Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Information Management for Smooth Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

information management in relationships
Expect women to remember everything you tell them. If they get conflicting information, it inevitably causes friction, so be mindful and congruent with what you share.

This is a little darker than most of my articles. My intent is to educate why it’s vital to control the information flow coming to and from women you're romantically involved with. Whether you’re new to getting girls, are experienced, want a monogamous long-term relationship, desire one-night stands, or prefer to date many women at once, it’s beneficial to manage the information that you share and convey.

Just to be clear, I am a HUGE fan of being open, honest, and upfront with women, and I do not condone lying. Our greatest mission as responsible men is to avoid hurting a girl, which can lead to many problems. Instead, our mission is to understand what we want with the opposite sex, and what women want from men, and to meet in the middle. We want to have fun together and experience a healthy relationship, doing our best to minimize emotional pain in the process.

However, women have superpowers when it comes to understanding men that many of us simply don’t have. They are masters at understanding social dynamics. Part of the reason all women are so good at this is that they’re masters at acquiring and processing different pieces of information very quickly.

So, as intelligent guys who are the leaders of women in the mating game, it’s our job to manage the flow of information to our women for their sanity as well as our own. Information control is related to frame control. What you tell and reveal to her influences the way she sees and values you, and how she executes her relationship with you.

The best information you can give her is inherently valuable to the type of man women are looking for: confident, dominant, attractive, sought after, healthy, masculine, passionate, among many other traits.

9 Ways to Make One Night Stand Sex Good

Tony Depp's picture

one night stand sex
One night stands happen either because that’s what you wanted or because the sex was awful. These tips eliminate the “bad sex” issues and make her want to see you again.

When women tell me about their sex lives, I repeatedly hear that one night stand sex usually sucks. Perhaps it’s rushed, sloppy, unimaginative, uncaring, or just not good for her. And that’s why it doesn't progress beyond a one night stand.

Who wants to have even more sex with someone you had a terrible experience with?

Personally, I don’t like one night stand sex. I want 10 or 50 one night stands. If I find this girl attractive, I want to call her up for a repeat performance any time I wish. The only time I want one night stand sex is if she’s annoying, not that attractive, or I’m passing through her city and have one night only.

The truth is, one night stands for men are hard to come by. That’s why there are books, YouTube channels, and entire digital courses dedicated to teaching men how to pull chicks. It’s never easy.

So on that note, let this be a guide on how to evolve your one night stands into a situation where you have the power of choice.

6 Things to Do with a Girl with a Bad Attitude

Hector Castillo's picture

bad attitude
When a girl has a bad attitude, does it mean she’s a bitch? Is she having a bad day? How do you deal with her and move forward, and how do you know when to walk away?

What do you do with a girl who has a bad attitude?

Usually, when you’re seducing a girl right, she'll be more like a teenager in love. Yeah, maybe she teases you a little and doesn’t have a problem putting her foot down if you cross a line, but she’s almost entirely under your spell. She’s smiling, eager, curious, and almost can’t control her giddiness when she’s around you.

But seductions are not always so perfect.

Sometimes an amazing romance can begin with some attitude. Maybe it’s you that caused her bad attitude or something else.

She’s upset about something. I mean, she is a woman.

In these cases, they’re usually irritated with something. It’s in their nature. But she’s also human, and people go through stuff. So a bad attitude doesn’t always mean she’s a bitch. She might be, but you don’t know until you have the experience to distinguish between a girl with attitude and a girl with a bad attitude.

As men, we lean toward calling her a “bitch.” It’s an instinctual disgust of women with too much attitude. We see them as unruly and unreasonable.

When a girl around me has a bad attitude, even if it’s not directed toward me, it irks me. And it should, to an extent.

You should also find it funny. I mean, what’s this girl’s ire to you? She’s just a girl.

But what if she’s your girl or you want her to be yours? Her crappy attitude can ruin the whole vibe. Unless, of course, you handle it right.

Let’s learn how to deal with a girl’s bad attitude, or when to know that it’s not worth the trouble.

Alek's Sexy Seducer Fashion Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

fashion guide
As seducers, we want to be noticed and make a great impression before we even talk to a girl. Good fashion accomplishes that, and here’s how I go about it.

Hey, guys. I hope you are doing great. Today I want to discuss style and grooming. Now, I am not hired as a writer here on Girls Chase to write about style, nor am I a professional fashion writer.

But for years, clothing has been a favorite hobby of mine. I've discovered that how you dress is important when meeting women, but it is not like women will love you for your clothes.

However, dressing badly can be a game killer.

See, a woman cares about how she is perceived, and if you don’t dress well, she will not feel comfortable being seen with you. This could potentially ruin your chances of getting the girl. You may have read my earlier articles on female state control (FSC). I wrote articles about social value and how a minimum threshold of social value is required to avoid women holding back and resisting. Dressing appropriately is clearly one of the key fundamentals for success with women. Your fashion must fit the function!

You may also become a bit like me, who happens to be deep into fashion. That’s cool. Dressing crazy good can even get women to approach you on the street. But that requires next-level fashion skills that take much time and effort to acquire. It must become a full-time hobby.

I participate in fashion competitions and have won one so far. These usually take place at fashion clubs in big cities in Europe.

In the community, I’ve been known to be one of the most flamboyantly dressed players. That said, I will refrain from turning into a fashion blogger, although I will share some overall guidelines.

The Dynamics of Meeting Women when It’s Not a Priority

Varoon Rajah's picture

women not a priority
When other things in life take priority over meeting women, it can hurt you, or help you. Which depends on the vibe you give out and your ability to pick up on signals.

Sometimes you’re just not in the mood to get with new girls. It happens to all of us. People have slumps when they’re not succeeding with women, or they’re simply too busy with day-to-day life. Heavy work, social commitments, school, tests, or even extensive work travel can deeply interfere with your dating goals.

I’ve faced this problem often as I am now self-employed. Work travel commitments call, and while it opens interesting opportunities with women in new places, I can also kiss my regular dating life goodbye.

Cold approach success, whether in day game or night game, requires some consistency. We can best describe momentum as the consistency of success. It’s like being hot-handed in basketball; in momentum, you’re in a mental zone conducive to a winning game. Whether you call it a vibe or a state of mind, your decision-making and efforts are in tune, and everything you do conveys the winner’s attitude that women find very attractive in men.

When you experience low momentum and low desire, the results are different. Socialization, especially with women, might feel tedious in such periods. Your vibe is just “off,” as are your results. The good news is that all issues with low momentum and desire are solvable, and quickly.

It’s easy to shift out of it if you know how!

How to Pick Up Women on the Street

Tony Depp's picture

street pickup
For efficient street pickup, it’s hard to beat areas near busy nightlife venues. While guys strike out inside, you’re snatching up girls as they stray from the herd.

Street pickup is one of the most useful skills a man can develop. Just imagine the glory when you hop on a plane, land in a foreign city, and within hours you’re sleeping with a new, attractive woman you met right off the street.

That’s the dream, anyway. The reality is that street pickup, like all game, relies on skill + action + luck. It’s rarely easy, but the reward is great.

Not all guys are free to roam malls doing day game. They may enjoy bars and clubs but not enough to spend all night in them. For these guys, I recommend street pickup.

When I say “street” pickup, I don’t mean day game but rather situations at night, where you can pick up women during bar or club hours, without spending too much time inside said venues.

No Tinder, no escorts, no massive bar tabs. Just a bit of focus, work ethic, and confidence. Combine those factors with good logistics (sufficient time and a place to bring the girl for sex), and you’re set up for street pickup.

It’s possible. I’ve done it many times. Here's how it's done.

Don't Listen to Those Who Say "No Sex on the First Date"

Hector Castillo's picture

first date sex
She’s not that kind of girl? Well, here’s a pro tip: all girls are that kind of girl. Those who say first date sex shouldn’t happen usually have ulterior motives.

I’m always surprised when men believe sex on the first date is unlikely, unnecessary, impossible, or even wrong.

I’m never surprised when women have this belief.

You see, when you spend many years with an enlightened view of women (like I and the contributors on Girls Chase have), it becomes your norm. Old and misguided beliefs you lost years ago or never had seem strange and foreign.

Sometimes men say they “want to take it slow” with a girl because they want something serious, or they might mention that she’s being a slut because she has sex on the first date. They might even say she’s a whore despite not sleeping with him on the first date. When I see this, I know that they are entangled in the Madonna-Whore complex, which is where this false belief originates. It’s the root of wrong views about quick sex.

Men lose so much from this ignorance.

However, when a woman says it, she has everything to gain and little to lose.

To understand why women pretend to believe that “sex can’t happen on the first date” and why men fall for the lie, we will go through what motivations a man or woman might have for holding this wrong view.

In the sense of good and bad, it has very little to do with morality and instead is about the morality of status-gaining and control, and mate-screening.

Women rightly want what is best for them. They want the best man they can get. If we start with this simple premise, everything about the idea of “not having sex on the first date” becomes translucent. We see an innocent idea as something much more.

When you see this idea for what it is, you will wake up to a new view of women.

It is a liberating view.

You will walk around the world as a hunter, knowing that you can screw any girl, and I mean any girl on the first date.

I don’t care if she’s a Queen or just thinks she is one on Instagram, you can slay her on the first date.

Now, why might a man believe this romantically pernicious idea?

How to Control Your Girlfriend or Wife (in a Society that Frowns Upon That)

Chase Amante's picture

control girlfriend or wifeThis Yuletide season, at a time of family, let's talk about maintaining a firm, guiding hand on your own relationships, so they do not slip away from you.

Because that is more difficult to do in our day than it has been at many points in history.

First off, let's address this: being 'controlling' in any sort of direct, overt way is completely forbidden in the modern West.

You aren't allowed to be controlling with friends. You aren't allowed to be controlling with employees. You aren't allowed to be controlling with children. And you especially are not allowed to be controlling with women.

Controlling women in any way is viewed at a societal level as the turf of weak, jealous, insecure men, who are unable to inspire devotion, and instead must use coercion.

Being 'controlling' is the domain of uneducated roughnecks, red necks, and ghetto hoods who lack the ability to communicate or empathize, who don't respect women, and who are, or inevitably will be, 'abusers'.

This article is not really about that kind of jealous, insecure attempt to control. Instead, it is about how to manage your girlfriend or wife in a way she benefits from and responds to, that makes your relationship healthier, and that meanwhile attracts as little social opprobrium as possible.