Seduction | Page 74 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

The Keys to a Girl's Panties

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Physical escalation is a subject that’s a bit under-discussed in the world of seduction. This is probably for a combination of reasons – most of the men who are studying seduction aren’t running into scenarios all that often where they’re escalating physically, and most of the men who are decent enough at it don’t hear enough questions or concerns about this topic to bother sharing some of their secrets.

Smile Warmly, Smile Sexy

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By: Chase Amante

Really quick quiz: what’s the most powerful tool of seduction in your arsenal? What’s the one thing you have that, when used properly, can turn an ice queen into a kitten and make even the strongest women become bubbly little girls?

    Is it your sense of style?

    Your suave demeanor?

    Perhaps your silver tongue?

Those things all are great, but there’s one thing you can use to greater effect than quite possibly all of them combined. Want to guess what it is?

It’s your smile.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying:

Date Templates: Minimize Confusion, Maximize Returns

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date templatesDating is one of those things that can be a little ambiguous, even for guys who are relatively skilled in seduction in general. I know for me, it was an annoyance long after I’d reached a decent level of proficiency in meeting girls and taking them home quickly – that I could do fine, but dating was still a big unknown.

The Post-Coital Tone

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post-coitalOne of the things that’s hugely important to remember to do after you sleep with a girl for the first time is to set the post-coital tone. That is, to let your girl know, to some degree, what she can expect from you, and what you expect from her.

Manhandle Kisses

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Maybe it’s because I’m in Asia, but I seem to be meeting a lot of more conservative girls recently, and many of them have been throwing up a lot of initial resistance to kissing me. I used to run into this occasionally in the States, but nothing like what I’m seeing over here.

So what’s a guy to do? Well, what I’ve been doing is the same thing I’d do the odd time I’d run into women State-side who gave me resistance to kissing – I say resistance be damned and kiss her anyway.

Cracking Tough Cases

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Every now and again, a guy will meet a girl who seems really great, but despite his best efforts, he just can’t make anything happen with her. It can be very frustrating – especially when it’s a girl he knows well and cares about, and with whom he has a great connection, and whom he maybe even comes close to succeeding with, but can’t close the gap.

Why’s this happen? And what, exactly, do you do when you end up in that situation? That’s what I want to talk about in this post.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Chase Framing

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Alright gentlemen, if you feel like fishing with dynamite, I’m going to show you how in this post on Chase Framing. This is how to get girls to chase you. If your goal is women pursuing you, women chasing after you, women trying to sleep with you… chase framing is the closest thing to a magic bullet you can come. Mix in investment and always moving things forward, and you’ll have the recipe for a lot of fast sex and strong relationships with women who want you with a passion.

First, something in the way of a definition.

Telling Women You're NOT Boyfriend Material

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not boyfriend materialLast weekend I spoke at a gathering of the San Diego pickup community. One of the things I skirted over briefly, due to time constraints, but that guys asked me to spend a little more time on and seemed very interested in hearing about, was on disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend.

Move Faster II

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By: Chase Amante

Because our previous article on how to move faster with women (read the original here) proved so popular, we’ve put together a follow up with more tips on moving faster with women – and everything from getting phone numbers faster to getting kisses faster to getting the girl you like intimate in bed with you faster.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Move Faster

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We’re starting a new series of articles intending to highlight some little-known or under-discussed topics in the world of dating and seduction, called Secrets to Getting Girls. This first edition is focused on how fast you move through an interaction with a girl you like, from the time you first meet her until the moment you’re sleeping with her. Hope you enjoy.


Ever have an interaction going really well, with a girl really into you, but then it starts fading, dying away, and eventually she excuses herself and leaves?

You need to move faster.