Articles by Author: Drexel Scott | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Drexel Scott

How to Avoid Drama (and Never Deal with It Again)

Drexel Scott's picture

We all know that Girls Chase is a great resource for learning how to bring a little more loving into your love life, and I believe it’s important to be prepared for all the success you’ll soon be having, and not just in your love life, but in all of the things you set out to learn. And just as poor people who win the lottery quickly lose their winnings, guys who suddenly find their hard work paying off with women are still vulnerable to certain subtle traps.

As one of the few guys in this corner of the internet who have avoided all manner of negative outcomes and heartbreak – as a result of my thinking about all this and figuring out what I wanted ahead of time – I consider myself in an excellent position to share with you what kind of mindset will be most useful to you when you begin to improve yourself and see more results with the opposite sex.

As we have mentioned many times – or as you have either learned from experience, or will at some point in your journey – drama sucks.

avoid drama

There are some people who enjoy drama, for reasons I would be happy to talk about in the forums, but this article is for people whose idea of a good time consists of simply enjoying your time with women and exchanging laughs and positive feelings. This article is for the guys who understand that their own happiness matters more than wasting time engaging with pettiness.

Fortunately, any guy can easily learn how to keep drama at an appropriate distance, which is to say, far away from himself and his life! There are many ways to do this, ways that I’ll briefly recap before giving you the golden ticket to a drama-free life with many lovers. Yes, such a key exists, and while it may be simple, it is not easy.

But guys who desire happiness badly enough will go to the lengths necessary to attain such freedom!

Creating an Environment for Bondage and Sexperimentation

Drexel Scott's picture

bondageAs a student of psychology who worked in the field for years, I have arrived at the belief that the single most important predictor of behavior is context. By this, I mean the immediate environment surrounding the behavior – the people, the atmosphere, and all sensory input streams.

I mean, think about it for a second. Doesn’t it sometimes seem like you have a different personality depending on who you’re with, what you’re doing, or where you are? Have you ever done something, then looked back at it later and thought, “That just wasn’t me! I never do stuff like that!”

It’s almost like there was someone else controlling your actions, because the truth of the matter is that... it was a different personality. It was just as much “you” as the “you” you like to think is “you”, but it was simply expressing a side of itself that you had never experienced before. And, if I had to guess, I’d say you were in some kind of special circumstance when that happened… weren’t you? Maybe you were on vacation, maybe you were intoxicated, maybe you were hanging out with people with whom... for some reason, in that instance, it just seemed like an okay thing to do. Right?

So, as with nearly all phenomena I encounter in my journeys and adventures, I asked myself the question... “How can I use what I’ve learned to improve my sex life and the sex lives of my special lady friends?”

How to Feel Good NOW

Drexel Scott's picture

No matter your self-improvement goal, there is one thing that will make or break you. That one thing is feeling good, synonymous with such concepts as being healthy or having a positive state and vibe.

What it essentially means is that you walk around with a smile on your face, eyes aglitter, radiating positive energy and lifting the vibrations of those around you simply by them coming into your energy field.

how to feel good

The reasons for this are many, but to keep it simple, this is such an important concept because stress will literally kill you. It will make you negative, it will increase cortisol production in your body, and destroy body tissue. None of these things is conducive to achieving your goals.

How to Achieve Your Goals for 2014

Drexel Scott's picture

We’ve all heard that most New Year’s Resolutions get ditched quicker than a guy expressing his undying devotion on a first date.

People tend to make glorious life-changing plans, then quickly settle into the same old routine they engaged in the year before. Of course, this leads to frustration, self-doubt and can even feed into a sense of perpetual helplessness as our goals crumble right before our very eyes.

Since nobody wants to live that way, and would rather see their goals met to build a sense of success and purpose, I thought I’d share a few, somewhat esoteric pieces of advice on how to make and set goals. While I won’t be delving deep into mysticism and magic, the advice I’m about to share comes from the latest cutting-edge research in schools of thought such as neuro-linguistic programming, the Hawaiian style of Huna, and from the Law of Attraction camp.

As I mentioned in my first article here on GirlsChase, you need a goal — even a destination — in order to calibrate whether you're moving closer to attaining it, stagnating, or moving farther away. So, consider this article a brief workshop on how to create proper goals, as well as an expansion of my earlier writings on the topic.

There are basically three steps involved in order to create attainable goals and do the inner work that is necessary to see them successfully blossom into reality:

The Sexual Marketplace: A Primer

Drexel Scott's picture

Much like Alek's article on the Secret Society, this will be a theoretical entry, meant to improve your understanding of large-scale gender dynamics.

Let’s begin with a definition:

The Sexual Market Place, or SMP, is the invisible battlefield on which intrasexual competition is constantly waged, in order for every individual to maximize the chances of passing their genes onto the next generation successfully.

The Sexual Marketplace

Both men and women are in constant war with the other members of their respective sexes in order to fulfill their genetic prerogatives, which are to survive and replicate. This underlying warfare drives nearly all of human competition and progress in the world.

For both genders, there are only two ways to improve one's standing in the Sexual Marketplace:

  1. Raise your own Sexual Market Value (SMV)

  1. Lower the SMV of competitors

And that's literally all there is to it. For the remainder of this article, I'm going to point out common ways that each gender utilizes each option, highlighting certain social norms and forms of intrasexual aggression meant to facilitate those ends.

Let's start with the men.

How to NEXT a Girl

Drexel Scott's picture

Reading through posts in the relationship forum, as well as guys' relationship issues elsewhere on the Internet, there appears to be a lot of confusion over how and when to implement what I believe is the single most powerful tool in a man's relationship arsenal:

next a girl


Throughout this article, I'm going to provide you with the proper contexts in which to execute a NEXT, which situations make it impossible or ineffective, and how to do it. But first, a definition:

Sexuality Game, Part II: Word Wizardry

Drexel Scott's picture

This is Part II of Drexel Scott’s series on sexuality game. You can read Part I here:

Sexuality Game: Making Her Wet with Words

Before I begin this article, I want to tell you guys about something absolutely fascinating I heard the other day. I was speaking with my coworker Brian, and he told me about this amazing book he was reading online. He was telling me that in the first paragraph, the author of the book wrote,

“As you continue to read, focus on the message and pay close attention to what I'm saying, you may… become aware of the stark contrast between the black letters and the white screen. As this contrast becomes more and more interesting, you may find yourself suddenly able to place your attention on your breathing. When you begin to pay attention to how you're breathing, notice the rise and fall of your chest as you continue to inhale and exhale. And as you notice your breath, you may begin to… feel a slight movement of your head.”

Whether you were able to notice what just happened and think about how I led you through that process, I want to make you aware of how Ericksonian language patterns work. There's a lot to them, and it can often be confusing at first. But if I were to ask you to… imagine yourself, a week from now, suddenly able to understand how they work, and looking back on this article as the beginning of that new understanding, how would it make you feel to know you had learned so much that you could begin to incorporate such patterns into the way you communicate?

weasel phrase

Let's take this chunk-by-chunk. It's the only way to begin to make sense of what can seem like a brand-new way to think about language.

The basic idea is this: you want to capture and lead the imagination of your audience.

In order to do so, as I mentioned in my article on NLP basics, you need to have a goal in mind. You need to know where you want to lead, and want to end up, so that you can take the other person there with you.

Since the goal of being able to capture and lead a person's imagination is to elicit an emotional state, you need to first choose the state you'd like them to be in.

Sexuality Game: Making Her Wet with Words

Drexel Scott's picture

I've been around for a while. As such, I've seen, checked out, or least been peripherally aware of most of the different companies and styles that have gained any sort of popularity over the years.

The intention of this article is not to critique or advocate any particular one, but rather to examine the two different camps that many - if not all - fall into.

Those two camps are:

  • Value Game, and
  • Sexuality Game

sexuality game

We'll kick off this article with a look at each.

Early Frame Announcements: His and Hers

Drexel Scott's picture

In community-speak, an Early Frame Announcement -- often abbreviated to "EFA" -- is something a person does when faced with a new potential relationship, the terms of which he or she would like to control.

In laymen's terms, this is how you set relationship expectations at the commencement of something new together (even before sex, or before you're officially "an item").

early frame announcement

Men do it when faced with new prospects, and women do it when they begin to realize a man is interested in intimacy.

In this article, I am going to cover various EFAs that men and women can make, as well as the best way to respond to certain common female EFAs.

Spotting (and Avoiding) Cluster B Women

Drexel Scott's picture

cluster b womenAs you grow and mature, learning how to get better with women, some interesting things will happen to you as a man. Some things that seemed exciting begin to lose their thrill, while other new possibilities will pop up and prove themselves to be even more exhilarating than your earlier adventures.

Another thing that will happen, hopefully, is that your standards will raise for what kind of person you allow into your life. I'm not just talking about women, either: your standards will raise even for male friends and colleagues once you become more confident, find your voice, and begin to stand up for what you believe in.

As your standards increase, and you find yourself being more and more selective about whom you wish to join your reality, you will become more picky. As Chase has written on before, you may even stop dating party girls altogether - a move I wholeheartedly agree with. Sure, they're hot, and yeah, they're fun, but after a while you will begin to want more. You may want more stable relationships, with more grounded women, who can bring more to your life than a shiny new vagina.

And that brings me to the point of today's article. If you truly wish to create amazing relationships with the women in your life, picking up women is only part of the picture. In my opinion, it is equally important to learn how to avoid the types of women who would bring chaos and drama into your kingdom, crumbling your castle with a flick of her capricious wrist.