I am no longer that confused kid. Now a veteran seductionist, I am in the top percentile of social acuity. But it is not because I was born this way. It is because of the tricks and interactions I have accumulated in my five plus years picking up women.

With this learned knowledge and skill, I can cold read someone with 85-90 percent accuracy using what I am about to teach you.

You and Your Game Attract a Certain Kind of Girl

Chase Amante's picture

attract a type of girl
You attract the women you’ve tailored yourself to attract. But that’s not all: the women you do well with tailor you further still.

I’ve talked about this over the years in various articles. However, it’s worth giving its own proper treatment, if only to make sure everyone who reads here gets this message.

There are some girls who are going to like you more. Some girls who will like you a lot more. And there are some girls who are going to be less excited by you.

Who these girls are is determined by two (2) things:

  1. You (and your fundamentals), and
  2. Your game

If you’re great with athletic girls who love the outdoors, for instance, you’ll tend to struggle a lot more with bookworm girls who are well-read and love to bury their noses in tomes. If you do awesome with alternative-scene girls from electronic dance clubs, you’ll usually struggle more with flashy, aloof girls at high-end nightclubs.

The better you are with one demographic of girls (i.e., the more you specialize), the worse you will tend to do with other, dissimilar demographics to her. Great fundamentals and game will take the edge off specialization (so the penalties for specializing are not as severe), but it never goes away completely.

Why should this be so?

I’m going to take you through the ‘why’s. Then, I’m going to help you decide what to specialize in... and whether to resist too much specialization and be a generalist instead.

5 Things Every Guy Should Do Before Inviting a Girl Over to His Place

Guest Contributor's picture

inviting a girl over
It’s the end of the date and she’s come back to yours. How do you up the odds she ends up in bed, and not leaving early?

It’s the end of the date, and things seem to be going well.

You made all the right moves, she laughed at all your jokes, the night is winding down, and she hasn’t checked her phone once (OK, maybe once when you went to the bathroom).

You knew this moment was coming… and now is the time.

“Hey... you said you like white wine, right? I have a bottle back at my place. Want to come over for a glass or two?”

You hold your breath… and she says yes. “Score!!!” you think, giving yourself a pat on the back.

Walking up to your door, she’s giving you all the right signs. Her eyes are lit up and she can’t stop smiling at you.

But when you walk inside and sit down on the couch… things seem to cool off a bit. She’s a little icier – somehow more distant.

After about 20 minutes of small talk (and half a glass of white wine), out of nowhere she looks at her phone and says, “Oh crap, I forgot I have to wake up REALLY early tomorrow... maybe we can do this another time?”

Has this ever happened to you? Well, you’re not the only one.

So, why do women do this? If the date is going so well, why would she get so icy when things are supposed to be heating up? Even if there’s plenty of attraction, emotional connection, and things have escalated physically, a dwelling in disarray can really throw a woman off kilter!

Today, I’m going to show you why what you have in your home can help you avoid hearing the words “I forgot I have to wake up early” ever again.

Book Review: The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi

Varoon Rajah's picture

the rational male
A review of The Rational Male, a book focused at upending fem-centric thinking in men and teaching them to think like men again.

Rollo Tomassi’s book, The Rational Male, is an amalgamation of essays from content on his own website, The Rational Male, and other dating advice forums where he frequently contributes. I came across this book by chance on Amazon and found the content interesting enough to warrant a look.

This series of writings tunes men in to the dynamics of the human sexual marketplace through an exploration of human behavioral and evolutionary psychology, and demonstrates how such concepts show up culturally and politically. Tomassi’s intent is to educate the average man about his sexual potential, options, leverage, and strategies in his general relationship with women while exploring women’s sexual strategies, relationship strategies, and social conventions that we see commonplace today. Rollo summarizes this himself near the end of his book:

My intent with all this is to illustrate how the reality in which we find things ‘normal’ is rendered by fem-centric influence. Across ethnicities, and encompassing all manner of social diversity, this influence is so insaturated into our culture, laws, media, entertainment, from our collective social consciousness to our individual psyches that we simply take it for granted as the operative framework in which we live. I realize this is a tough pill to swallow, because male imperative does in fact intersect with female imperative depending on mutual goals. However, the point is that of operative framework, the reality we function in, is primarily defined by the feminine.

– p. 266

The now well-known men’s self improvement community, which includes the “manosphere,” consists of many trains of thought and communities devoted to understanding the masculine-feminine dynamic. Rollo’s background consists of what he terms a “rock-star” 20s that led to pursuing a university degree in behaviorism psychology at age 32. This, coupled with his intense life experience and his near decade use of forums as a testing ground for ideas on sexual dynamics and attracting women, led him to be a critical author in the manosphere and men’s rights community.

This book is based on many psychological concepts, and also ventures deep into the darker elements of the masculine-feminine dynamic and human sexuality. I caution readers toward its content and suggest reading with a curious mind. I consider Rollo’s book more appropriate for intermediates looking to advance their skill set to the next level in their relationship with women, as it is critical to develop healthy mindsets about women and sexuality in order to use that power responsibility.

Power is power, and we have a responsibility as men to use it ethically – as seen in the core philosophies of Girls Chase, we always practice from a mindset of love and adventure, never from one of hate, revenge, or negativity. However, for many men who find this community on their own, they see a world that bitterly challenges deeply rooted beliefs. From the book:

Game was a wondrous tool set of skills, but without the insight or foresight to deal with what these tools could build, it was potentially like giving children dynamite.

– p. 113

With that in mind, let’s explore.

Calibrating Touch to the Girl You're With

Alek Rolstad's picture

calibrate touch
It’s crucial to your courtships you use properly calibrated touch. What’s that mean? That the touch you use matches the girl, the mood, and the circumstance.

Greetings, and welcome back to my series on non-verbal seduction. We have many other cool posts in this series that you might want to check out if non-verbal seduction is something that interests you. You may find them here:

  1. 3 Body Position Phases When You Talk to New Girls

  2. Eye Contact Seduction: Basics and Advanced

  3. Why Touch is Vital to Girls and Dating

In our third post in the series, on why touch is vital, we discussed the theoretical aspect of physical escalation – why it is important, and its numerous benefits. Today we will focus only on the practical aspects (i.e., the tips and tricks to make your escalation go more smoothly).

So let us get right into it, shall we?

How to be a Hard Target, Pt. III: Social Vultures

Chase Amante's picture

hard target
Women aren’t the only ones who will take you for a ride. Men do it too. Find out how to not get suckered by conniving crooks.

Welcome the third installment in the ‘hard target’ series.

In the first installment, I covered how to be a hard targeting dater, and not get taken for a ride by girls who only want to use you as a friend, meal ticket, network connection, or source of validation.

In Part II, I detailed how to be a hard target in your relationships, and avoid girls who will use you just to rebound, gold-dig, leapfrog over you socially and romantically, or suck the life out of you while they pretend to be in-need.

In this article, we leave dating aside and look at two-timers in general. Not just dates and girlfriends, but anyone you’ll meet in any context. Friends, business contacts, extended family members. How do you make yourself someone who’s hard to take advantage of?

As with the other installments, we’ll look at who the people who seek to take advantage of you are. And I’ll give you a few ways to firm up your sides and be unassailable to these types of folks.

How Important Is It to Sleep with Her on the First Date?

Hector Castillo's picture

important first date
Do you need to sleep with every girl on the first date? The answer: no, but it helps. Sometimes a lot.

Often enough we’ll get someone on the Girls Chase forums who, after following the GC model of “move faster,” will begin to question the validity of said model.

Usually it’s because he finds the majority of chicks he meets up with won’t sleep with him on the first date... or, when he does go for the first-date lay, he crashes, burns, and never hears from her again, no matter how much he persists. Usually his inquiries are focused on women of higher quality (more beautiful or popular) and he suspects they aren’t prone to sleeping with men quickly.

Well, that’s actually true – beautiful girls with high self-esteem are much less likely to sleep around, as they’ve learned from a young age just how in-demand they are and how easily they can rope men in to relationships without having to give up sex.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that these women will have sex with you on a first date/meeting. Not only is it possible, it’s better, because the quicker you sleep with her, the more likely she is to date you, and not those other dudes. We will answer why in this article.

Now, this is important: to most naturals (like myself), it isn’t really about strategy – it’s about desire. When you ask us why it’s important to sleep with a girl on the first date, the answer is “because I want to sleep with her.” To understand this mindset, divorce yourself from strategic, categorical thinking for a moment.

You see a girl with a nice ass, busty tits, or a beautiful face – you want to have sex with her, without a doubt. Why would you NOT want to have sex with her as quickly as possible? This thought is in fact a much higher order of frame and masculine thinking than the “how do I keep her or seem most dominant?” mindset, even if it seems simpler or more primal. It’s rooted firmly in the man’s desire (i.e., your frame).

On a slightly more academic level, I addressed this question of lay speed in my article on moving fast without rushing. My thesis was simple – because time is irrelevant to women, why not move fast?

If a woman feels sexually or emotionally connected (or both), she will have sex with you quickly.

Thirty minutes after meeting you, an hour into the first date, or without even a first date and straight to your house, etc. (also, for clarification, a first date can also include the first time you meet her out. Basically, the first time you have any significant chance of sleeping with her, be it at a bar, coffee shop, or a predetermined meeting)

The only higher-tier counterargument to this mindset that I can surmise, and one I’ve seen a few times, is if it takes you longer to sleep with a girl, that ensures her chances of cheating are lessened, because if it was hard for YOU to get her, then imagine how hard it will be for those OTHER guys. Well, we’ll cover that one, too.

However, many guys still wonder why it’s important that you sleep with her on the first date or meeting.

But first we need to address the primary question.

Tactics Tuesdays: Tell Her the Deal, with an Asterisk

Chase Amante's picture

tell her the deal
When guys hit a wall, they try to out-game girls, confess their feelings, or walk away. None of those options work all that perfect, though.

Ever been in a situation with a girl where you know she likes you, but she’s cagey. And you’re pulling your hair out trying to get her to do something... anything with you. But you’re on the verge of giving up? And you think maybe she’s on the verge of auto-rejection?

Most guys respond to this one of three (3) ways:

  1. They try to out-game her (“Maybe if I do X, I’ll get her”)
  2. They drop their feelings and hope (“I’ll just confess my emotions”)
  3. They give up and walk away (“Screw it, this isn’t going anywhere”)

If you’ve read my article on giving girls parting shots, this one’s going to be similar to that. The exception is that you won’t be doing this as you part with her. Instead, this is how you get her to cut the games. To do it, you’re going to tell her what the deal is... with an asterisk.

How Women’s Behavior Will Change with the 2010s-2020s Culture Shift

Chase Amante's picture

women behavior shift
The women of the 1910s and 1920s had a lot more in common with the women of the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s than you might suspect.

I’m usually anathema to making predictions, since these so often turn out wrong. However, the pendulum seems to be swinging in earnest, so at this point I think I am more pointing out a shift that’s already started and probably isn’t able to be derailed. So let’s get to it.

From 2015 into 2016, we in the West experienced what a lot of writers on the Internet have dubbed ‘peak SJW’. Victim mentality hit its shrillest levels, the concept of certain groups as ‘privileged’ and thus ‘the enemy’ reached boiling point, and efforts to censor, outlaw, or subjugate target groups hit their apogee.

This phenomenon, of ‘peak SJW’ (Social Justice Warrior), followed the trend all movements follow in the ‘boiling point’ period. That is, they rise to a fevered pitch, then one of two things happen:

  1. They use this momentum to topple over and completely crush their enemies, or

  2. They spin themselves out against an indomitable foe, run out of gas, and enter decline

Movements work the same as tests or challenges in this regard. So long as the movement is able to gain concessions from its adversaries, it becomes more and more powerful. But as the movement begins to run into walls, or see its efforts backfire, it begins to lose steam. It loses, and the negative momentum of being on the losing side piles up. A reverse winner effect takes hold within the movement.

Why the Social Justice movement was ultimately unsuccessful in crushing its opponents in the West is beyond the scope of this article. However, I will note that successful Social Justice movements at other points in history that eventually achieved more or less full suppression of their enemies have been more careful to incorporate majority groups in their ranks, rather than target said majority groups as the object of their offense.

That aside, the point of this article is to give you a few predictions about how to expect women’s behavior to shift over the next couple of years.