A year ago, a member of our forum shared a particularly tough case about a girl he wanted a more serious relationship with. This gal was a wild mare – sexy, exciting, full of life, and wanted her freedom more than anything in the world.
1. What Makes Girls Want Serious?
Our forum member wanted to make this woman want a serious relationship with him. Yet everything he did to try and rope her in merely pushed her further away. She reacted the exact opposite way he hoped – when he’d move closer, she’d pull back; when he’d talk about the future, she’d shut that down.
I have made something of a specialty of seducing vivacious women other men struggle to tame. The girls I date seriously all have spurned marriage proposals from in-love beaus in their pasts. Some of the girlfriends I’ve had weren’t sure (at least before they met me) that they ever wanted marriage. They all end up doing their best to finagle me into long-term commitment, and they all ended up angling for a wedding, a house, and a family, too.
Obviously, if all you want is casual relationships, no-strings sex, and FWBs, this guide holds no relevance to you. You can safely skip this and move onto other pieces. We have plenty more guides on the site on those other topics (here’s my guide to one-night stands. And my two-parter on FWBs: the 4 phases of FWB and the 8 FWB rules).
However, if you want to know how to make a girl want a serious relationship with you, read on, and allow me open up my box of seducer’s tricks.