Men Style | Page 16 | Girls Chase

Men Style

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Recommended Reading 2018: Lubbock's List and More

Chase Amante's picture

recommended reading
A collection of books across many genres Chase recommends. History, business, biography, psychology, spirituality, self-defense… there’s much to read.

I wrote a post in 2012 about books I’d read and would recommend to readers. It’s been six years since then, and I’ve had numerous folks over the years ask me for an updated list. This is that updated list.

I won’t include books already on my 2012 list, but I still recommend them all. The books on that list by Jared Diamond have come under academic scrutiny more recently, and have not necessarily stood the test of time. Still, even those books were fun reads... and everything else on my 2012 list I’d continue to heartily recommend. You can see that list here.

Full disclosure: there are Amazon affiliate links for these books in this post. I almost left them out, since Amazon affiliate pays such trinkets, but if we’re going to send them traffic I guess if you buy through those links some of it might as well come back here rather than all stay with Amazon. Note however that many of these books are available free online (especially the ones written prior 1950, most of which are no longer covered under copyright), so if you want to pick them up that way, you can likely find them with a quick search engine query.

How Being on Your Smartphone Can Attract Women

Hector Castillo's picture

attract with phone
Busy, waiting, or boxed in? If done right, being on your smartphone can be a powerful tool to intrigue and attract women.

A common target of social criticism these days is our obsession with phones. You’ve seen those trite, hipster videos about how all we do is stare at our screens, how we live in a fast-paced, consumerist society, which has caused us to lose touch with in-person communication, leading to our lacking social skills.

I don’t buy it. For a while, I did. It makes sense. We do live in a disposable society that throws things away when they’re no longer needed. Chase elegantly pointed that out in his article on how some guys feel like disposable dicks-on-sticks.

However, he also pointed out how this disposability goes both ways, affecting women, too.

There’s always a flip-side.

When Girls Think You're a Player (Then Shut You Down)

Chase Amante's picture

girl thinks you're a player
If a girl thinks you’re a player, it can be a pretty uphill battle with her after that. Here’s why she thinks you’re a player – plus how to remove the ‘tells’.

I counseled a friend recently who's struggled with women for sometime. He's a bit of a 'hard case' - a guy who's been in the game a long time, is friends with many very skilled seducers, and is highly skilled at the early part of approaching and meeting women, and even good at getting girls back to his place... but he has lots and lots of trouble sealing the deal with women. After the first kiss at his place, they invariably leave.

Guys like this can be tough to work with, because things that work for almost everyone else stubbornly don't for them. And you run into the issue of the guy not knowing exactly what's wrong himself, and it being hard to diagnose if you don't spend a lot of time with him in-person.

However, one clue recently was his report on a date that didn't pan out. Early on into the date, the girl closed off a bit and made remarks such as "How fast do you usually have sex with the women you have sex with?" and "I'm someone who doesn't just hop in bed right away." This, mind you, was not when he was trying to take her home, or touching her, or hitting on her - this was early into the date, when they'd just arrived at the date location and just began to talk.

This friend gets comments like from other women too; sometimes on dates, sometimes back at his place.

And while it is common to get girls telling you things like "This is too fast for me" or "Do you always move this fast with girls?" once you're back at your place with them, peeling their clothes off, the farther removed you get from that while still receiving these comments, the more of a problem you know you have.

In this case, the problem is the 'player vibe problem'. The problem is she feels like you are a heartless player, and she is only the latest slab of meat to cross your path.

Obviously, for successful seduction purposes, this is one perception you'd like to dispel.

The Phenomenal Seductive Power of Being Present

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

being present
Presence is a remarkable, awe-inspiring quality. And if you can learn to be present, you can use it to incredible effect with the opposite sex.

‘Presence’ is a difficult concept to write about, because it is so difficult to describe.

It’s an intangible, ephemeral thing.

You know when you are with someone who possesses it. You can feel the force of this person’s attention. It is like his eyes have tractor beams; his words carry magnets. You feel sucked in and humbled by this powerful, awesome individual.

What creates this effect? In part, it’s presence.

There’s a bit more to the overall effect an individual has on you than presence, of course. There’s also confidence, dominance, charisma, social rank, perceived value, and a whole host of other things. The word ‘presence’ often gets used as a catch-all term to mean “all these varied intangible elements on display, in force”, but we’re going to be a lot more specific today.

Today we’re only going to talk about the literal meaning of the word ‘presence’: actually being completely present with another person, right there, in the moment.

12 Facial & Body Tics to Eliminate (to Stay Cool and Look Sexy)

Chase Amante's picture

facial tics and body tics
Nervous tics can play havoc with your social and romantic attractiveness. But before you can eliminate them, you’ve got to know you’ve got ‘em first.

One of the biggest contributors to your attractiveness to the opposite sex is the strength of your fundamentals. Fundamentals (in Girls Chase parlance) include everything from your physique, to your fashion, to your hairstyle, facial expressions, walk, voice, mannerisms, and a whole lot more (larger discussion of fundamentals here).

The reason fundamentals are so important is the good qualities they convey of you:

  • Personal strength
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-assurance
  • Composure
  • Elegance
  • Coolness

Even if the majority of your fundamentals are in excellent shape though, there's one thing that poses a direct threat to this powerful, nonplussed impression you'd otherwise create with them.

That one thing is the subject of this article: tics.

Tics are small behaviors with large negative effects on your overall impression. People often won't be consciously aware of what is setting them off when they respond to a tic; they'll just know something seems off about you. When everything else says "strong and composed" but one thing says "uncomfortable", that one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

There's an upside to this, though: eliminate tics, and you boost to your overall presentation. Once you've stripped out a tic that was 'giving you away' in uncomfortable situations, you get a uniform presentation that stays cool, collected, and attractive, no matter how hard a girl tests you or how much her friends challenge or interloper males try to pick her off from you. Or, for that matter, no matter how heated things get at work, how uncomfortable you feel when asked for ID on the street by a random police officer, or when you walk up to that super cute girl and seem collected even though inside you're a bundle of nerves.

We'll focus on 12 common types of tics today that manifest in your face or body language. Note there are also vocal tics (like throat clearing or repeating your own words or someone else's), but, with one exception, we won't cover those in this article. We'll stay focused on visual tics in this piece.

Scrawny to Brawny: The Ultimate Guide to Bulking Up for Hard Gainers

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scrawny to brawny
If it’s hard for you to build muscle, this is the guide you want. The hard gainer’s approach to going from scrawny to brawny, pretty darn fast.

I remember being in high school – oh, what an awkward time. I had just gone through puberty, my voice was beginning to get deeper, and I had a newfound infatuation with women. I was a pretty attractive kid, and quite a few girls were interested in me, but there was just one problem – I was what’s known as a hard gainer.

Hard gainers are typically guys with a very fast metabolism who, no matter how much they eat, just cannot seem to put on any muscle. You go to the gym, spend HOURS working out, eat as much as you can stomach, and follow all the bodybuilding advice you get from the “experts.” And what do you have to show for it? Some scrawny arms, tiny shoulders, and a flabby little gut.

I’m sure that a lot of guys can relate to this. You see the jacked dudes walking around at your local college campus, nightclubs, etc., and you wonder how in the hell they do it. “How does someone get 22-inch biceps without steroids?”

We know that being strong and in shape is an important factor when it comes to your fundamentals and generating physical attraction, but being able to sport BIG muscles is even better.

Like many reading this, I didn’t have BIG muscles. I weighed a whopping 125 pounds soaking wet when I was 18 years old, and eventually I decided I’d had enough. Fast forward five years, and I’m a bulging behemoth coming in at 185 pounds and 6% body fat. So, whether you want to shred off those pounds of fat, put on some real muscle mass, or even just look a little bit better, it’s all possible if you’re willing to put in the work.

And for hard gainers like you and me, getting big muscles takes focused effort, which is why I’ve put this article together. I’m going to give you the vital information and advice you need to level the playing field on your way to real brawn.

Tactics Tuesdays: Part Your Lips

Chase Amante's picture

parted lips
It’s sexy to part your lips. Some of Hollywood’s most alluring leading men have used parted lips. If it works for them, it can work for you too.

Just wanted to do something simple and basic today, after my latest stretch of hard/advanced and gargantuan posts. So today we’ll talk about parted lips.

Parted lips do three things for you:

  1. They make you look sexy
  2. They make you look dumb
  3. They make you look physical

This fits in nicely with Hector’s series on smart men vs. dumb men.

In this article, we’ll talk about when to part your lips and what uses this has.

Why Don't Girls Want Intelligent Guys? Part 3: Dumb Down & Get Laid

Hector Castillo's picture

be dumb and get laid
You know dumb guys get laid. Now it’s time to dumb down yourself – and reap the rewards. Cut the snobbishness out, and get the girl.

For those triggered by the title, go back and read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series carefully. In excruciating detail, I have explained what I mean by “dumb” and why being so works well with women.

Now that the theoretical groundwork has been laid out for any nerds looking to disagree with my points, we can move forward plainly.

I will no longer justify being dumb, but only prescribe and explain why certain behaviors work with women.

My advice mostly revolves around cutting certain behaviors as a method to turn attention away from your intelligence and more toward your sexual value – your physical and social dominance.

Let’s get to it.

Why Don't Girls Want Intelligent Guys? Part 2: Why Dumb Guys Get Laid

Hector Castillo's picture

dumb guys get laid
Dumb guys didn’t spend their youth reading books or winning debates. Instead, they occupied themselves with reading people and winning babes.

Welcome to part 2 of this series. If you didn’t catch what I was getting at in the last article, I’ll put it simply.

Intelligent men have issues getting pussy. More specifically, by "intelligent men," I mean nerdy. They use big words, spend lots of time reading, aren’t good with people, and value their intelligence above everything else. That sort of guy.

How I used to be.

These men inevitably discover that it’s the moderately intelligent or even straight-up stupid men who get the most poonani.


If You Want to Do Well with Girls, Fundamentals are Everything

Hector Castillo's picture

fundamentals are everything
Your game and your mindsets (inner game) are important. But the only thing women see and experience firsthand is your fundamentals.

This is one of my axioms of game. I consider it true on a biblical level.

Game is fundamentals.

Traditionally, we think of fundamentals as that which attracts bitties.

Your face. Your fashion. Your muscles. Your walk. Your voice.

These get your foot in the door. She’s interested enough to give you a hint that she wants to talk, be it a smile or a prolonged stare, and she’ll give you a good shot once you approach.

Afterwards, you spit game and try to amplify the already established attraction into arousal and lead her to bed.

Fundamentals get her interested. Game gets you inserted.

How are they equal, then?