Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Sex Therapist

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction gambit: sex therapist
The “Sex Therapist” gambit focuses on cold reading and pacing. You guess something deep about her sexuality, then blow her mind with touch and sexual prizing.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share another pickup and seduction gambit. This one is called The Sex Therapist.

The reason I've been sharing these gambits lately (besides serving as personal notes) is to not only give you great tools to use but also show examples of how you can create your own gambits to fit your style and personality. You can follow the exact recipe, or just take the concepts you like and craft your own tools of deadly mass seduction. That's why I always share the mechanisms at play, which serve as key lessons. Sharing gambits gives an overview of how many concepts can play together.

These gambits should also serve as inspiration.

I do this myself. Sometimes I deliver a gambit straight from the script; other times, I use modifications. Sometimes I use simplified versions (when I lack time or prefer to focus on something else). So, I’m not a robot delivering the same gambit after gambit.

My interactions are typically made up of:

  • Scripted gambits

  • Freestyling conversations that respond to her reaction (and her words), with some improvisation and even some fluff in between

  • A variation of gambits calibrated to the situation and the girl

So, here is a gambit I use often. It is simple to pull off, accomplishes much, and also allows you multiple potential follow-ups.

This gambit is slightly less complex to understand since there are fewer fancy concepts at play. It requires the player to have his fundamentals down to get great results (good news: we have TONS of articles on fundamentals).

I’ve only used this gambit in night game.

It works best on non-freaky girls. These are girls who don’t have an apparent sexual presence or sexual confidence. Sadly, it is not always easy to figure out who is really sexual and who is not. (The way they act and dress can be misleading, and many are attention-whores in disguise.) But don’t worry if you use this gambit on one of these types, as it still works on them with some calibration. If you know you are dealing with such a girl, you should use more juicy gambits like the orgasm-control gambit or the eight types of orgasm gambit.

This gambit works best on more ordinary and normal girls with an average amount of sexual experience.

What Does It Mean to Be "Passionate"?

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

What are you passionate about? Do you even know? Let’s explore what fuels passion and how to discover what drives and fulfills you in work, life, and love.

What does it mean to be passionate? And why is it important to have passion?

One of the biggest problems I see in 99% of guys I work with is not knowing what to say to women. When I ask them what they’re passionate about, they shrug their shoulders. They have no clue. It’s a question they’ve never been asked or really thought about. No wonder their conversations with women are as interesting as talking to a toaster.

Most of us are so addicted to consuming massive quantities of data from our smartphones that our brains become stuffed with garbage, most of which we can’t remember a few hours later.

It’s through sharing that we realize our passions, but we don’t share our thoughts in human, face-to-face interactions as much as we did before social media.

There’s a reason I make my coaching clients take notes, write field reports, and discuss their approaches with me and on forums. When you discuss things with other minds, you sort out the information and cement the lessons learned. When you get excited to share something with other people, that’s when you know you’re truly passionate about it.

So why is it important to feel passion, and to be passionate?

  • It makes life worth living

  • It’s a contagious and inspiring emotion that lifts people’s spirits and brings others closer to you

  • It’s a strong motivator for creating, exploring, and improving

  • It’s sexy

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies

Alek Rolstad's picture

easy sex talk
Getting into sex talk with a girl can be super easy and low-risk if you use proxies, which means talking about other people rather than what you want to do with her.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. Today I will try to share a simple way to use sex talk for pickup and seduction.

The idea is to add sex talk as a technique without triggering resistance. This is for advanced and intermediate players as well as those with less experience.

Sex talk, the act of talking about sex with women, can help us achieve many things, including:

  • Setting a sexual frame, creating an underlying sexual meaning to the interaction. It eases the escalation into sex and makes it happen more quickly with less resistance.

  • It arouses her. Sex talk is VERY stimulating to women.

  • It can allow you to display attractive traits, like showing openness to sexuality and that you have sexual experience (sexual prizing).

  • It’s a fun and captivating subject in itself.

Sex talk makes getting laid easier. But it can be a hard subject to get into, and perhaps a bit scary to some. You are prone to face resistance from her, usually in the form of anti-slut-defense (ASD). She may back off from your sexual advances to protect her reputation from the slut label.

So, as I present this sex talk technique, I have two intentions:

  1. I want to make this technique low-risk.

  2. It should also be intuitive to understand. It won’t require a ton of brainpower to learn or deliver properly.

Beginners typically prefer low-risk techniques because they may not have:

  • The confidence (yet) to deliver more ballsy talk.

  • The delivery skills that can help them get away with delivering bold stuff (advanced players on high momentum will notice they can get away with pretty outrageous things).

  • The skills (yet) to do damage control and recover from failed attempts.

I will tell you how risk-free and easy this technique is. This won’t require long and fancy transitions. You can quickly and easily get to the juice. It’s not prone to cause resistance.

Many beginners struggle to get into sex talk, and I can understand why, since I consider it to be one of the hardest things to do.

Let’s get to it.

How to Do a 10-Minute Meditation that Eliminates Bad Emotions

Chase Amante's picture

how to meditateI've been meditating since I was 18 years old.

That's half a lifetime ago for me now.

I didn't get into meditation as part of any kind of spiritual belief system.

I prayed as a child when I was a Christian. But by the time I started meditating, I was an atheist.

I'm more spiritual again now, happily (atheism was always an angry, dissonant, lonely belief system for me; I've never liked nihilism, but it's difficult to resist it when your foundation is rejection of the immaterial). That's led my meditation practice to become much deeper, and both more rewarding and also more useful.

However, the kind of meditation I'll talk about with you today is the kind I was doing when I believed in nothing other than the material. It was useful to me then, and I still use it today.

This may not be anything too new if you're a long-time meditator yourself.

But I know many folks aren't.

So today I'd like to introduce you to how to do a 10-minute meditation that clears away toxic thoughts, large pressures, and unhappy feelings.

Why You Must Break the Touch Barrier Early with Girls

Varoon Rajah's picture

break the touch barrier with girls
The longer you wait to touch a girl, the weirder it gets when you finally do. Touch her early and often to reap all the benefits of this powerful seduction tool.

On meets with girls, you have to break the touch barrier eventually if you’re planning to sleep with her. The longer you wait, the more odd it’s going to feel for her, and the more pressure there will be for both of you.

Imagine going on dates with two different girls. You spend the first 90 minutes on the date with the first girl not touching, then make your first move. But with the second girl, you touch her in the first five minutes and continue to have touch throughout the date. Which date will feel more natural to the girl? On which date will the transition to intimacy be smoother?

Long story short, if you don’t touch early, you’re dooming yourself to face a bigger uphill battle of comfort to touch later on. It makes all the difference if you establish touch early on. This gets her thinking touch between the two of you is normal and expected. It's comfortable and never comes as a surprise.

Generally, people make their first impressions of others within the first five to ten seconds of meeting. Additionally, the first 5–10 minutes of a date sets the tone. So, the best way to break the touch barrier is to do it early and quickly in your meets to set the tone.

I recommend, at the very least, touching her warmly when ending your approach set, and it’s also important to touch in the first moments of your first date, which starts the escalation. From the moment you greet her at the venue, the touch should begin as a form of physical intimacy.

Here's how to do it.

3 Classic (and GREAT) Threesome Sex Positions

Hector Castillo's picture

threesome sex positions
Many men dream of having sex with two girls at the same time, but threesome sex positions aren’t as intuitive as one-on-one play. This will help you go in prepared.

A few days before writing this, I filmed a video for the Girls Chase YouTube channel. The topic was how to get threesomes and what threesome sex positions to put the girls in during the adventure. It won’t get published for a few months after this article comes out, so I wanted to write this to give that video a cousin and teach you how to make your threesome sex the best it can be.

Obviously, this article assumes you can get a threesome. If you can’t, wait for the video or check out these articles:

However, if you can’t pull it off right now, reading this article might excite you, like seeing some high-level combo in a video game and you knowing that one day, you’ll pull that off in a competitive match.

Goals are always good. Threesomes usually don’t fall into your lap (but it certainly happens). You need to have a clear desire to make it happen. Only one threesome scenario I've had was initiated by the girls, and it was more like half a threesome (my girl does stuff with the other girl while I bang my girl).

That’s how I had a few threesomes last summer.

I told myself, a few months before summer, “You’re going to have some threesomes this summer.” Ask, and you shall receive. And I didn't even need a million dollars...

Tactics Tuesdays: Pawning Girls for Better (or More Into You) Girls

Chase Amante's picture

pawn a girlThere's an old seduction tactic called 'pawning'.

When you pawn a girl, you trade one girl in for another.

This is something you'll mostly use in social venues, like bars, parties, and networking events.

Pawning relies on the principles of social proof (people like people whom other people like) and preselection (women find more attractive those men whom other women like).

It also takes advantage of the fact that women usually have much lower guards when approached by a strange man and woman than they when a strange man alone approaches.

What is pawning?

Pawning is when you bring another girl along you've met with you to meet new people... then leave the old girl in the new group, while you pair off with a new girl from the group you've just approached. You have, in effect, pawned your old girl off for someone new. Pawning is useful for trading up to more attractive women, or women who are more attracted to you.

Often in social venues, the prettiest girls there will not be standing around by themselves. Instead they'll be in groups, and you need to find a way into the group to access the girls. Pawning is a way to gain access.

Mental Masturbation: A Pleasurable Yet Unproductive Activity

Tony Depp's picture

mental masturbation

Mental masturbation, the act of wasting valuable brainpower on pointless thoughts, is a game killer.

I had a coaching client recently who asked if I could answer a few questions. I said sure, expecting the usual “How do you know what to say to girls?” or “How do I get over my approach anxiety?” Instead, he sent me a list of 20 incredibly complex queries, including doozies like the following.

(Note, if the author is reading, I love you, bro: this is for your benefit.)

Here’s #2 from his list:

“What have you found in terms of the structure you would talk to a girl in terms of: Questions, Statements, Cold-reads, Roleplaying, Teasing, Paraphrasing, Facial/Body/Hand Expressions and Gestures, Flirting, Pretending, Imagine, Advice, Helping, Acting, Deep diving, Humor, Sexuality, Storytelling, Relating, Apologizing, Compliments, Kino, Reinstating for understanding, Leading, Protection, Boredom, and Silence? How do emotions also play a role in the structure, are there things to look out for and a general rule for how to get back on the rails without looking desperate, needy, or fake, rather than someone she desires?”

Translation: “How do I speak confidently to women, without running out of things to say?”

Answer: Study, practice, study, practice.

Here’s another:

“How do you manage crossovers, so when two people want or believe something different about each other, but only one believes, or situations that can work at a time due to conflicting matters? Or it is impossible? How can it be steered in your direction rather than being a pushover? How dominant is the optimum, and where is the balance if there needs to be because her attraction starts dropping due to conflicting beliefs? For example, a real situation I have had, you are talking to a girl, and she believes that listening to music is not inspiring when you believe it is, and you have already stated that, but she will not change her mind on the topic regardless?”

Translation: “When should I agree or disagree with women?”

Answer: Studies have shown when someone initially disagrees and then switches their opinion, that person becomes less attractive. In general, you don’t want to be a pushover, a limp noodle who changes opinions based on the likelihood of getting laid. Women are especially good at detecting BS. It’s usually better to either tell the truth about your feelings and beliefs or say “No comment.”

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Narratives

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

pickup and seduction gambit: narratives
I call this one the Narrative Gambit. It comes with a great transition into sex talk and uses pacing and NLP to get her thinking about having sex with you. Enjoy!

Welcome back. Today I will share another sex talk gambit, which I use a lot lately.

The gambit is easy to pull off and intuitive to understand. I will share the gambit, and like always share the mechanisms behind it; how, why, and what makes it work. This will help you not only gain new knowledge around useful concepts for pickup and seduction but also give you tools to create your own gambit.

This post is shorter than my others, since the gambit itself does not contain many over-advanced concepts. The transition (which I will cover because I know many like to read about transitions into sex talk) does contain quite advanced concepts which I will not discuss here. Look for this in a future post (which will have a link back to this post so you can reread it with a different eye).

But in practice, this should be easy to pull off.

This post is suited for any seducer who:

  • Has the ability to calibrate
  • Can maintain and manage conversations
  • Has their fundamentals in check (key!)

When should you use this gambit?

I have only used this one in night game, but this works great on a date, and perhaps on the street, once you have hooked her in and have managed to keep a conversation going.

In night game, you can use this gambit anytime post-hook.

KEY NOTE: You can also use this gambit in groups, although it requires more smoothness and calibration. It works great.

13 Things That Happen When You Date Experienced Women

Hector Castillo's picture

experienced women
Dating an experienced woman can be a treacherous yet incredibly worthwhile journey. You’ll experience heartbreak and pure ecstasy. Prepare yourself.

I have had the pleasurable misfortune of not only sleeping with many experienced women but also dating one as a serious girlfriend.

And by experienced, I mean promiscuous. She's sexually experienced and has dated lots of guys.

Of course, there can be another definition for experienced.

She might be older and have had a handful of long-term relationships (LTRs). Though, a girl could be young and still have had a lot of boyfriends, even if they weren’t long-lasting relationships.

And even if a girl is older, it doesn’t mean she knows much about dating, but maybe she knows a lot about life. Or she could know a lot about dating but was relatively unslutty and had one or two LTRs.

For this article, then, let’s have three possible definitions of “experienced”:

  1. Older than you
  2. Many lays
  3. Four or more LTRs

Four LTRs is somewhat an arbitrary number, but I’d say four that last longer than a year makes one well-acquainted with relationships (though not necessarily skilled).

And, of course, these definitions are not mutually exclusive. A girl can have some, none, or all these traits.

I’ll address experience via these definitions differently throughout this article in terms of how they can impact your adventure.