Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Make Her Feel Like a Woman

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

Have you ever had a night out with a girl that really made you feel like a man?

If you are anything like me, it made you feel like you could conquer mountains. All the amazing things about being a man are amplified tenfold when a woman helps you remember that you ARE indeed a man. It is an intoxicating mix of sensations that helps you notice the contrasts of life that at other times blur together, and it releases all that dopamine and those feel-good hormones that make you feel like you have purpose.

You appreciate the fact that you are a man, and it rouses a deep sense of pride in you.

Make Her Feel Like a Woman

Having her on your arm, laughing, smiling and trusting, you strengthen your sense of self like nothing else.

Now imagine that all these effects also happen to a woman when you help her to feel like one. On a scale of one to ten, how likely do you think it is she will give you her number, a date, a kiss, follow you in a sexual relationship? Will she hold up limitless resistance and string you along? Forget about it! She would not waste an OUNCE of that perfect feeling. She will want to breathe you in and be intoxicated by this world of womanhood you have allowed her to enter, and she will be grateful.

Women are truly beautiful creatures, and this is never more apparent than when you are a man who can make a girl come ALIVE into her womanly whiles.

A Rebellious Mind; or, Not Taking Anything at Face Value

Chase Amante's picture

rebellious mindIn “When to Throw the Ball into Her Court (and When Not To)”, a reader writes:

You have some vague guides on believing certain things as well as some articles on what you should believe. You have some important ideas like independence and having conviction spread out throughout your site. What your website really lacks though is a guide to psychological strength. What it is, how you get it, why its more important then fundamentals (or at least as important). Many of your articles peripherally address this concept. What do I mean though by psychological strength? A great question, I’m glad you asked. I love concision so I’m going to describe it in two words. Irreverence and identity. I believe that true leadership and independence only comes from uprooting everything that influenced you in your past. Deconstructing your beliefs. Consciously assessing all your beliefs and finally replacing your previously held beliefs with new ones. These new beliefs are what give you conviction in your life. You form a new belief in yourself, a self-concept, self-respect, and self-adoration. Finally leading to self-actualization. It starts with irreverence and a challenging mentality of everything and finishes with an identity.

I have considered writing on this topic before, but shied away from it because I honestly don’t think it’s something that most people aspire to.

It’s also not something I have consciously learned to any degree, which makes me skeptical of its teachability – I don’t generally like talking about things that in my case are more natural ability than they are adopted qualities.

However, I suppose it’s at least worth having up for anyone curious for curiosity’s sake, so heck... why not talk about it.

Caveats out of the way then, allow me to present the psychological qualities of irreverence, personal conviction, and psychological independence – and how you perhaps may develop them if you choose to.

Every Girl Has a Type – Are You Hers… or Aren’t You?

Chase Amante's picture

are you her typeIn “The Ultimate Guide on How to Get a Girl Back”, Danny writes:

This really rings true right now, I have been flirting with a girl for a few months, getting to know her and building quite a bit of chemistry. She works at a coffee shop I go to work on my computer. She had a boyfriend at the time, we met, who was shitty, manipulative and distant. We talked a lot and as soon as they broke up we said we should hang out, texted and flirted a lot more than previously, but she was always aloof about hanging out. In an attempt to show here I was not the kind of shitty guy she had been dating, I told her outright how I feel, that Im not the kind of guy to play games, or try and play the field, and she has been pulling back more. It seems like I came on to strong, and now she feels either disinterested or like she can have fun and Ill just sit there and wait.

In our last conversation, which did not go great (she didnt get mad, just wasnt as forward as normal) we actually talked frankly, said we were both interested in each other, but then she brought up just getting out of a relationship, always hanging out with friends etc. so, expressing both interest and disinterest at the same time

would be interested to hear thoughts.

That’s a crummy place to be in. Really no fun.

However, the scenario is amazingly common: you see a girl dating a guy that you know is just all wrong for her.

She complains about him, she hates him, she despises him. She breaks up with him, gets back together with him, then breaks back up with him again.

And a light bulb goes off: if you can just show her you’re different from him, she’ll be yours.

As soon as she realizes that you’re nicer, or cooler, or more considerate, or even sexier, this girl will jump from his branch to your branch.

Then you try it, and... it doesn’t work. She doesn’t get together with you.

You tear your hair out in frustration, but it doesn’t help. In the end, she starts dating another guy just like her ex, and your mind is blown. Doesn’t she realize he’s EXACTLY like that guy she just left whom she hates so much?

The reason this occurs is simpler than you might think, though: it isn’t because some mysterious force intervened, or the “timing wasn’t right”, or any of the myriad other reasons a girl will give you herself.

The simple fact is that she has a type... and you aren’t it.

How to Have Sex When You’re New and Unsure

Colt Williams's picture

In your lifetime you will have many experiences. Some will be frustrating. Some will be triumphant. Some will be painful. Some will be easily forgotten.

But there are some experiences that everyone remembers. For many people in the West, for example, one of those experiences is their first car. Whenever you asked someone in the West about their first car they get this very wondrous and nostalgic look in their eyes. And you can tell that a wonderful story is about to unfold.

But for all people, one experience that people will never forget no matter what is the time they lost their virginity. Regardless if it was awkward, lackluster, or incredible, this experience will always leave an indelible mark on the storyline of every person’s life. And it will always be something they can readily account without a moment’s hesitation.

But what if you haven’t had this experience yet? What if you’ve been wondering what it would be like to cross this threshold, this rite of passage, and feel for yourself what all people have engaged in for ages past? What if you don’t know how to have sex?

The thought probably makes you feel excited. It probably makes you feel nervous. And it probably fills you with the pressure of feeling like you have to do it at the right time, in the right place, and with the right person.

So how do you know when the time is right for you? And when you do decide, how do you go about actually doing it? That’s the topic I’ll be covering today. I’m going to talk about what factors should influence your decision to have sex the first time and how to go about having sex when you’re new and a bit unsure.

The uncertainty can definitely be a little nerve-racking, but just know that you’re not alone in feeling that way.

Why We Don’t Live in a Sexual Utopia

Alek Rolstad's picture

In this post we will be reflecting on sexual liberalism. If you have read some of my earlier posts, you have probably seen that I discuss this matter a lot, as it is something that I’m deeply interested in and I believe it to be extremely relevant to the field of seduction.

Previously I have discussed how each person should be free to live out their sexuality as they wish without having people judge them for it. As long the sex is consensual and no one is intentionally causing harm to the other person or a third party, people should be sexually free to do what they want.

If there is no harm involved then there is no reason for legal or moral restrictions.

But it is however the case in this world that most societies are not sexually liberated. Some societies have more sexually liberated cultures in them than others no doubt, but none can be classified as sexually liberated per se.

Women are still being labeled as sluts as a result of their sexual actions; men are still labelled as perverts for being sex obsessed, etc. Even though, legally speaking, most countries are either already liberalized or going through a liberalization process, morally speaking, not much change is taking place. The moralism around sexuality is still strong.

In this post, I cover whether or not we should aim for a sexually liberated world in the moral sense. Will a society with total sexual freedom, in the sense that people just have sex with each other as a result of horniness, without any moral limitations, be better than how things currently are? Do we benefit from the stop of moral policing?

Before we dive in, I would like you to know that I have been thinking a lot about this topic and my answer to this question is a result of much reflection. However, it still remains my personal opinion. There is no objective right or wrong in this case, and if your opinion differs from mine, do not hesitate to share it in the comment section – but, as this topic is politically and morally loaded, I ask you all to be constructive in your comments, not only for my sake but also for the other people reading.

When to Throw the Ball into Her Court (and When Not To)

Chase Amante's picture

ball's in her court “The ball’s in your court.”

You either love uttering that line, or you never utter it.

It’s a truly liberating line when you’re using it right – some girl you think likes you, or you think might like you, but who is being coy or difficult about coming out... you’re just going to fire that text off to her, and forget about her.

Or a girl you met somewhere social, but she isn’t accompanying you: “Come find me later.” Maybe she will, maybe she won’t.

These can be difficult things to say, and even more difficult things to adhere to, when you’re first starting out and chasing women is second nature. Even if you manage to tell a girl the ball’s in her court, you may find yourself texting her the next day anyway... or the day after.

And the other side is sometimes true too – you may find yourself shoving women off your plate too quick and too often, not wanting to deal with the sometimes-stressful dance that is seduction.

Perhaps that girl you told to get in touch with you later, who never did, would’ve gotten together with you had you persisted just a little bit harder in person or over text.

Drawing the line between when to persist and when to toss the ball in her court is a dicey call sometimes... yet it may determine the difference between you chasing after her and still not getting her, and you flipping the script on her and getting her chasing you.

How to Get Started Improving Your Looks

Darius Bright's picture

This article is inspired by a superb piece Chase wrote recently: “How to Get Started at Picking Up Girls”.

Indeed, just like with pick up, it is quite easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information that is supposed to help you improve your looks.

You will read advice like “make sure your clothes fit right”, “wear monochromatic colors”, “wear bolder colors”, “add contrast”, “avoid contrast”, “choose colors based on your skin tone”, “invest in a good pair of shoes”.

And if you’re brave enough to step into online communities that focus solely on men’s style you’ll find an even more confusing situation of names dropping and brand obsessing that for an outsider might seem even a bit snobbish (and indeed it sometimes is).

The funny thing is, such advice (even if it seems contradictory) is often technically correct and can lead to great results in certain situations.

improving your looks

But the problem is that unless you had some positive and style-savvy influences in your life – friends, women, etc. – who can show you what actually looks good on you, how proper fit should feel like, what colors go well together it is a very daunting journey to start on. This is especially true for guys who live outside fashionable cities, in locations where wearing basketball shorts and flip flops is considered an “okay casual look”.

I tried to address this issue in the last article “6 Outfits That Will Help You Look Sexy” and Chase wrote a superb primer for men’s style that covers most important points.

Today, I’d like to fill one more gap in the knowledge – the part that goes before you go out shopping or decide what you’ll be wearing on a night out. We’ll cover mindsets and healthy habits that should be developed.

But don’t be fooled, this won’t be a feel-good article that you will read and forget the next day; I will invite you to do some hard thinking every step of the way, so that by the end of this guide you will clearly know what needs to be done in your unique situation.

Over-Gaming, and Losing Girls You Should’ve Got

Chase Amante's picture

over gameOne topic I’ve found coming up a lot recently in discussions with guys on the boards and in real life is that of avoiding what I call ‘over-gaming’... when a guy just spends too much time trying to convince a girl he is attractive enough, or that she should come with him, instead of just leading and making it happen.

If you’ve fully internalized some of the basic concepts on here already, like:

... there won’t be much new for you in this post.

However, if you’re still not firing 100% on all cylinders, this’ll give you another perspective at looking at an issue that guys in the intermediate level on up run into quite commonly.

How to be Optimistic: 5 Steps (You Must Take)

Colt Williams's picture

Last week I wrote a post about How to be Passionate. That post was focused on becoming passionate with women, with work, and with life in general by generating an internal understanding and system in order to bring about greater awareness, curiosity, and appreciation for life.

So it’s only natural that I follow that post up with one on how to be optimistic. It seems that optimism has taken over the general zeitgeist of the West (perhaps even to a fault), and that literature, teaching, and educational/inspirational talks are all focused on the power of optimism and how to become optimistic yourself.

How to be Optimistic

Although I do not believe that optimism is a cure-all for any state of existence, it has been proven that people who are optimistic tend to be more successful in life and generally healthier in body as well. And it doesn’t really hurt to have the ability to look at a situation and learn and grow from it.

So today I want to talk about how to become optimistic. And don’t worry, this won’t be one of those “feel-good” kinds of posts where I just stroke your ego and tell you how special you are. We will discuss real practical steps and mindsets (as I always do) in order to boost your sense of optimism and general life satisfaction.

How to Get Threesomes with Girls You Know

Alek Rolstad's picture

Today we will be talking about one of my favorite topics: threesomes. I will share some basic principles that are key in making one happen: we will discuss some inner game issues, requirements, and the pre-work necessary for such an endeavor.


Keep in mind that this post is only an introduction to threesomes, so it will only cover the basic principles. I will in the future write more advanced posts on the topic. But for now, this post is suited for intermediate to advanced players.

What we will cover in this post is how to set up a threesome. We will not discuss spontaneous threesomes, such as when you meet two women at the pub and hours later end up in a threesome with them, as that is more advanced and we need to learn how to walk before we can run. If you still would like to read more on spontaneous threesomes, check out my threesome report here.

After covering the basics, I will use a real life example to discuss the steps to making a threesome happen. And you’ve already guessed it – the real life example is the continuation of my last lay report, the one where I used a sexual frame to get crazy sex from a woman fast.

In this post we will continue the story as I met with Tessa and her friend for a potential threesome. I will of course explain the process step by step.
