Women can tell you what things they want in a man… if you listen to their choice of insults. Things they might never admit consciously come spilling out.
Well, there you are online, minding your own business commenting on something, when what appears but a wild Angry Female Commentator!
And boy is she miffed!
She pulls out a few select stingers from her bag of Mean Things To Say, and ouch, they hurt!
You retreat to lick your wounds, smarting from a quick blast of pointed verbal abuse from some woman you don't know, who disagreed with what you had to say.
It's a not-uncommon scenario guys run into on the Internet. Sometimes in real life, too.
Even if you're more 'lurker' than 'participant', you've no doubt seen scads of men shredded by Angry Female Commentators in various comment sections of various websites... or at various parties or other social events.
'Small penis', 'lives at home', 'just a misogynist', and various other slanderous/libelous statements are such aggravated women's stock-in-trade.
However, if you look behind the words, there's an interesting psychological curiosity people communicate when they launch their insults.
That is this: we only insult people on measures we personally care about.
Put another way, by looking at women's insults, we can get a view to what things women want in a man... and also what they don't.