Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Another Bad Night? Don’t Get Washed Out – Change It

Cody Lyans's picture

Have you ever just had a bad night?

One of those nights where everything you want to happen just doesn’t materialize, and as a result you get pulled into this space where everything you do is some how miscalculated and wrong?

One of those nights where afterwards you shake your head and feel like “What the hell was that!?”

bad night

Well, I have good news: it gets better, and the better you get the more you avoid these nights.

There are things you pick up along your journey that help you avoid getting washed out like this, and I thought I’d share some things I’ve noticed to help you avoid some of the discomfort when things aren’t going all that well.

Dealing with People Who Want You to “Prove Yourself”

Chase Amante's picture

prove yourselfThere’s little more frustrating than that guy demanding you prove yourself to him, or that girl challenging you to show her how badass you are.

It always feels uncomfortable and icky when people do this to you, but you may feel pressured to respond... or not feel like there are really any valid other options to do BUT prove yourself or look “disproved.”

And then, when you prove yourself? Either the other person dismisses your proof and tells you “Not good enough”, or you get the slow clap “I’m impressed” response that drives you nuts – either way this other person asserts his superiority.

For all you care, he could have commanded you to be a good monkey and dance, and you (unhappily) obliged.

Obviously, tap dancing on command isn’t the way to handle this one.

Instead, you must understand how to deal with it when it arises, and you must understand what prompts it in the first place.

The “Sigma Male”: An Alternative to Being the “Alpha Male”

Halvor Jannike's picture

sigma maleFew concepts are more viral in contemporary culture than the notion of the “alpha male”.

Many men want to become “alpha males”, but there is surprisingly little agreement on what characterizes this social role.

Even more, it can actually be argued that many guys should NOT try to be alpha males in the biological sense if their goal is to be a man who attracts women.

Does that mean that you should be a weak, submissive man?

Not at all.

There is a kind of strong man who is not the alpha male in its original sense but who may actually be a better archetype for many students of seduction.

Next Level Seduction Pt. 2: Long Game

Colt Williams's picture

long gameThis post is Part 2 in my Next Level Seduction series, a series dedicated to illuminating and breaking down the most advanced concepts, processes, and subtleties involved at the highest level of seduction. It’s about discussing ideas that most men may not even think about and identifying the nuances of living your life as a highly sexual and desirable man. You can read Part 1 here.

This is Part 2 of Next Level Seduction, and, as promised in Part 1, this one’s dedicated to long game. Long game is something that I’ve been employing with girls since long before I ever knew what the game community actually was. I think some where along the line I intuitively realized that it allows you to hook up with a lot more women than you otherwise would.

Long game allows you to have sex with girls you haven’t seen in months – sometimes even years. It allows you to be an international player with a network of girls ready to sleep with you at a moment’s notice (ask Chase – he’s been a master of this for years). And finally, it allows you to develop a deeper and longer time scale in terms of how you think about the girls in your life and gives you more opportunities to have sex with them.

So what in the world is long game? I’m really excited to tell you.

She May be a Bitch to You… But She’s a Pussycat for Me

Chase Amante's picture

cool bitchIt’s forever been the mark of the man who’s reached the highest pinnacle of skill with women: a comfort, ease, and naturalness with them that few other men possess.

This comfort, ease, and naturalness extends to all sorts of women, too: quiet and inexperienced women, vivacious and dynamic women, temptresses and seductresses and nerdy schoolgirls alike.

And it even extends to bitches.

You know, those women whom most men chase after only until they catch them nose turning up toward their advances, then turn away in disgust and say, “I don’t like girls like her anyway.”

The beautiful ones, or even the not-so-beautiful ones, who nevertheless know how to make themselves seem to rank among the elite.

And what’s more... what’s truly inspiring or consternating to the ordinary man looking on (depending on whether he roots for his fellow man or wishes only to vanquish him)... is that, quite often, even the “bitches” love the lover of women right back.

Why is this so? What is it about this man that turns the women inaccessible to most men into playful, purring kittens?

And is this pinnacle one attainable by those more ordinary men who wish to summit it?

Why Do Girls Act Bitchy When You Walk Up? Approach Walls

Alek Rolstad's picture

bitchy girlsWhen approaching women, sometimes you will encounter a bratty attitude, where girls act like they don’t want to be approached even if they actually do.

Throughout this article, I will be referring to these “bitchy girls” as having “approach walls” (also called “bitch shields” in the pickup community, but let’s use a nicer sounding term!).

Today we will look at why women sometimes become this way when we approach them, and then we’ll talk about how to handle that behavior. After reading this post, you will never again have to wonder why women are being bitchy to you when you approach them. And, believe it or not, rarely is it about them not being attracted to you…

Be Intriguing. Be Memorable.

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

What should your first impression be like in order to get a girl to be excited enough to text you back?

We tend to think we need to be the most attractive guy to a girl the first time we meet and create an undeniable connection in order to get her to be excited enough to respond back, but in reality, these things can actually scare girls off and rarely cause things to pan out like you would expect them to.

Over the years I’ve come to learn that you shouldn’t focus too much on first impressions or try to achieve too much too early, because it isn’t the most powerful way to stand out.

At the end of the day, women are over saturated with different messages from different guys, and all of their feelings of attraction tend to blur together into one big conglomeration, until they can no longer tell you apart from that other guys. Girls just have way too many options, and your being attractive almost always gets lost amidst all of that.

intriguing and memorable

So if you want to stand out, don’t try to be the most attractive guy of the bunch; just find a way to intrigue her and be memorable.

If you can do those two things well, you can then focus on what you will do the next time you see her rather than stress out about being Superman. This is how you best handle a first impression: by not overdoing it!

Let’s face it: girls have major ADD when it comes to stimulating interactions with guys, and while this seems at first to work against our interests, you’ll find that the best path forwards is acceptance and then to politely sidestep the mosh-pit and set up your interactions so they are as crisp as they can get. Play along with this aspect of their psyche and try not to get too upset by it, just play along for now, and work to develop a simple strategy.

She’s Not So Socially Savvy – You Must Be It for Her

Chase Amante's picture

socially savvyThis one is not so much for beginners as it is for guys who are intermediate+. If you score “Journeyman” or higher on the diagnostic quiz, read on – otherwise, you can still read this one if you like to get a taste of what lies ahead, but after that you’ll probably want to file it away for later... it won’t apply to you just yet (but will a little later on).

No doubt you remember when you first started out with girls... it seemed like everyone around you was light years beyond you social calibration-wise.

And that was especially true of women.

At all times, they were 3 or 4 chess moves ahead: thinking ahead, planning ahead, and half the time you’d fall into weird social situations of others’ design that took you places you never intended or wanted to go. Ugh... irksome, bothersome, and really just kind of annoying.

When’s the last time that’s happened to you recently, though? If your answer – despite plenty of active socializing – is “it’s been a while”, you may have started realizing something else – that no longer are you playing social skills catch-up with the rest of the world, but they are playing it with you.

You’re a major league player to their little leagues by comparison.

What’s more, you’re beginning to realize that a lot of what you used to write off as “rudeness” and “aloofness” and girls “being bitchy” or “giving you the cold shoulder” in your earlier days were just plain old fashioned social awkwardness from women who didn’t know how to respond to you otherwise in a way that would both accomplish their objectives and not open them up to unnecessary social risk.

And if you really want to take your results and run with them, doing the same old stuff you did back when you were just starting out isn’t really going to fly anymore.

Sexy Girls: How to Get Them Into Bed

Colt Williams's picture

sexy girlsAh… sexy girls. There’s really nothing better in this world, is there?

It’s nice to see them in their pencil skirts, high heels, sun dresses, lululemons, or any other form of flattering attire that accentuates their wonderful curves.

It’s great to have them smile at you, and dance with you, and hug you.

It’s amazing to smell their aromatic perfumes and shampoos and admire their long, flowing, finely kempt hair.

But how do you get them to give you more than a kiss on the cheek? How do you get them to treat you like more than someone they find as “nice or adorable” or worse – “creepy”? How do you get them to reveal their bodies and willingly beg you to take them to your bed (or any other room/surface that you would like to have them on)?

That’s what today’s topic is on: how to successfully seduce sexy girls and put yourself in the position of actually sleeping with them.