How much should you care what others think? Everyone cares at
least a little. The key is that the reactions of others can tell you
what to modify in yourself.
I’ve always seen the opinions of others as a paradox.
We’ve all heard people say they don’t care what anyone thinks of
Well, that’s sort of impossible. If you didn’t care what people
thought of you, you would never take time to cater your reputation or
really even talk to people in general, since their opinion of you is a
Obviously the spirit of this mantra of “no fucks given” is meant to
combat the neuroticism that leads to the criticism or hate of others
keeping you from pursuing what you want to pursue, but there is
something to be said about learning from criticism.
Criticism, and even hate, can
highlight possible areas of
improvement, especially in regards to how you communicate your
and ideas, either verbally or non-verbally.
In other words, if someone dislikes what you say or do, many times
it’s how you come off doing it, not necessarily what you
actually did.
And if we completely ignore the criticisms of others, we
are missing out on possible improvements, no?
For instance, the advice of a mentor or teacher is criticism, but it
comes from a place of compassion. He wants you to see how he sees your
flaws, because he wants you to fix them, since it’s your desire to
become better.