Seduction | Page 36 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

The Endgame Guide: How to End Dates and Pickups in Bed

Pablo Garcia's picture

seduction endgame
The endgame of a seduction is one of its’ most crucial points. How do you get her alone, sexual, and escalating toward the bedroom with you?

So you’ve got a hot and friendly girl in front of you at a club, but you don’t know how to take the next steps that will lead to your arrival inside her warm spring back at your place. Don’t worry, you are about to get some practical tips that will help you visualize the process, build your confidence, and get that hot girl horny and having sex with you.

If you have done much clubbing, you have probably found yourself in a situation where you have met a hot girl and wanted to bring her home with you, but making it actually happen seemed like a fantasy. You’re not alone! That’s why I wanted to put together a guide detailing some of my own quick and dirty tips to help you out.

This guide is primarily directed to guys who practice night game, but some of this stuff is also very helpful for bringing girls home and having first-day sex with day game.

Let’s get to it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Confusion Game (for Disinterested or Difficult Girls)

Chase Amante's picture
confusion game
Some women are a lot harder to get than others. But if you keep them on their toes, in the dark, and following your lead, you can yet get them.

This is for more advanced practitioners of game. If you still ride seduction training wheels, don’t worry about this yet. You can circle back to this article and its contents once you’ve progressed a bit further.

Confusion game is the term I’ve long used to refer to a style of game focused on befuddling answers and high uncertainty. This style of game only works if you have strong fundamentals; and, in particular, it only works if you have a strong sexual presence. Women you use it with must be sexually interested in you.

The underlying premise of confusion game is this:

The mating process involves having a woman overcome or set aside her logical reservations, that she may indulge in her physical / sexual / emotional urges. By triggering the latter with good fundamentals and game, and disarming the former with thought-entangling confusion, you give her the ability to set logic aside and indulge in her desires.

Further, by keeping her in a state of confusion, you establish yourself as the unambiguous leader. You are the one who knows what’s going on and leads the way. She is in the dark, and must trust you and stick by you as you lead.

Confusion game is not a girl-getter in and of itself. If you are not too attractive yet, and you go around confusing women, all you will end up with is a bunch of confused women.

However, when coupled with an all-around solid seduction skill set, confusion game allows you to bypass too-logical reservations women have. It is a way to throw a wrench into a woman’s objection machine. And on top of this, it allows you to build and maintain a firm, unshakeable lead – you are, after all, the only one who actually knows what’s going on.

Girls, Social Proof, Herding, and Copycat Hookups

Chase Amante's picture

copycat hookups
Most girls are inveterate copycats… Especially when it comes to when, where, and whom to hook up with. But you can leverage this herding behavior to your advantage.

Why Some Guys Creep Women Out (and How to Easily Avoid This)

Alek Rolstad's picture

creep women out
Girls have guys read too much into things sometimes. Or even chase them around. The result? Women can become oversensitive to “creepy” behavior.

In my first post regarding the lessons I have learned from gaming in the gay environment, a user named Agent asked the following question:

Hey Alek,

Could you elaborate more on the creepy approaches vs. the good ones? It’s actually very interesting you were in a situation where you could examine the scene from a woman’s point of view. By the way, thank you for your reply in your previous post about approaching in day game! You mentioned very subtle approach signals from girls. I don’t seem to notice any except the very obvious ones. Could you expand here, on the subtle signs? ... Generally, I feel confident to approach when the girl is giving me strong eye contact and/or smiling. This does not happen that much often though.

To give you some context, this question was posted in a thread in which I covered some dating and seduction lessons I learned from spending time picking up women in LGBT venues. In that post, I briefly mentioned how being approached by gay men in those venues gave me some perspective on how to better calibrate my own approaches to women.

I will start this post by sharing a story of mine, then I’ll discuss a number of things that make an approach good or bad. At the end of this post, I will sum up what makes a good approach.

Urbanization, Romantic Anonymity, and the Birth of Game

Chase Amante's picture

urbanization and game
Game – a male strategy to date and mate with women – is a phenomenon that emerges naturally in complex, organized, crowded societies.

In 2 A.D., Roman poet Ovid published his three-piece work Ars Amatoria, the first two books of which deal with how to find, bed, and retain women.

Ancient Shang Dynasty poems and love songs weave details on how to seduce in with their descriptions of the romances they retell.

In 374 A.D. Augustine of Hippo picked up women on the streets of Carthage, and would share his exploits with wingmen who picked up women too. Casanova traipsed through 18th Century Europe carving notches into his bedpost. The ancient world was filled with men who studied ‘the game’.

There’s always resistance to the idea of men learning and practicing game. Some folks will tell you it’s unnecessary – you’re supposed to just know this stuff. It’s preprogrammed into you. Others will tell you it’s immoral; why can’t you just pick one girl and settle down? Still more men will tell you seduction is a misguided pursuit that takes you away from your role as a man, or from greatness.

Yet despite the critics, this skill set of meeting, seducing of, and sleeping with women pops up again and again throughout history – most recently beginning in earnest in the 1990s of our own age and civilization.

For something so many people will tell you you do not need, why does game keep resurfacing?

Beat Her Resistance, Shields, and Tests with Sexual Tension

Alek Rolstad's picture

beat her resistance
Sexual tension isn’t just good for turning her on. You can use it to breeze past walls, resistance, and tests, too.

I know that after my report on sexual tension, I mentioned it would be the last post in the sexual tension series.

That was the original plan, but things – powerful things – that I left out keep popping up in my head. Anyway, here is one of those things.

Today’s topic will be about sexual tension; however, we will discuss another use for it. Primarily we have discussed sexual tension as a tool to make her horny and attracted to you, hopefully leading the interaction toward sex.

This time around, we’ll take a different approach. Instead of focusing on using sexual tension directly to make her horny, we’ll focus on using sexual tension to deal with her “shit” (e.g., resistance and tests), and in turn, make her horny. So today we will basically discuss how the different concepts related to sexual tension can be applied to dealing with her:

The application of concepts in each case will be more or less similar. However, we will discuss the subtle differences and try to exemplify the process for enhanced understanding. Let us get into it!

Women Don't Actually Follow Their Own Rules

Chase Amante's picture

women and rules
A woman’s rules are never absolute. Often they aren’t even guidelines. Once a man understands this, his entire way of interacting with women changes.

Ever have a girl tell you about some rule of hers?

Maybe she says she never has sex on the first date. Or perhaps a man needs to pay for meals with her to have any chance with her. Or she might tell you she never ever cheats on a boyfriend and will under no circumstances date one man until she’s broken up with the other.

If you’re new to dating, there’s a high chance you hear things like this from women and just accept it. “Okay, that’s her rule. I guess I can’t date this girl. Or I need to work within her rules.” You might give up on girls who offer you incompatible rules. Or you may slow way down on them because of this (“Guess I’d better take her on 20 dates first”).

But I’ll tell you a secret: once you’ve been around girls for a bit, you cease to pay much attention to women’s rules.

Then once you’ve been women for a while, you often start to get excited when women tell you their rules. A woman’s rules are an excellent chance to make her do the opposite of whatever it is she said she won’t do, and love every second of it.

Is this immoral though? Won’t it cause a crisis of self in the girl, if you make her bend or break her own rules? Shouldn’t you respect women’s rules?

No, and for one reason: women aren’t men. And what constitutes a ‘rule’ for her is very different from what constitutes a ‘rule’ for you.

Instinctual Game, a Podcast with Ruwando

Varoon Rajah's picture

Hey there! Varoon Rajah here. Welcome to the next installment of the Dating Mechanics Podcast.

How to Have Sex with Girls in Bathrooms, Rooftops, and Fitting Rooms

Davi Diluna's picture

bathroom sex
Want to bang her in the bathroom, fitting room, or on the roof? There are tricks to each of these places – but they’re all fun to do.

When I’m asked about the benefits of learning seduction, one of the most important answers, at least to me, is taking part in all the amazing adventures that happen as a result. Learning about women and seduction puts one in a position to live a pretty unique and exciting life – that is, if you’re doing it right.

Having crazy sex in unconventional places is one of those spices of life to which I’m referring. It’s something you can draw upon at any moment to remind yourself that “Yes, I DO live life to the fullest.”

This past year, I became single again with zero logistics (I couldn’t conveniently bring girls back to my place for sex), so this subject has been on my mind. In this post, I’ll be sharing everything I learned. Even though I currently focus more on girls who have logistics themselves, having a little spicy walk outside from time to time feels great (just had some more rooftop sex last week! More on that later. ;) ).

Chase and Colt already covered the psychological aspects and a bit about logistics in their articles:

... so I’ll focus about specific places, and go deeper into the practical aspects; plus, give you my own feedback about various locations.