Men Style | Page 6 | Girls Chase

Men Style

men's style

5 Ways to Be a Smooth Dude

Hector Castillo's picture

be smooth
If you want to be smooth with women and life, you won’t get there with snappy one-liners or good looks. True smoothness requires a much finer grit.

A while back, I wrote about how to be smooth with conversation. With this article, I want to expand the dialogue on smoothness and get your interactions slathering with smoothness on all sides.

Let's make your entire demeanor smooth.

It’s the way you talk (your voice tonality, rhythm, etc.), the way you gesture with your hands, the way you move your eyes and face when you speak (and when you listen), the way you walk, the way you shake hands, the way you touch a woman who is sitting with you at a bar.

That’s what we want to make smooth. And how do we make this smooth?

Well, smoothness in a sexy man can be expressed in many ways.

Smoothness is one facet of sexiness, and there are many levels to sexy. I always tell my students they need to find a way of expression that fits them.

Once you find your style, you must do three things:

  1. Master the fundamentals of your style; become the best version of your ideal man

  2. Master the conversation of your style; become the best conversationalist you can be

  3. Master your mind; see and know that you think like this man

The technicalities of smoothness are:

  • Fundamentals
  • Conversation
  • Mind (inner game)

In my experience, these are not enough to make a man truly smooth. The final two recommendations of mine are to:

  • Spend time with women you love
  • Have a mission

We will focus on these final two later. First, let’s look at the most crucial areas, the technicalities.

Does Having Money Really Help You Get Laid?

Alek Rolstad's picture

does money get you laid
Women are attracted to money. Duh. But how does wealth impact your ability to get laid? In some ways, it helps, but it also comes with considerable drawbacks.

Hey, guys. Today I’ll share my experiences on a very opinionated topic: how money and wealth play into the mating game. Specifically, I’d like to discuss whether wealth plays a role in hooking up with women, or if it works against you.

I derive many details from my personal experiences and observations.

In the end, I’ll make a normative moral statement, just an opinion that you are welcome to disagree with.

Before I begin, I must mention that wealth holds different values in different countries. It depends where you live, and can matter more in other areas. For example, in developing countries, wealth equals strength, which is attractive. In Scandinavian countries, wealth matters very little.

It is for these reasons that I have held back from writing such a post in the past. I was living in Scandinavia, and I had traveled a lot but not enough to make general, in-depth sociological observations.

I now live in Central Europe, more precisely, in Paris. Wealth matters much more here. Clubs are flashy, and Paris is known for its bourgeoisie. The high-end clubs here are truly HIGH END.

But does money matter? Yes, but when does it truly matter? And when does it work against you?

Let’s discuss this here.

And just FYI, I am not rich.

6 Key Areas to Improve Your Success with Women

Tony Depp's picture

improve with women
Lots of factors can thwart your chances with women. These particular ones have a way of infecting you with long-term dry dick syndrome. And they’re not hard to fix.

Like a pebble that causes an avalanche, the tiniest change in mindset or strategy can create such profoundly powerful results.

You may be struggling with your game, getting stuck in stage-two seduction, or just wondering why things aren’t clicking. Over my years of teaching, I’ve noticed that men have common, universal sticking points, or blind spots, that once isolated, can drastically improve success with women.

In today’s article, I’m going to share six areas where you can improve today.

Attractive Traits Are Useless If They're Not Perceived

Alek Rolstad's picture

convey attractive traits
You can be the coolest guy in the room, but no one will care unless you’re perceived as such. How do you convey attractive traits, and which traits should you focus on?

Today’s post is one that I have wanted to write about for a long time, not because I find it ground-breaking, but because it covers crucial elements of understanding pickup and seduction.

Many of you have already figured out the concepts I’ll mention. That’s cool. It’s always good to get confirmation from someone else.

Others will find the points I make intuitive, and that’s cool, too, because my post may help you put into words (or perhaps “new words” or “different words”) something you have already thought about.

And some will read this without having any past ideas or opinions on the matter. If that’s you, great! You will learn something new.

This post is a key pillar to help you understand the big picture of how pickup and seduction works. Ideally, this post will help you tie some things together to give you a better understanding.

I believe this post is suited for everyone, beginners and pros alike. No matter your style, or whether you like to meet girls online, in clubs, or on the street, this one is for you.

Let’s get on with it.

How to Attract Women (the Same Way Women Attract Men)

Chase Amante's picture
how to attract women

A few hours ago as I walked down a city street, a woman stepped out in front of me.

Her face and body were ordinary. But she triggered an involuntary response in me. My heart rate quickened. I felt excitement. I wanted to talk to this girl, and meet her.

I didn't talk to her. She finished crossing the sidewalk and entered the car waiting for her, with someone I guessed was a boyfriend.

And, truth be told, she wasn't really my type. Like I said, pretty average face and body.

Had I met her somewhere else though, I'd have likely talked to her and, if she bit, pursued her. Her walk was quick, confident, sexy. Her hair was a clear bottle blonde, and she'd clearly used a curler to add some wave. Her nose was too big, but her eyelashes were long and luxurious, and her lips were bright red, so I didn't stay focused on her nose long.

Her breasts were pert; though I've been with girls with breasts like hers where you take the girl's clothes off and discover those breasts are 90% bra. Her stomach was flat and her legs looked strong, so that was real, though there wasn't much to her butt. Even still, in her form-fitting yoga clothes, she looked good.

I passed through the perfume wake she trailed behind her as I continued my way down the street, and when I inhaled her sent my pulse quickened a second time.

And I thought to myself "That girl is far more ordinary, in her face and body, than plenty of more beautiful women I've seen already today. Yet, she excited me in a way none of those girls did."

What worked for her will work for you as well.

Because the secret of how to attract women is the same for men as what women use to have that effect on men.

And just like women like that can attract you and me with certain irresistible attraction signals (even if we know how they're doing it), you and I can do the same to women, too.

To Attract Women, Acting like an Older Man Can Only Help You

Varoon Rajah's picture

act older and attract women
Women want men, not boys. Does that mean a young guy should adopt the styles and traits of older men in order to attract girls his own age?

I’ve been discussing pickup and outings with some younger friends and clients as a 30-something talking to guys in their early 20s or just out of college. One comment that always stands out is, “Are you sure that your older-man style is going to work for me getting younger girls?”

When guys are young (early 20s or younger) and just getting into game, it can be tough finding themselves in cities or environments where the population is predominantly older, or extremely variable. For day game cold approach in New York City, you’re just as likely to meet a 28-year-old as a 22-year-old unless you calibrate your venues and approach areas.

So, to quickly address the issue of actually meeting younger women, you can, for example, stick to areas near a college.

But more to the point of this article, virtually all men want women who are either younger or roughly the same age as they are. I meet very few young men who want to give it a shot with an older woman. With girls, however, it’s not really a question of age preference. It's more a question of what she considers "manly."

But many young guys aren’t sure if adopting the behaviors or styles of older men will help them. Hence the question: will this also work for the kinds of girls I want?

The answer is a firm “yes.” Here's why that is, and what you can do.

How to Eat Pussy like a Pro (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Cunnilingus, gentlemen. Eating pussy. It's a beautiful skill indeed.

And a beautiful dish it is.

But can you eat that cat the way it was meant to be eaten?

This is the answer. This is the way.


What Traits Do the Best Pickup Artists Have in Common?

Tony Depp's picture

best pickup artists traits
Want to get good with women but think you’re not the right ‘type’ for it? Here are the most common traits I see in the best pickup artists I know. This may surprise you.

I want to clear up some misconceptions about learning game — primarily what sorts of guys succeed with pickup versus those who don’t.

In my humble opinion, a master at pickup is simply someone willing to face rejection more than the average man. He can approach more women in a week than most do in a year.

My opinion may not represent the rest of Girls Chase, as some of the guys may have different viewpoints. And if there are differences of opinion, I think they may stem from the fact that we all have different styles, which have been developed based on our strengths.

Not every pickup artist has the same strengths; therefore, we all have different styles that suit us best.

So of course there are exceptions, because there are many nuanced factors involved in learning game, and the path isn’t the same (nor can it be) for every guy.

Also, you don't have to have these traits to do 'well' with pickup, nor must you go through what I did to do 'well' with pickup. But guys who tend to do REALLY, REALLY well — as in coach level good — usually have a few common traits. I'll list them below, and if you don't have these traits but want to acquire or develop them as motivation, or if you'd like to gain the benefits they provide, I'll provide solutions to help you out.

The ONE THING That Drives Women Crazy Above All Else (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

What is the single most attractive quality that women see in a man?

You probably won’t guess it.

It’s not money. It’s not looks. It’s not height. It’s not a big dick. It’s not charm. It’s not intelligence.

Confused yet?

You’ll see, and I’ll explain.