How to Peacock: Rules to Proper Peacocking + Examples | Girls Chase

How to Peacock: Rules to Proper Peacocking + Examples

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
peacocking done rightPeacocking can be very effective at drawing women in and warming them up to your approach. To use it right, however, it must be congruent + properly done.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Last week, I discussed the concept of peacocking. This older concept involves wearing eye-catching and flashy clothing or using props to draw women’s attention, ideally getting them to open you. The goal is to use your style to engage and hook women.

This concept has unfortunately declined in popularity due to overuse by inexperienced beginners, leading to poorly dressed, uncalibrated men with inadequate fundamentals dressing flashy and provocatively, often resembling clowns.

Many men discovering pickup and learning be some of its best-known concepts, including peacocking, have experienced limited results. The result has been a de-popularization of peacocking and an overall decline in the popularity of pickup culture.

Today, I will go through how to peacock. You will learn the basics to pull it off. Next week, I will cover how it affects your interactions and how to navigate the field when you peacock.

Before we begin, let’s be clear: you do not need to peacock. It is a night game technique. Yes, some guys like Vince Kelvin (aka Hollywood) have famously peacocked in day game. He is an exception to the rule. He’s also an old-schooler who has been active since the early 2000s. You can break some rules if you are that experienced. I wonder if he truly peacocks or if what he is wearing really is his style—he has been dressing like this since I heard about him in 2008. The bottom line is that he pulls it off, and it works for him.

In general, peacocking is a night game strategy. Because of the flashy, high-energy, flamboyant, and extravagant energy of night game, there is more permissibility to be outrageous.

It’s up to you whether you want to peacock in night game. It is not required; it’s a tool you can choose if you feel like it and are comfortable doing so. I’ll provide details on the pros and cons of peacocking next week to help you decide if it is something you want to try. Remember, it is not necessary and may not suit you, and that’s okay. I still recommend reading this post because even if you do not go full-out flashy peacock mode, some tips may still benefit you. It’s still crucial to wear unique items or know how to use props when doing night game. It shows that you are out to socialize and fits the night vibe. What you learn below can help you attract women; just tone it down and add one or two elements.

Let’s run through the fundamentals before discussing how to peacock and sharing some tips and tricks.


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