Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad

Dance Floor Game Tips #5: Building Attraction on the Dance Floor

Alek Rolstad's picture

Welcome back to our series on dance floor seduction. Prior editions:

Previously, we discussed some theoretical elements of dance floor seduction. We also discussed how to get in mood, while focusing a lot on opening and selecting the right target.

Today we will start discussing the “attraction building phase”.

Dance Floor Game Tips #4: Opening on the Dance Floor

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone, and welcome back. I hope you are enjoying this guide so far. There is a lot more to come.

It is now time that we start discussing the actual interactions you will have with women.

So far we have covered numerous topics involving the pre-approach phase. These topics included:

dance floor game

Keep in mind that these 3 topics will work as a solid foundation for what is to come.

For example, having social momentum will make your approach smoother (increasing your chances of hooking a girl and minimizing your chances of being rejected). With social momentum you will also approach more girls (because you just “feel like” socializing with people), which will create more opportunities. Both these things will affect your opening positively.

Also, being in a sexual state will help you out a lot – maybe not during the opening phase, but it will help the next phase to come (escalation) tremendously, as your presence will be sexual and it’ll be easier to set a sexual frame. Setting a sexual frame is useful because it eases up the process from meeting-to-bedding a lot.

Last time we discussed target selection – how we could cherry pick receptive women out of the crowd by looking at their availability and spotting girls giving you signs of interest. By training your eye, you will easily know which girl will be up for a roll in the hay tonight and which won’t. Opening will then become really easy.

So if you have at least some of the things we have discussed in the preceding weeks in check, then pulling off what I am going to talk about in this post will be a piece of cake. This is especially the case if you have managed to receive an approach invitation from a girl. But what if you fail to get any approach invitations? Or what if you do get some but you fail to see them? Then you can always do a receptivity test by forcing an approach invitation out of a girl. I will now tell you how to do that and how it works.

Dance Floor Game Tips #3: Dance Floor Target Selecition

Alek Rolstad's picture

Now it is time we get into the more practical aspects of dance floor seduction. So far, in Part I, Dance Floor Foundations and Part II, Warming Up on the Dance Floor, we have discussed the myths of dance floor seduction and also discussed things like social momentum and the importance of having a sexual state.

Today we will discuss the signs to look out for before even approaching.

dance floor game

As dance floor seduction is more or less a numbers game, we want to minimize its impact and become smoother by picking the right girls, so that you:

  1. Don’t waste time on unreceptive girls

  2. Don’t get rejected that often

  3. Have an easier time escalating things further.

Now, let’s make you into a smooth dance floor seducer.

Dance Floor Game Tips #2: Warming Up on the Dance Floor

Alek Rolstad's picture

Okay, so last time I introduced the topic of dance floor seduction, and I also shared some facts and cleared up some common myths surrounding the topic.

Today we will discuss the phase that takes place before you even open. Next time we will cover opening.

As we do not have the ability to use conversation much on the dance floor, we will simply not have the ability to do damage control in case we don’t get the desired response from a girl. Secondly, we will have a limited ability to convey our amazing personality. In other words, we will have fewer tools to help ensure a smooth approach.

dance floor

So in a way, it becomes a numbers game – if you approach enough girls, you will most likely find a receptive one. However, in this post (in addition to learning how to approach properly on the dance floor, which we will cover next week) it is also key to spot the receptive girls on the dance floor – not every girl is going to be receptive, and many might simply be seeking attention.

But other factors also play in, most prominently: your vibe and your mood. From our last post, we mentioned that some basic seduction knowledge applies here – you will need your basics in check in order to successfully approach on the dance floor. Some of the basics that are key in dance floor seduction are:

I will not discuss these any further, as this series of posts will focus on dance floor game in particular. But if you need more information on any of those topics, you will find a lot of great in-depth posts about them on the site and also in Chase’s eBook.

However, your state of mind also plays a role.

Dance Floor Game Tips #1: Dance Game Foundations

Alek Rolstad's picture

This May I will be talking about dance floor game. There is one obvious reason for this – the summer is right around the corner, which means a lot of girls are going to head out to clubs.

dance floor game

The sun makes us horny and if you go out clubbing in the summer (which you should) you will see a lot of horny girls dancing around. And when you’re on the dance floor with them, knowing how to pick them up will obviously be very useful.

Secondly, I believe that the internet (including here on Girls Chase) lacks any deep dance floor guides (although we have a few great short guides on this site, we don’t yet have any deep ones). I have seen recently that many other posters have made longer guides, splitting them up into multiple posts, so I decided to do so myself as well.

I guess doing things this way is great because it allows us to really go in-depth with a topic. This will allow me to share more content without having to always introduce a new topic. It will also allow me to go straight into more advanced topics (in a single post) without having to (re)introduce the basics (because these will have been shared earlier on in the series).

Anyway, this post is meant as an introduction. I will share some elements of dance floor game that I believe to be crucial. Next week we will start discussing more practical stuff, such as opening. This post however will discuss some important aspects of dance floor game in general. I believe that understanding the dynamics covered here will help you a lot when you go out and hit the dance floor

Look at this piece as your foundation for dance floor game. I will approach this by discussing a series of common myths about dance floor seduction.

This way, not only will you think twice about any negative conditioning you might have about dance floor game, but you will also gain some knowledge about this type of seduction. Let us begin.

How to Set Up a Date with a Girl in 5 Steps

Alek Rolstad's picture

Today I will share some advice on how to set up a date with a girl... for all of you who like to grab phone numbers and have dates with the women you meet.

Now I know there are a lot of different systems on how to set up dates (which is the topic of today), and some might differ from mine on different levels.

How to Tell Whether It’s Good Advice or Bad

Alek Rolstad's picture

You have probably read a lot of posts online where different websites share conflicting ideas. Ideas and techniques you get from one place do not match the ideas you read somewhere else. In fact, you might have even read two different theories or techniques here on that conflict with each other. That is not unexpected.

In this post, I will discuss how you should approach this issue when you encounter it in order to make it all less confusing for you.


How to Ramp Up Social Momentum (and Meet Loads of Girls)

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well. If you haven’t seen many posts from me lately, it is not because I have been busy, but more that we have had a lot of article submissions from both new and old writers, which in itself should be good news for you.

The topic of today is social momentum.

Social Momentum

Social momentum is a mental state (hence also the reason many people in the seduction community refers to this as “state” – “being in state”) where you feel in a social mood where you don’t only feel like socializing with people, but also manage to do so smoothly.

When approaching strangers, you will feel like your openings are smooth as butter – the reactions you will be getting from your approaches will most of the time be positive, and if that is not the case, you won’t bother about it and move on to the next girl/group. When you have social momentum, not only will you feel a boost of energy, but you will feel very social and stop fearing rejections.

So there are a few nice benefits of social momentum:

  • You won’t fear rejections, so you will approach much more

  • Due to your higher level of initial confidence, your approaches will tend to be smoother and your success rate will be higher

  • You will have more fun, obviously

Compared to many other theories in pick-up and seduction, with this one there is a consensus that social momentum is a powerful factor. Everybody agrees that once you build enough social momentum, picking up women becomes much easier and smoother. You just feel on fire – you are the god of the night and nothing can stop you. We will discuss in this post how you can reach it.

However, where the opinion differs is our attitude toward it – should we depend on it or not? Should we give up and go home if we haven’t built social momentum? If not, what can we do if we don’t feel in the mood to socialize? All these questions and more will be answered in this post.

Deciding When to Use Physical vs. Verbal Game

Alek Rolstad's picture

Some claim that physical game is better than verbal because it can be easier to pull off and more efficient. In my last article, we discussed the pros and cons of both methods.

In today’s article, however, we will discuss the pros and cons of both based on the specific context. The main question of this post is: which of the two types of game should you choose: physical (non-verbal) or verbal?

physical vs. verbal

It is not like you can use verbal game in all situations. In some situations physical escalation might not be ideal (think of a situation where you caveman a girl in front of her friends…).

And maybe one of these game types might be better fitted for your personality or your mood.

Identifying what is better for what situation is what this post is all about.

Verbal vs. Nonverbal Approaches to Getting Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

Whether it is better to actually seduce women with your words or just stay quiet and escalate physically is a commonly asked question. Different schools of thought will tell you different things and might even confuse some of you in the long run.

verbal vs. nonverbal game

Some claim that it is better to use physical escalation – as in touching her and looking at her deep in the eyes and cutting the physical spaces between you and her. Others claim that is it the things you say that matters most; that you attract women verbally. It is also common to read about seduction systems that entail both verbal and physical game.

Personally, I have tried it out both ways and I find both equally good. At least that’s how I feel. They are both fun to pull off in practice in their own ways. One gives you an adrenaline kick (physical game), whereas the other gives you a feeling of creating deeper connections with girls (verbal game).

In this post, I will discuss the pros and cons of both ways so that you can make a more informed decision as to which one suits you better.