Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Perfect Just as You Are? If You Want Results, Ditch the Egotism

Ross Leon's picture

egotismThe vast majority of people in the world operate under the belief that they are good enough. Since birth we’ve been fed ideas that we are perfect just the way we are. Doesn’t matter if you’re skinny, fat, awkward, or have a bad temper; it’s just your personality, and you can’t just change that. After all, we’re all unique – all 9 billion of us – which leads to the conclusion that there is at least one person who will love us unconditionally: our soul mate.

But, if I’ve found you here, reading these words, it implies that you understand that love – real, passionate, sex-driven love – is not the same variety of unconditional love that you receive from your mother. There’s something different about it.

Women aren’t going to want to sleep with you because they see you as their soul mate, they are going to want to sleep with you because you are attractive. It’s because you lead them decisively towards the bedroom, not because you are her one and only special someone; not because you were destined to be together.

However, understand this as you may, there is a chance that this knowledge has fooled you into being something that you are not. Those ideas that we’re consistently fed that we are good enough are hard to let go of, and in the face of action we often would rather make up lies to make us feel as though we are that attractive man who can lead decisively.

Which, in the end, is just another way of saying you are perfect the way you are.

You bought into the idea without even meaning to.

In order to relinquish control of the little white lies that you tell yourself, you must actively wrestle control of your ego. Yes, your ego, because after all these years of messages that you are fine the way you are, you must understand that something in you has to change before you are to obtain the results you seek.

How to Sext & Get Racy Photos from Her (in Only 3 Texts)

J.J. Jones's picture

By: J.J. Jones

Note from Chase: this article from J.J. is focused on a direct “how to sext” method that is different from and complementary to the more playful method Colt talked about in “Sext Like a Pro: Is Sexting Girls Worth Your Time?

how to sext

Before we get started I’d like to just point out that this article is geared primarily toward teaching how to sext your way to racy, naughty photos from girls for intermediate to advanced guys. It’s not so much that I think someone who isn’t on that level yet with women cannot pull this off, but rather that it’s easy to blow girls out if you don’t do it correctly.

If you’re at the beginner stage, or even just a hair past it, I’d caution against using this for the mere fact that you need to be making it as far as you can in each interaction so that you are able to rack up reference points and experience so you can improve with women faster.

Additionally (if you mess up while doing this), creeping girls out isn’t ever a good thing, and, if you’re trying to pull this off with women who live near you, there’s a good chance she probably knows some of your friends or colleagues. Don’t let what happened to Brett Favre be your fate.

Those caveats out of the way, let’s get right to this, shall we?

If you’ve overheard women talk about men who ask them for sexy pictures of themselves, I’ll bet the reactions they claim to have had weren’t very positive, were they? However, don’t be fooled by this chicanery; if I had to wager on it, I’d guess that about eighty percent of women (and a greater percentage than that the more attractive and mature she is!) possess at least a small-to-medium sized smut gallery stored away on their cell phones for this very purpose.

And, some would surprise you, as I’ve dated quite a few women who would send me nude photos all of the time.

If there’s a whole lot going on in your head right now about this... good. I’m going to answer all those swirling questions you have along with many more that you haven’t even conjured up yet.

What to Do When She Gets Back in Touch

Chase Amante's picture

Was chatting with J.J. yesterday about girls contacting you out of the blue with a, “Hey, what’s up! How are you? We should get drinks/coffee and catch up!” message, and what this means / the right way to play it.

gets back in touch

These contacts – whether by text, phone, social media, email, or what have you – out of the blue always seem exciting; they’re like free dates (or even a free hook up, if you’re imagining far enough ahead).

You get them and it’s, “All right! Score! This girl wants me bad!

And then... much of the time after you reply, you never end up meeting her.

All that initial enthusiasm she had to reconnect with you simply dies down and peters out.

That might seem irritating, or mysterious, or downright vexing to you – “Who can understand a woman?” you might say.

But it all has to do with those little things called ‘intrigue’ and ‘investment’, and what happens when you have too little of them – or, how things play out when you have enough.

Top 6 Online Dating Sites (and Why They’re Top)

Colt Williams's picture

A while back Chase wrote an article on “How to Meet Tons of Girls on Plenty of Fish”. He’s also written a couple of other articles on how to find success with online dating and online dating sites.

Dating Sites

Needless to say, this site is definitely geared toward handling your fundamentals and process when in person with a girl. But, that being said, it is called “Girls Chase”, and there are many mediums in which you can get a pussycat to chase you.

I believe that one should always defer to in-person when dealing with women, whenever possible; however, online dating can definitely be a fine supplement to one’s game. If you read Chase’s myriad articles on the process of online dating – which he spent a lot of time tinkering with, creating profiles on, and doing tons and tons of research on – you will gain some key insights on how to jumpstart your progress and avoid a lot of common pitfalls.

And if you want to supplement your game with some online dating, then you will definitely want to know what the best websites are. So today, I’m going to outline the 6 best online dating sites and why they are on top. So let’s get to it.

Don’t Ask For a Guarantee

Cody Lyans's picture

Don’t Ask For a Guarantee

If only a woman just saw you better and gave you that chance to say your piece you would have the time and motivation to do your best, right?

We all like to think we are pretty handy, when push comes to shove. We think that if we throw ourselves into something head first or are given the opportunity we will knock it out of the park. Sadly, the reality is that often we choke or let the opportunity pass us by out of a fear of failure. We don’t capitalize on opportunities, and we often even discourage them, treating them like annoyances to be purged instead of chances to grow.

We enjoy thinking of ourselves as champions who will come out on top at the moment of truth, but the reality is usually much more awkward, and the solutions are somewhat unavailable to ordinary perception at first glance, so we try to bury those opportunities instead of trying to grasp them.

No one likes feeling awkward or blind, so we try to suppress our fears of failure through negotiation. It gives an illusion of sophistication or thoughtfulness that is socially accepted. In certain cultures and time periods it is extremely prevalent; arranged marriages, cultural dress, duties, etc. And it is all arranged in a way that takes certain social status away from the woman to limit her options in order to make her more pliable. We forget that it is affecting her life in a negative way to unsuccessfully enhance our own.

Girls Chase Podcast Interviews Ep. 2: Franco

Chase Amante's picture

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Girls Chase Podcast, with Varoon Raja.

High Strategy: The 7 Unresolvable Romantic Conflicts of Interest

Chase Amante's picture

Since my last article on the rebellious mind dealt with the concepts of uncertainty and unknowableness – topics which are always uncomfortable for us since human beings tend to be “truth seekers” who want a final answer (hence: science, religion, philosophy, etc.) – I figured I’d delve into a topic normally cloaked in unknowableness today too.

Specifically, I want to talk about the conflicts of interest inherent in romance and seduction, some of which are effectively irresolvable.

There are many simpler aspects of meeting and having relationships with women that are resolvable, such as:

These all fall into tactical, operational, or, in the case of the last three (or a particularly tricky situation on the first three), some degree of strategic.

However, there are problems in romance that are unresolvable because you and the girl simply have end objectives that are too different, or even in active opposition.

conflicts of interest

These occur at the romance equivalent of “high strategy”, and if yours and hers are diametrically opposed, then one of you must submit his wants to the other’s wants, or the relationship will fail.

I suppose I should caveat then that these are normally unresolvable conflicts of interest – from time to time, one of you may cave to the other and give in to that other’s desire for where the relationship goes (or where it doesn’t go), but unless one party abandons what is in his or her best interests, these conflicts do not resolve in any way other than you and her going your separate ways and meeting other people.

Unless you hack your way around them, which we’ll also talk about (a little later), rather than address them head on again and again and again like what most people try and fail to do.

How Narcissism, Bad Relationships, and Other Problems May Stall Your Progress as a Seducer

Halvor Jannike's picture

Many men who learn seduction get to the level where they get laid, but very few reach their full potential. Why is that so and what can we do about it?

This article is only directly relevant for intermediates and up, but I would still recommend everyone read it. Knowledge about potential future traps enables people to avoid them in advance and do fewer stupid things to themselves and others in the future.

6 Strategic Changes to Make Your Growth Curve as a Seducer More Efficient

Ethan Fierre's picture

Note from Chase: this is our first article from Ethan Fierre, the man in charge of the editing team here at Girls Chase. You might hear ‘editor’ and imagine a nerdy, bookworm-ish type, however Ethan is anything but – he’s vibrant, dynamic, and full of crazy tales about women he’s bedded from the U.S., Russia, and more. For his first piece here, he’ll be talking about how to learn and progress with seduction faster. Here’s Ethan.

Working on any skill-set will inevitably sometimes be a grind, and seduction is no exception; sometimes you just wish there were easier ways to get to the level you want to be at. This is likely why you turn to sites like this one in the first place: you are trying to speed up you growth curve by learning from those who are at a higher level than you in the area you’re targeting.

Growth Curve as a Seducer More Efficient

In seduction there are a number of strategic changes you can make where the marginal gain per unit effort is high. That means that you put in a minimal amount of effort while gaining maximum returns.

What are these strategic changes?

That is what we’ll be talking about today: basic strategic changes that will dramatically increase your conversion rate (going from the initial meet to the bedroom and onward) for beginner and intermediate seducers.

But first, an aside: depending on where you’re at on your growth curve, your strategy will necessarily be different.

For example, someone who is just learning about seduction will probably want to be approaching a lot of people all the time, while someone who is more skilled will find less use in that practice and will instead improve faster by focusing on other things, like the relationships they already have or their reputations.

Because of this, I have organized this post into two sections:

  1. One for beginners and
  2. One for intermediate players (journeymen)

If you don’t know where you stand, you can take this test to find out.

Remember: knowing where you’re at now compared to where you were when you began and where you’re aiming to be in the future is important to keep in mind if you are to steadily make progress. You don’t want to be targeting goals that are too easy for you, but you also don’t want to be aiming for things that feel unattainable, as that will discourage instead of encourage you. So, keeping that in mind, let’s dive in.

How to Manage Premature Ejaculation So She Still Thinks You’re a Man

Alek Rolstad's picture

Premature ejaculation is a very common problem. Sometimes men get nervous when sex is about to take place, sometimes so nervous that they scare themselves away from having intercourse at all. Once with the girl, you are happy, yet you may still be nervous about messing it all up.

By cumming fast you feel like less of a man; you feel ashamed, you feel you have disappointed her. You want her to feel like she has ended up with a sex god in bed, not with a kiddo who barely gets laid and gets over-excited when he first gets some.

But then suddenly you stick it in and shortly after you’ve already cum.

Premature Ejaculation

It is such a shame, because all your hard work only gave you two minutes of reward. How disappointing. However, many men face this problem. It is not so uncommon – so don’t feel ashamed, as there are ways out of this!