Seduction | Page 69 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

Ego Depletion (and Keeping Women Around)

Chase Amante's picture

ego depletionApologies if you haven't seen me on here much recently. I'm working on a few new things that should help you take your game to the next level; the first one due out is a book on relationships that I'm really thrilled with the development on. I'm aiming for it to be as complete a book on relationships as How to Make Girls Chase is for pick up, and I have some truly outside-the-box thinking in it that I've developed through my own personal relationships and through advising a number of friends and clients on their own, and that I haven't seen or heard anywhere else.

Anyway, I wanted to take a break from all the big project stuff and stop by here with a few of the things I've been working on lately. Today's blog post is a monster, at over 5,000 words, on something called "ego depletion." As you get better with some of the more advanced techniques from this blog and from the programs available here, you're going to start experiencing more and more of this, as one of the downsides to efficient and effective pick up.

If you're familiar with a sales tactic called "hard selling," you know that, even when people know what this is, it still works a lot of the time. You also know from this site that the hard sell can be a useful seduction technique - but that it's not without its drawbacks. And the chief among those drawbacks is ego depletion, and the after-the-fact effect it can lead to: buyer's remorse.

Buyer's remorse is, of course, when you make some headway with a girl - she gives you her phone number, kisses you, fools around with you, or sleeps with you - and then she disappears, never to be seen again, or (sometimes) suddenly acts coldly toward you in social situations. Coldness can also be caused by auto-rejection, but there's one important difference:

  • Buyer's remorse is what you get when a girl feels like you made her go too far, whereas
  • Auto-rejection is what you get when a girl feels like you didn't take her far enough.

Mildly confused? Great. Confusion's the stage that immediately precedes learning something that will prove, hopefully, rather useful.

So let's talk willpower, decisions, buyer's remorse, auto-rejection, and ego depletion - and let's discuss how you can avoid shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to forming a relationship with a girl you really like.

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part V

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is the final post in our 5-part series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Check out Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV before reading this post, if you haven't already. In this last post in the series, Ricardus discusses how to take everything you've learned in the last four installments... and apply it to cleaning up in seduction.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By now, you’re starting to get a pretty clear idea of how we can control our own emotions… completely internally, without having to rely on alcohol, “warm-up sets” or having company around.

Two questions remain: What kinds of states should you put yourself into… and how can you transfer these states to other people?

The truth is there are several different states that can work well to meet and attract women… different things work for different people. What’s always going to work best to attract feminine women, however, is the masculine vibe of a sexual man.

Book Excerpts: Get Girls in Bed (Without a Bed)

Chase Amante's picture

get girls in bedIn response to the "Move Girls" post, a reader named Anon Guy comments:

Chase, hey,

This is an awesome post and I am religiously reading your down-to-earth blog.

I have a dilemma of not owning my own pad (yet), and if we propose that it is a zero-sum game, and that it all boils down to sleeping with her for the two to become lovers, do you have any practical advise on guys who do not own a convenient, private space to make the magic happen?

I guess back seat of my car could work, but it's not really private, and will probably be a million times harder to pull that off.

But based on countless posts I've read so far from you, it seems like the only way is to bed her some way or another.

Let me know. Thanks!

In fact, you don't necessarily need a bed to get girls in bed. You can do it without one... sometimes, not having a bed even makes it easier.

How can this be so?

Epic Movie Seductions: Part III

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionIn Epic Movie Seductions: Part I and Epic Movie Seductions: Part II of this series, we discussed the Pickup Scenes in “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona”, in “Office Space”, and in “American Beauty”.

Today we’ll discuss one more scene from a movie that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

This movie seduction also shows a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in a normal, every-day situation… and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

Let’s jump right in.

Epic Movie Seductions: Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionIn Epic Movie Seductions: Part I, we discussed the movie seduction in the film “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona”.

In that one, we looked at a smooth, confident approach a man made on two women sitting at a table, and the rock solid frame control he used to hold his own in the face of a defiant woman.

Today we’ll discuss more scenes from Hollywood movies that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

They show a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in normal, every-day situations… and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

Let’s jump right in.

Epic Movie Seductions: Part I

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionFiction is fiction… and a lot of movies and TV series aren’t very helpful for aspiring seducers. They may have true ladies’ men in the lead role, but they’re also too unrealistic or too different from normal situations to be at all educational. Thus, the impracitcality of modeling your real world seductions off of the average movie seduction.

In “Entourage”, for example, the protagonists are too famous and popular for you to ever apply what they do to your dating life… and in “Californication”, the women usually approach Duchovny… how are you going to imitate that?


HOWEVER, there are four scenes from Hollywood movies that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

They show a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in normal, every-day situations and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

The first of these four movies is “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona” – let me walk you through the pickup scene step by step, line by line, and analyze every behavior and every frame.

If you only learn from Juan Antonio’s mindset in this movie, your skills with women will improve significantly… and some of his lines aren’t bad either.

I recommend you read this article now to get the idea, then get a hold of the movie and watch the scenes we’re talking about… then come back to this text and read it once more, to really drill the lessons deep into your subconscious mind.

How to Seduce Women Like the All-Time Greats

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to seduce womenThey are the stuff of legends… the true MASTERS of seduction. They truly knew how to seduce women.

Some of them are fictional characters, like Don Juan de Marco… others are historical figures that really existed, such as the infamous Giacomo Casanova.

Some may be guys we know personally… everybody has at least ONE friend that every girl in school was chasing after (and he probably hooked up with more than half of them too!).

Others may be guys you’ve seen at the club that seem to know everything there is to know about how to attract women… like that guy who was surrounded by beautiful women, all vying for his attention and trying to be the chosen one he would take home that night!

It can be hard not to get jealous…

But no matter whether your goal is to how to seduce women as well as these legendary Lotharios, or whether you just want to master your own dating life well enough to find one special girl… there is a LOT to be learned from a true master.

This is true for any craft, and it’s no different with seduction.

So let’s look at the ingredients that make true masters… and what we can learn from them, in order to reach our own highest potential!

The 9 Secrets to Being a Sexual Man

Ricardus Domino's picture

sexual manWhen you first meet a woman and you both don’t know each other that well yet, you may be wondering… what kind of girl is she? Does she want a casual relationship, or is she looking for something serious? Is she open minded about having sex the first night, or does she have moral judgments about that sort of thing?

The good news is – she doesn’t know any of these things about you either. So it is up to you to present yourself in the light that you want to be seen in… to set your very own relationship expectations... and to put the relationship in the context of your choice.

For example, I once had a friend who was looking for a wife. He met a girl on the internet, and when I saw the two of them together, she seemed to be exactly what one might want in a wife: conservative, loyal, “hard-to-get” and trustworthy.

The question is, however: did she just present herself that way because my friend had subcommunicated his expectations?

What if I had been the one to meet her on that dating site instead of him… and what if I had told her that I enjoy my single life?

What if I had implied that I was a sexual man - that I think casual sex is fun, healthy and perfectly okay?

You can bet MONEY that she would have presented herself in a very different light indeed… and that an entirely different relationship would have resulted from the first date.

So the question is… what kind of relationship do YOU want?

I’m guessing that you want sex to be a part of the relationship… and if that’s the case, read on. There are only nine things you can subtly clarify on a date, and if you do it right, she will likely be fine with a casual liaison.

In fact, even if you’re looking for a girlfriend or something more serious, it’s still a good idea to start that relationship very passionately.

Later, when you look back on the weeks when you first met, you want to be able to say that you were so crazy about each other that you couldn’t resist… and that your love story started off with a bang!

Also, once you’ve had sex with a girl, the questions of WHETHER and WHEN to sleep together is finally off the agenda, and you can just be normal around each other. Now you can get to know her without this question looming over your heads.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Touch Women (the Scientific Way)

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to touch womenThese are questions millions of men scratch their head over every day… should you touch her on the date, and if so, how much?

Will she think you’re creepy if you touch her too much… and how much IS too much?

Will she think you’re a shy wimp if you don’t touch her enough… and how much IS enough?

Let’s have a look at what science has to say on how to touch women… what happens to a woman physiologically when you touch her, what kinds of hormones get released and how does this affect the way she will FEEL about YOU?

Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl

Ricardus Domino's picture

first kissAh, the first kiss.

Does the following sound familiar?

"This conversation with her is going great... man, she’s a real cutie… and she seems to be having a good time too... maybe... yes... I *think* she's flirting with me too!

"But... what if I try to kiss her now and she rejects me? I'll have made a fool out of myself... and maybe that'll blow all my chances with her... I can't take that risk... I better play it safe."

This is a pre-recorded voice message, installed on just about every man's mental hard-drive… at birth.

(It almost seems mother nature doesn’t want you to produce offspring at all sometimes, doesn’t it?)

So… we need to scramble that file... and fast.

FACT: If she’s talking to you, one on one, chances are she likes you… or she’s at least considering the possibility.

Which means, she’s EXPECTING you to kiss her… and in fact, it will even be WEIRD to her if you don’t make a move.

She will think that you’re either not that into her, or that you just don’t have the balls to take things to the next level… and either way, it will cause her interest in you to diminish.

It’s ironic… men are afraid to ruin their chances by making a move, when in reality the opposite is true… not taking things to a physical level with a woman is the number ONE reason why guys end up in the dreaded “friend-zone”!