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How to Sext & Get Racy Photos from Her (in Only 3 Texts)

J.J. Jones's picture

By: J.J. Jones

Note from Chase: this article from J.J. is focused on a direct “how to sext” method that is different from and complementary to the more playful method Colt talked about in “Sext Like a Pro: Is Sexting Girls Worth Your Time?

how to sext

Before we get started I’d like to just point out that this article is geared primarily toward teaching how to sext your way to racy, naughty photos from girls for intermediate to advanced guys. It’s not so much that I think someone who isn’t on that level yet with women cannot pull this off, but rather that it’s easy to blow girls out if you don’t do it correctly.

If you’re at the beginner stage, or even just a hair past it, I’d caution against using this for the mere fact that you need to be making it as far as you can in each interaction so that you are able to rack up reference points and experience so you can improve with women faster.

Additionally (if you mess up while doing this), creeping girls out isn’t ever a good thing, and, if you’re trying to pull this off with women who live near you, there’s a good chance she probably knows some of your friends or colleagues. Don’t let what happened to Brett Favre be your fate.

Those caveats out of the way, let’s get right to this, shall we?

If you’ve overheard women talk about men who ask them for sexy pictures of themselves, I’ll bet the reactions they claim to have had weren’t very positive, were they? However, don’t be fooled by this chicanery; if I had to wager on it, I’d guess that about eighty percent of women (and a greater percentage than that the more attractive and mature she is!) possess at least a small-to-medium sized smut gallery stored away on their cell phones for this very purpose.

And, some would surprise you, as I’ve dated quite a few women who would send me nude photos all of the time.

If there’s a whole lot going on in your head right now about this... good. I’m going to answer all those swirling questions you have along with many more that you haven’t even conjured up yet.

What to Do When She Gets Back in Touch

Chase Amante's picture

Was chatting with J.J. yesterday about girls contacting you out of the blue with a, “Hey, what’s up! How are you? We should get drinks/coffee and catch up!” message, and what this means / the right way to play it.

gets back in touch

These contacts – whether by text, phone, social media, email, or what have you – out of the blue always seem exciting; they’re like free dates (or even a free hook up, if you’re imagining far enough ahead).

You get them and it’s, “All right! Score! This girl wants me bad!

And then... much of the time after you reply, you never end up meeting her.

All that initial enthusiasm she had to reconnect with you simply dies down and peters out.

That might seem irritating, or mysterious, or downright vexing to you – “Who can understand a woman?” you might say.

But it all has to do with those little things called ‘intrigue’ and ‘investment’, and what happens when you have too little of them – or, how things play out when you have enough.

Top 6 Online Dating Sites (and Why They’re Top)

Colt Williams's picture

A while back Chase wrote an article on “How to Meet Tons of Girls on Plenty of Fish”. He’s also written a couple of other articles on how to find success with online dating and online dating sites.

Dating Sites

Needless to say, this site is definitely geared toward handling your fundamentals and process when in person with a girl. But, that being said, it is called “Girls Chase”, and there are many mediums in which you can get a pussycat to chase you.

I believe that one should always defer to in-person when dealing with women, whenever possible; however, online dating can definitely be a fine supplement to one’s game. If you read Chase’s myriad articles on the process of online dating – which he spent a lot of time tinkering with, creating profiles on, and doing tons and tons of research on – you will gain some key insights on how to jumpstart your progress and avoid a lot of common pitfalls.

And if you want to supplement your game with some online dating, then you will definitely want to know what the best websites are. So today, I’m going to outline the 6 best online dating sites and why they are on top. So let’s get to it.

How to Manage Premature Ejaculation So She Still Thinks You’re a Man

Alek Rolstad's picture

Premature ejaculation is a very common problem. Sometimes men get nervous when sex is about to take place, sometimes so nervous that they scare themselves away from having intercourse at all. Once with the girl, you are happy, yet you may still be nervous about messing it all up.

By cumming fast you feel like less of a man; you feel ashamed, you feel you have disappointed her. You want her to feel like she has ended up with a sex god in bed, not with a kiddo who barely gets laid and gets over-excited when he first gets some.

But then suddenly you stick it in and shortly after you’ve already cum.

Premature Ejaculation

It is such a shame, because all your hard work only gave you two minutes of reward. How disappointing. However, many men face this problem. It is not so uncommon – so don’t feel ashamed, as there are ways out of this!

The “Nice Guy” Problem: Negotiating from a Position of Weakness

Chase Amante's picture

I was just browsing a website where I came across young, sexually inexperienced men lecturing other men on how “lucky” they were to have a girl to wake up next to, and how, if they were in those men’s shoes, they would basically walk on water for such girls and do anything the girl could possibly want or ask... if they could get them.

In response, the men who actually got laid and had girlfriends laughed at them and responded with things along the lines of, “And that’s why you don’t have a girlfriend.”

In business, you find it’s of vital importance to be aware of the relative strength (or weakness) of your position walking into a negotiation – any negotiation.

Ideally, you’ll walk into a negotiation where both parties are negotiating from strong positions – you are strong, and the other party is strong. In this case, you stand the best chance at having a fair outcome for both parties (a win-win) because neither side will compromise on things that are important to them.

Also possible – but far less likely – are negotiations where both parties are weak. These will also tend to be “fair” negotiations, as they are alliances of convenience; however, they don’t happen so much because everyone wants to ally himself with someone strong, and this is especially true for the weak.

Lastly, you will encounter negotiations that are weak-strong (or strong-weak), where one party negotiates from a position of relative weakness, and the other negotiates from a position of relative strength. These negotiations tend toward being extraordinarily one-sided in their outcomes the vast majority of the time – they are net value transfers from the weak party to the strong party.

That’s because the weak party inevitably compromises far too much – he knows he has little to offer, and doesn’t know when he’ll get another shot at a deal with a stronger party, so he becomes willing to trade anything simply just to keep the stronger party around and, hopefully, give himself the chance to “prove himself” to said stronger party as someone worthy getting access to even the littlest piece of value back.

Yet these dynamics are not unique to business – they happen with people, too. And the easiest place to see them in action? “Nice guys” trying to get dates and girlfriends.

How to Hang Out with a Girl (and End Up in Bed Together)

Chase Amante's picture

In many articles on GC, we’ve talked about how important it is to avoid ending up being a girl’s platonic guy pal whom she taps for personal and emotional support, and never lets things proceed any further:

Yet, while it is imperative for newer guys who have not yet become the compelling, demanding, sexual studs of men that women are wont to sleep with to avoid the “friend” role, the more advanced you get, the more easily you can “bend the rules.”

In fact, it’s completely possible for you to learn how to hang out with a girl calmly, casually, and like nothing more than a friend... and still sleep with her.

Believe it or not, there are even advantages to this style... such as simplicity.

how to hang out with a girl

This is the “friend approach” to seduction, and it’s a bit different from what I and the other guys usually talk about on here; however, if you have friends who are naturals with women, you’ve almost certainly seen it before.

You know: that buddy of yours who just has the most laid back “dates” ever – all he ever does is hang out with girls super casually, and then they just somehow always stumble into his bed?

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could consistently do that?

Navigating Highly Competitive Sexual Markets

Chase Amante's picture

competitive sexual marketsIn my previous article in this series, “Game Imbalance Hypothesis”, I discussed why men moving from highly competitive sexual markets generally have an easier time in less competitive sexual markets, and why men moving from less competitive sexual markets generally have a tougher time in more competitive ones.

A reminder that sexual markets can include:

What we’ll talk about today splits into two (2) things:

  1. How you navigate these more competitive markets with tougher sexual selection criteria when you are a new entrant hailing from a less competitive environment

  2. How you differentiate between a competitive-but-good sexual marketplace versus a marketplace where it’s difficult to find new or quality partners simply because there aren’t many available to be had

The latter is needed is because knowing how to navigate tougher markets is not enough. You need to know if you’re even dealing with a market that IS a tough market – or if it’s simply a locale without much of a market in the first place.

Game Imbalance Hypothesis

Chase Amante's picture

game imbalance hypothesisThis is the first in a three-part series on regional sexual selection pressures. This piece introduces the concept of “game imbalance”, defines it, and posits it as a contributing cause of men’s difficulties with women.

I have an alternate theory why certain classes of men struggle with women far more than certain other classes do, on average. Alternate from what most guys cite: looks discrimination, racial discrimination, height discrimination, income discrimination, etc.

The one we’ve been seeing the most complaints from on the discussion boards lately are men of Indian descent. Asian and Arab guys struggle a lot as well. Of course, men of all races complain about their inabilities to succeed with women (and I’ve heard plenty of success stories and known personally plenty of successful guys from all of these racial groups), but some of these race-level complaints are far more ubiquitous than others.

So what makes the difference?

I have a theory. Actually, a hypothesis. I’d like to call it “game imbalance hypothesis.”

And if you’ll walk with me a moment, I’ll show you how I think the effect the hypothesis describes is hampering certain men and favoring others in the sexual marketplace.

Next Level Seduction Pt. 3: The State of the Game Address

Colt Williams's picture

This post is Part 3 in my Next Level Seduction series. This series is dedicated to illuminating and breaking down the most advanced concepts, processes, and subtleties involved in the highest level of seduction. It’s about discussing ideas that most men may not necessarily think about, and identifying the nuances of living your life as a highly sexual and desirable male. So if you’re new to the game, you can either ignore this... or try not to be intimidated. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Greetings, my fellow men; this is Colt Williams, and this is the State of the Game address. Today I want to talk about where the game is today: what’s working in the seduction world, what trends I have noticed, what’s not working so well, and where this is all headed.

state of the game

The 7 Greatest Things About Cougars

Colt Williams's picture

One of my good friends (who is in his mid-20s) has moved to almost exclusively dating cougars, which has earned him the wonderful epithet of “The Cougar Hunter”. He swears that dating these vixens is the only way to go if you want to experience a real woman.

I think somewhere in the psyches of all men is the desire to have a sexual encounter with a cougar. But why is this? Why do men see that older woman and wonder what secrets lay within her heart... and between her legs?


What is that special kernel that is just so alluring about the ever-intriguing cougar? This question is what I look to answer today, where we will be looking at the greatest things about being with these ferocious denizens.