Girl Types | Page 4 | Girls Chase

Girl Types

Girls Who are New in Town are Easier

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new girl in town
The girl who’s new to town is easier to chat up, get dates with, sleep with, and make your girlfriend. But why? It’s down to social rank and newcomer identity.

Wherever you look, the ‘new girl in town’ phenomenon is in evidence. Specifically, the ‘new girl in town is easy’ phenomenon:

  • Female university students are easier to bed in their first two semesters in school than at any other time in their college careers

  • The new intern at work is far and away easier to bed than the girl you’ve worked with for the past two years

  • Girls who’ve just joined an online dating platform are significantly easier to score meet ups with than women who’ve been on there three plus months

  • Girls you meet at bars or the gym or salsa class who’ve just moved to town are easier to sleep with and date than girls who’ve been there a year or longer

  • Women who are fresh off the boat (FOB) from a foreign country are way easier to bed than foreign-born women who’ve been in your country three or four years

The first few times you hook up with a girl who’s new – in school, at work, in town, in your country, or in any scene – you might assume it’s a fluke. But when it starts to happen again and again, you can begin to wonder something else: could it be that women who are new to the scene are easier in general?

As it turns out, they are.

We’re going to talk a bit about why. And then we’ll talk about where to find women who are freshly arrived (for all your dating and mating purposes).

If a Girl Has Sex with You Fast, Is She a Slut?

Chase Amante's picture

fast sex slut
If she has sex with you fast, does that mean she’s easy? Well… it might. Yet you need a bigger sample size than one (i.e., just you and her) to really know.

One of the more prevalent notions about women and time-to-bed (I’m just going to call it ‘TTB’ in this article) is that the faster a girl gets in bed with you, the sluttier she is.

This is not just an Internet meme. It existed long before the Internet did. It probably goes back as far as humans have been a mostly-monogamous species and have possessed language (that is to say, this meme’s at least a million years old).

Like much wisdom that’s been with us for a long time, it’s rooted in truth. On average, easier women have shorter TTBs (times-to-bed). The harder a girl is to get, the longer her TTB is, on average.

BUT, there is a but. There’s a big but. A Kim Kardashian-with-gluteal-implants sized but.

To be more accurate, there are several big buts.

And if you don’t know what they are, there’s a not-insignificant chance you will ditch a low partner count girl who’s never moved as fast with a guy as she did with you and never will again... or wife up a high partner count girl (with similarly high predilections to stray) after mistaking her for a cagey, hard-to-get one because she knew how to play the game (or just wasn’t that into you).

How to Have Sex with Hippie and Hipster Girls

Hector Castillo's picture

sex with hipsters
Hippie and hipster girls might seem a little kooky or out there. But they’re still interested in men, dating, and sex – you just need the right approach.

If there’s any demographic of women I’ve always been good with, it’s hippies and hipsters.

The two categories are quite close to each other, as they’re both non-normative, but they have slightly different ways of demonstrating their alleged non-conformity.

Hippie chicks are more extreme. They tend to travel a lot and rarely have stable jobs, or they often work low-end retail jobs to satisfy the need to socialize without too much work. They can drift for weeks or months on end. They also might eschew normal feminine habits, like wearing makeup, shaving, etc. One hippie chick I slept with, who had both hairy armpits and a full bush, told me her most recent job was making mermaid tails and selling them. She was surprisingly pretty, had a great body, and the sex was very, very nice.

Hipsters are the less-extreme version of hippies. Instead of completely dismissing society, they tend to express their rebelliousness in the following ways:

  • Tattoos

  • Dyed hair

  • Lots of piercings – the bigger and more grotesque, the more rebellious she is (the bull ring is the black belt of a hipster or alternative girl)

  • Alternative music

  • Active in the EDM (electronic dance music) scene

  • Music festivals

  • Extreme sexual liberation

  • Hang out at “alternative” venues (not super-popular spots)

  • More masculine than your average girl (does boxing, MMA, CrossFit, etc.)

  • Smoking weed and usually doing lots of party drugs like Molly

None of these traits in particular make a girl “alternative,” but having enough of them makes it very clear she’s trying to express to the world that she doesn’t “abide by its rules.”

The big point here is that she’s trying to be vocal about her rebellion. She wants everyone to know how she feels about the world around her.

What you may notice quickly through experience or contemplation is that they’re not really so different from any other girl; they just have some unique hobbies and characteristics.

In the end, however, they’re still girls.

And they like men, even men who are not anything like them – sometimes, especially if they’re not like them – since many of the men in their cliques can be quite effeminate and submissive because of their ideologies, though that can be said of most men in most social circles.

I think the biggest factor that keeps guys from sleeping with pretty and hot hippies and hipsters is simply that they don’t hang out where these women do. And I assume that if they do come in contact with these wild creatures, they tend to auto-reject these women because they’re from vastly different worlds.

Short Girls vs. Tall Girls: Which are Better to Hook Up with and Date?

Davi Diluna's picture

By: Davi Diluna

short girls vs. tall girls
Short women vs. tall women – who’s better on your arm, on dates, and in the bedroom? Davi took a year to compare the differences.

Last year, I tried a personal experiment: I slept primarily with short girls for 6 months, then I switched to tall girls for the next 6 months.

Before I began this research, I heard – as everyone does – a lot of mainstream ideas about short girls vs. tall girls: tall girls are more confident, difficult to get, and they only crave taller guys; and with short girls, sex is better and simpler, and they are just easier to get.

Well, after one year of diversified pick-up, I realized that all those ideas are wrong, so I decided to share my discoveries and practical advice on having sex with taller and shorter girls in this article.

And for your information, you curious and sexy GC readers, I myself am 5’8” (173cm), living in Western Europe. When I talk about short girls, I mean around 5’ tall (152cm); by tall girls, I’m talking my height or a bit taller, like 5’10” (178cm). But this article deals with both a girl’s height relative to you and her height relative to the average population, as each measurement has its own implications.

Also, girls in your part of the world may be taller or shorter on average. And in some parts of the world, height probably has more or less social stigma attached to it. This article is focused on the typical height ranges, not super-tall or super-short girls, and I’m sure there are other nuances not covered in this article (and a lot of potential debate to be had, haha), so I look forward to reading your thoughts, experiences, and opinions in the comments section.

Fasten your seatbelts, and let’s go!

How to Meet Girls at Gay Bars, Part 2: Gay Bar Patrons

Alek Rolstad's picture

gay bar patrons
The list of gay bar patrons include a colorful cast of characters… and 3 varieties of eligible female.

Hey, and welcome to the second post in my series on gaming in the gay environment.

Previously we discussed the different types of gay venues, some of their basic dynamics, and how to handle them. Today we will discuss the different people who attend those venues. Most gay venues tend to be open to everyone, but there are certain types of people you will find here most often. Since these types of venues are niche, it is key to understand the crowd.

I will split this post into two sections, first discussing the girls (who are not gay), then explaining the regular visitors who are part of the LGBT crowd. Basically, in the first section I will cover the people who you’ll seduce, and the other section will be dedicated to the crowd you’ll have to deal with.

Before we begin... the disclaimer:

Disclaimer: If you happen to find an awesome gay club or discover that gay clubs are good places to get laid, please do not tell all of your bros. Truth is, I have seen many great gay venues die because of this. They are something special for a reason, and if too many straight men come over, the vibe will be ruined and the venue will cease to be what it is. I have been hesitant to share the info related to “gay game” for this reason, and I hope you understand and keep this info for yourself.

Early 20s Women vs. Late 20s Women: What's the Difference?

Colt Williams's picture

early 20s women
Early 20s women are different from women in their late 20s. How they differ makes a big impact on how you date them (and which age you prefer).

When I first started reading and eventually writing for Girls Chase, one of the things that always surprised me was when writers gave their perspective on dating women who were in their late 20s and 30s, and how different it was from dating women who were in their early 20s.

I was in my early 20s at the time – just a student of the game – and I always thought that older guys were exaggerating the differences just a few years can make. But now that I am older and have dated a few women in their late 20s and 30s, I’ve found that perhaps the men who have written about this phenomenon in the past have actually underestimated how stark these differences can get.

So that’s what I’m here to explore today.

But first, let me add a disclaimer: everything that I’m going to discuss with respect to mindset versus age is just a set of general guidelines designed to be a useful framework.

I know there will be exceptions, and I just want to say that I hear you. I have definitely been with girls who fall outside of the norm. I’ve dated younger girls who have had the dispositions of 45 year olds. And I’ve dated women in their mid thirties who have been nowhere close to having their acts together. But out of the thousands of dates that I’ve been on, these trends are definitely what I’ve seen in the majority of cases.

You and Your Game Attract a Certain Kind of Girl

Chase Amante's picture

attract a type of girl
You attract the women you’ve tailored yourself to attract. But that’s not all: the women you do well with tailor you further still.

I’ve talked about this over the years in various articles. However, it’s worth giving its own proper treatment, if only to make sure everyone who reads here gets this message.

There are some girls who are going to like you more. Some girls who will like you a lot more. And there are some girls who are going to be less excited by you.

Who these girls are is determined by two (2) things:

  1. You (and your fundamentals), and
  2. Your game

If you’re great with athletic girls who love the outdoors, for instance, you’ll tend to struggle a lot more with bookworm girls who are well-read and love to bury their noses in tomes. If you do awesome with alternative-scene girls from electronic dance clubs, you’ll usually struggle more with flashy, aloof girls at high-end nightclubs.

The better you are with one demographic of girls (i.e., the more you specialize), the worse you will tend to do with other, dissimilar demographics to her. Great fundamentals and game will take the edge off specialization (so the penalties for specializing are not as severe), but it never goes away completely.

Why should this be so?

I’m going to take you through the ‘why’s. Then, I’m going to help you decide what to specialize in... and whether to resist too much specialization and be a generalist instead.

Actors vs. Bonders: Girls Who Focus on Appearances

Chase Amante's picture

appearance focused girls
Some girls focus on appearance above all. Others focus on bonding. Which girl you pick makes a big difference on the relationship you enjoy.

One friend of mine had a girlfriend who attached herself to him when his career was strong, his reputation was great, and his money was solid... only for her to leave when he lost his career, his income took a big hit, and his self-confidence became shaken. A little while later, once everything was back in order and he was doing great again, the girl came back.

Another friend of mine had a girl he’d slept with (among many others) whom he contacted later on, only for her to threaten to “call some big guys” to come mess him up if he contacted her again. This was after a smear campaign against him to ruin him socially turned friends of his against him (while others stayed loyal to him and fought the rumors). The girl in question was obviously one of those swayed, and flipped from major fan of his to throwing him under the bus without hesitation.

Two different friends, with two different girls, in two different situations. Both had one thing in common though, and that one thing was the same thing I see guys who get burned by flashy foreign brides or sexy bombshell girlfriends or any kind of girl remotely like this: they picked the appearance-focused girl instead of the connection-focused one.

4 Manly Rules that Make “Bad News” Girls Avoid You Like Smallpox

Chase Amante's picture
bad news girls
The wrong woman can be legitimate bad news for your life. To screen these bad news girls out though (and screen the good ones in), you need 4 rules.

Over the years, I’ve penned various cautionary notes aimed at keeping you safe from girls who will slowly (or quickly!) suck the lifeblood out of you. Some of them include:

Drexel contributed his important warning on a certain class of ‘bad news’ girl here:

Yet, as Sadeqh points out in my article on resilience, I haven’t actually given you a system you can follow for keeping these girls at-bay (or under control):

hey chase! I have noticed that you covered a lot of topics on how to seduce or introduced a lot of ways to success. I admire them all but why didn’t you ever start to teach men how to not let someone (like which would Be called a bitch by society) begin to destroy and suck Blood outta men who only think they love her? why didn’t you write in your book about defense, nothing Held back! about the destroying Powers women could have over men? about the hate that hurt people could use against someone who only wants to enjoy with them? thanks, sadeqh

So, okay; let me give you that then. Defensive tactics to ward off girls who are bad news.

In this essay, I’m going to give you four (4) manly rules I use myself that make girls who are ‘bad news’ avoid me like I’ve got a case of flesh-eating disease... And turn ‘good’ girls (i.e., any girl who won’t shred you or trample you in a hookup or relationship) even better.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Pick Up the Alpha Female

Chase Amante's picture

alpha female
The alpha female is the dominant girl in her group, and to get her, you’ll have to be a little different than you will be to pick up her follower peers.

It’s been nearly three months since I wrote the first installment in this series, “Girls in Groups: How to Tell Who’s a Leader or a Follower.” I finally just sat down to write Part II: how to pick up the leader.

If you didn’t read the first part of this series, click back and give it a read. If you can’t tell the difference between leaders and followers, this article won’t do much good. We’ll talk about identifying some of the signs of leadership vs. followerdom here too, but that first article’s the real roadmap on this.

Once you’ve read that, let’s talk alpha females. First off, why would you want to pick up the leader of the group? Aren’t those usually the toughest, meanest chicks? And aren’t they often the fat or ugly ones?

Well, not necessarily on that last. And as to the rest, it’s all part of the fun.