Facial Hair and Badassedness | Girls Chase

Facial Hair and Badassedness

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

facial hairAfter a long break from facial hair, I decided last fall to begin sporting some again. I hadn’t had any since I’d shaved off my moustache and goatee back in 2004. This time though, at the end of 2009, I grew a chinstrap and a soul patch. And I noticed an immediate changed in the level of attraction I got from women.

Asian girls from Asia, I noticed, apparently had preferred me clean-shaven, and their attraction for me went down a bit once I began sporting facial hair. But white girls, on the other hand – whoa. Dramatic increase in attraction there. My approach toward them hadn’t changed. My style hadn’t changed. My voice hadn’t changed. But the level of attraction I got from them after growing a little facial hair – that changed over night.


Anonymous's picture

Thanks, always have wondered about this as I have no problem growing beards with ease.

Anonymous's picture

What do you do if you CAN'T grow any facial hair? Unfortunately I'm not of the fit, muscular type...

Anonymous's picture

To the commentor above...if you CAN'T grow facial hair, then don't. Stay clean shaven. Especially if the only facial hair you grow is thin and wispy. If you have weak facial hair and you try to grow it, it says you're trying to have something you can't. If you have weak facial hair and you shave it all, it says you are happy with a smooth face and you know you look good without facial hair. It's really sad when I see a good looking guy who can only grow a thin, wispy little goatee on his chin. He'd look much, much better if he just shaved it.

If you can't grow any facial hair, or the hair you grow is thin and wispy, just focus on being a badass in other ways. Get some muscles, it's not that hard, start reading on sites like bodybuilding.com. I used to be super skinny and I got pretty muscular without the help of steroids. There's weight loss info too if you're fat. Also, get some tattoos, and, you know, just make yourself seem edgier. Learn how to play a musical instrument, join a band, you know, just become the kind of guy girls go for. Facial hair is far from the be all end all, I know lots of guys who don't have it but who look great and do great with women.

Downdiggity's picture

When I read some of the things in your articles, it makes me laugh like a giddy-school girl. Things I would never really think about but yet make so much sense.

Shaba's picture

I am a black (well mocha) skinned guy that is a little overweight and can grow a full beard in 2 months. I live in the southwest and i have no idea about how to wear my facial hair. I've worn mutton chops, a goatee and mustache, a chinstrap, a clean shave and variations on them all. I've gotten compliments and criticism on all but not enough on any specific style for my to know what works best on me.

I was just wanting to know what you think would work on a guy in my situation?

Steve's picture

So....what do you do if you're black....??lol

Chase Amante's picture

Plenty of "it depends here," but of the black friends I have in the States whom I've known to consistently do well with white American girls, they usually came in one of two varieties:

  • Clean shaven and typically well-dressed, or
  • Very trim goatee and mustache but VERY well-dressed

The last one's a deadly combination if you get it all right. Think a "thin line" goatee / mustache (trimmed very thin, and kept very neat) coupled with crisp dress shirts and sharp attire. To American white girls, this guy's irresistible, but if he's got facial hair and a t-shirt / baggy jeans, he looks a bit too intimidating.

American black girls seem to go for the same looks in black guys that American white girls do, but they'll cut a brother a little more slack if he's dressed down with facial hair. Asian girls have a lower tolerance for "dangerous" men, so clean shaven's the way to go for a black guy who likes Asian women. Hispanic women can have higher or lower tolerances for edginess depending on their backgrounds; usually they're somewhere between black girls and Asian girls, but can vary between liking more or less edge than white girls.

Stubble I'd consider a no-no for black / tan guys because it makes a dark skinned man's face too dark and murky and even if you shave your neck the contrast isn't as great as it is with a lighter skinned man. Go for clean, trim lines or no facial hair.

Sharp attire's a plus for any guy of any race, but my two black friends who do the best with women you'll pretty much never catch not wearing a tight-fitting, fashionable button-down shirt and slim-fitting or boot-cut jeans anywhere other than the gym. And women go nuts for them (even the girls who'd tell you they didn't usually go for black guys). Both of these guys are also in pretty good shape, so having a clean-cut look and tight-fitting clothes also both helps offset the added intimidation factor of a healthy physique while helping them to show it off more.


Steve's picture

Dude, you are AMAZING haha that makes so much more sense now. I don't a have a body builders body or anything but I'm slim and muscular(athletic build you could say) and ever since I grew out a thin goatee and started wearing nicer and more tight fitting stuff (Express polo's and brighter colors, etc) I have been receiving ALOT more attention from women. Especially the one who "don't date black guys" but make an exception for me haha. Thanks, dude!

Elliot's picture

Hey Chase,

Know we're little less prolific in the dating scene in the US, but any thoughts on facial hair/general style on Asian guys (not in Asia.. I'm a US expat currently in the UK)?

I'm still trying to develop my fashion sense, but I figured this would be worth working out early.

Constantin's picture

I'm an American living in Beijing and after reading so many posts about how awesome facial hair is, I thought I should give it a shot. I was surprised to find so many girls fighting me about it, and not as many compliments as I expected. Unfortunately the western crowds where I hang are rather small, so it seems like trimming it off, and keeping my hair/physique/clothes in check are the better option for me.

Would you say in asia the best choice is stubble (i.e very very light beard trimmed well) or completely clean?

My thinking was that A LOT of asians can't even grow beards so it'd be a nice thing to set me apart in a manly way, but in reality I may be shooting myself in the foot.

Duder's picture

I find both men and women prefer a 2-3 week facial beard.

When I shave either they love it or I don't exist. Wat

RenaWren's picture

Great views...

Jimbo's picture

It doesn’t take you long to hear about what badasses foreign men are perceived to be in Asia.

Why is that, do they commit too much crime or something?

Socalbuddy's picture

Lol at above poster.

Jimbo's picture

Yeah, I just realized after reading it again in context that it meant alien-looking, alien-sounding dudes already have a little more 'dangerous' aura to them, so adding even more facial hair badassery on top of that would just be overkill. Makes more sense than the crime rates theory.

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