Karea's Guide to Harem Management | Girls Chase

Karea's Guide to Harem Management

Chase Amante

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Skilled Seducer's picture
Karea's guide to harem managementRicardus Karea talks how to manage a harem of female lovers. How often should you see them? How many can you truly juggle? It’s all in this great guide.

This post, by erstwhile Girls Chase contributor Ricardus aka Karea, first appeared on the forum here.

I'm going to share one of my posts from back in the day that seemed to really help a lot of guys out. It's a little advanced but will be very helpful once you start juggling more than 2 or 3 girls.

At some point I was juggling between 10 and 20 girls... that sounds impossible because there's only 7 days in a week, but that's actually the whole point... when you have that many fuck-buddies in your phone, you don't meet them that often and you do NOT schedule anything. More on this below.

This is a compilations of posts I wrote between 2009 and 2011.


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