The Rise of Blue Pill 2.0: Money, Muscles, & Rizz | Girls Chase

The Rise of Blue Pill 2.0: Money, Muscles, & Rizz

Chase Amante

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the blue pill 2.0The male space today tells men to build muscle, stack money, & deprioritize women, or rely on ‘rizz’, while PROMISING women as the eventual reward. This is BLUE PILL.

“You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo.”

“It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth: that you are a slave, Neo.”

A few decades ago, men started waking up from the Matrix that was the nice guy friend zone. They rejected the blue pill that would’ve kept them in platonic orbiter land, and took the red pill to start becoming ALPHA MALES.

But what if I told you the red pill most of them thought they were taking was really just another blue pill – one that simply moved them from one enslaving Matrix over into another?

Don’t worry. This article is not one claiming men should not be dominant men (they should) or that being a nice guy or hanging around in the friend zone are good things (they aren’t).

Instead, in it, I’m going to show you how along the way to enlightenment men en masse got Shanghaied, hoodwinked, and bamboozled right from one blue pill ideology straight into another – albeit one that dressed itself up all the while as ‘red pill’.


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