The fear of approaching women is a major hurdle for a lot of guys. By adopting these key mindsets, you’ll realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Hey guys, welcome back. Last week, we discussed some tips and tricks for dealing with the fear of rejection – i.e., managing the anxiety that keeps you from approaching women.
Here’s what was discussed:
It’s totally normal to experience approach anxiety
Most guys feel anxious about approaching women
Those who don’t feel any anxiety tend to be uncalibrated
Even experienced players face lower-level anxiety at times
It is hard – if not impossible – to completely get rid of approach anxiety
You can do things to effectively manage it
We discussed strategies that, if implemented, should make approaching easier for you. Today, we will go deeper and add some simple-yet-powerful mindsets you can – and should – apply that will make the whole process even simpler.
These are mindsets that I have used in the past with great success. I have also shared them with friends, co-seducers, and newbies. This post is suited for everyone still struggling with approaching women. These mindsets can be used for both day game and night game.