Over on the forum, we have a thread by a Singaporean guy planning to travel to the US for school who is concerned American white women won’t want him because he is 5’9” and Asian.
For a while we talked to him about what he needs to do to attain the results he is after (namely, Caucasian-American girls on his cock). We talked about numerous examples of men like him, or even men who (according to his looks-based paradigm) should be ‘worse off’ than him (e.g., shorter, heavily accented Asian men) who excel with precisely the demographics he longs for.
This forum member brushed all our guidance aside and kept returning to his looks, saying he wanted to get plastic surgery, and finally saying this:
So yeah, maybe I have just watched too many lookism / looks-maxing videos, but they seem to make some valid points about how shallow white women can be and how critical first impressions are. I just want to know if investing in my appearance will potentially make a huge difference.
Aha. So it’s media influence.
Yet however ‘valid’ the glowing screen’s points may appear, it doesn’t change the fact that the guys who pour heaps of time and energy into extreme looksmaxxing (mewing, plastic surgery, bone smashing – which started as a joke meme, FYI, before looksmaxxers started taking it seriously; Poe’s law in action) often still end up dateless, sexless incels.
How am I attractive but can never get laid?
I've looksmaxxed to HTN and for the most part I've seen the results of it, but for the terminally-online types like myself and most people on here, that just means internet-based stuff. I've gotten the matches on OLD, gotten follows from hot girls on insta, but it doesn't translate to shit lol. Most matches don't mean shit, even girls who message you first will not respond a lot of the time. Chats end nowhere (i'm putting in no effort tho tbh, refuse to jestermaxx). Even girls who follow you on IG won't respond to DMs.
Lookmaxxing was not enough to get me the results I wanted, it is part of what I needed to do to get results but only part of it.
If I isolate the kind of improvements I got only for the changes I made to my looks and discard the improvements I got for the changes I made to my status, finantial situation and social skills then... No... looksmaxxing does not provide enough results to be worth the effort.
So, riddle me this, Batman: what’s the difference between getting romantic advice from a voluntarily celibate monk who lives in a monastery and has pledged his life to chastity versus getting romantic advice from an involuntarily celibate looksmax guru who splits his life between the gym and the plastic surgery clinic and has pledged his life to vanity?
Will the romantic acumen of one celibate man surpass the romantic acumen of another?
Would you take dietary advice from an obese man, or career advice from a beggar?
And for that matter – why don’t looksmaxxed men get laid?