We’re a few days away from the launch of my novel tease-the-girl method, Lush Teases™ (you can find the latest Lush Teases™ video here). In keeping with this week’s theme (‘tease weak’), I’ll be discussing the use of humor with women – in your romantic relationships.
While much of what I’ve been marketing Lush Teases™ for is the dating/seduction aspect of humor, the fact is humor plays an outsize role in your ongoing romantic relationships, too.
In the Lush Teases™ sales presentation (which will be live in a few more days), I quote a number of studies on the effects of humor. Some of these are on humor’s impact on your relationships – and the effects are LARGE:
92% of couples say humor makes “significant contributions” to their romances (source)
75% of couples laugh together once per day
Partners’ humor use is strongly tied to relationship quality & satisfaction
Constructive humor in particular dramatically raises long-term relationship satisfaction (source)
Women rate their partners’ sense of humor as one of the four most IMPORTANT factors to them staying in the relationship (source)
Humor is important enough for relationship health that women strongly look for it when selecting long-term partners. It plays such a role in relationship success that men’s poor use of humor in their relationships is actually predictive of divorce.
In other words, humor is vital – if you want a good relationship that is.
In this article, we’ll look at HOW you should be using humor in your relationships, and in WHAT ways you can use it.