This is Part 3 of my series on why relationships fall
apart. Part 1
was on game-personality disconnect,
when the approach you use for getting her clashes unfavorably with the
version of ‘you’ she gets to know while actually dating you. Part 2 was
on the problem of your long-term value to her being unclear,
when she doesn’t see the value there from you she wants or expects in a
long-term mate.
Our topic for today is stability issues; basically, when she feels insecure in the relationship.
If you’re a veteran of long-term relationships (or even had your fair share of short-term ones with as-yet hopeful girls), you’ve no doubt heard the following common refrains:
“What are we?”
“Where is this going?”
“I need to know this is headed somewhere.”
“I just need to know I’m not wasting my time.”
What a woman’s telling you when she utters one of these phrases is that the stability of the relationship is lacking, and she needs you to calm the rocky seas.
These are just the surface of the ocean, however. There’s a whole body of seawater and a thousand leagues beneath it you must grasp if you’re to prevent stability issues capsizing your relationship.