Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Get a One-Night Stand with a Sexy Girl

Colt Williams's picture

It is the goal and dream of young, middle-aged, and seasoned men everywhere. In fact, I am convinced that 90% of the time that males go out it is for this purpose: the one-night stand.

One-Night Stand

There are few things more satisfying than going out, meeting a new sexy girl, executing your game perfectly (or probably just good enough), and then taking her home for a one-night stand.

But on the flip side of this coin, it can be an extremely disappointing feeling to go out with the intention of getting a one-night stand and then, sadly, falling short. And droves of men unfortunately experience this frustration on a nightly basis.

Fact is, most guys have only the haziest of ideas about how to get a one-night stand.

There was a period of nearly 10 months where I slept with quite a few girls, and every single one was a one-night stand. During this period, I learned a thing or two about really fine-tuning my process to this end.

And now I’m pleased to share with you what I’ve learned about getting a one-night stand with sexy girls.

I hope you get a lot from this article, but the key take away should be this: in a one-night stand, your process and decision-making are just as important as your appearance and game. So keep that in mind.

Bitches Be Crazy (Or, Why Women Love Strong Men)

Joseph W. South's picture

Chapter I – The Role of Evolution

When it comes to theories about the sexual behavior and choices of women, it’s good to keep in mind that these are theories and not absolute truth.

As Eckhart Tolle says, this knowledge should properly be viewed as signposts along your journey in life, and not necessarily a rigid, dogmatic morality. Theories can be valid and extremely useful in helping us create models of the world.

bitches be crazy

After having sex with over 100 women as I have, and having had platonic relationships with hundreds more, you can see how patterns of behavior fit together, and how female psychology becomes largely predictable – as Franco my co-author describes it – with mathematical precision!

The Ones You Go to, and the Ones Who Go to You

Chase Amante's picture

If you’re like most men, the women you end up with are, by and large, the ones who put themselves on your radar:

  • The girl who sits near you in the library or coffee shop

  • The one who dances next to you at the bar or club

  • The one who glances at you while waiting for the bus or train

ones you go to

These girls signal you, they toss approach invitations your way, and you get up off your butt and go meet them.

If you think about most of the girlfriends you’ve had, they probably fall into this category. Unless you’re a regular street gamer or mass approacher, my guess is most of the women you’ve slept with fall here, period.

Yet, are these the best quality women you can get?

Or are you missing the choicest fruit high up in the trees, for the fruit that’s easier to get, lying readily in reach upon the ground?

Sexy Man’s Grooming Guide, Part 2: Manscaping

Darius Bright's picture

Welcome to Part 2 of our Sexy Man’s Grooming Guide (you can find part one here: “Sexy Man’s Grooming Guide, Part 1: Skin Care”).

Time to cover the topic that I consider to be the “accounting” of men’s grooming – not that sexy, but a job needs to be done or else you’re in trouble – manscaping.


For most guys, dealing with body hair is simply not an urgent topic, and because it usually comes into play after the clothes come off and the deal is mostly done, there’s little pressure to figure it out. Furthermore, you don’t really get that many extra “sexy” points for doing it right.

But beware – let it become a noticeable problem and it will be more impactful than any haircut or facial hair style you could rock, so much so that with some women it can be an instant deal-breaker and a major turn off.

In practice this can mean a woman politely (or not so politely) refuses to go down on you because it looks like you’re packing a personal rainforest down there, or she tries to avoid touching you because it looks like you have more hair on your back than on your head.

So to prevent such situations in the first place, we’ll today cover how to deal with body hair. I know that some of the parts we’ll be covering might seem common sense, but nonetheless, it needs to be said (and applied).

But before we get into the practicalities of dealing with body hair, we need to figure out how much body hair a sexy modern man should have.

Having a Positive Outlook vs. Solving Every Little Detail

Cody Lyans's picture

As men, we often want to solve every little detail when it comes to women, especially when we are feeling cynical (when we don’t try in life). You don’t think you deserve it, you don’t want to hear confirmation that you suck, you just want to stay deaf, dumb, and blind. How can things ever work out unless you hold the MAGIC answers? How can you ever be good enough unless you can prove it? How can you progress at all if you don’t know everything there is to know?

Positive Outlook

You think you are doomed because you don’t know it all, and so you want all the details; you want to have it all figured out ahead of time. But what if I told you, the details will only get you to the fight. What if I told you that the fight you will then enter will suck and hurt, and all your obsessive planning will be minimally useful from this point on. Would you still rush to know it all, knowing it will only get you out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Sometimes we feel so compelled towards our desire for solutions and the truth that we cannot help but feel the allure of being a cynic, at least temporarily. So in this article I am going to explain to you why positivity is more valuable than every little detail about something you can find... and we’ll also discuss why it’s such an important tool to master and practical applications of it in our dating lives.

The Genuine Man, Part 3: The Humble Man

Hector Castillo's picture

Howdy folks,

In Part 1 of this series we covered how one can utilize the virtue of arrogance to kill the weakness within. In Part 2 we experienced the pain of misusing arrogance.

Here in Part 3 we will discuss humility, the sheath that can reign in the sword of arrogance.

Genuine Man

Escalation Series Pt. 3: Her Emotions, Stages 5-9

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In the last couple of posts, we have examined the series of events that had to happen both logistically and emotionally in order for an escalation to progress successfully from meet to mate. Escalation

We understand that logistical escalation refers to, from a simplified perspective, where to do something, while emotional escalation refers to when to do something.

This information is important to understand, as the majority of time spent during your learning curve when approaching and socializing will be learning when to do (or say) whatever it is you do (or say).

In other words, when you are in an interaction with a woman to whom you are attracted, you will learn, through trial by error, to recognize the signals that she is communicating to you (mostly non-verbally), as to when to ramp up, or slow down your escalation.

Women are all different, so when you are able to recognize the emotions a woman is experiencing, you will be able to connect with her quickly, effectively, and then build upon this connection to guide the interaction to the Optimal / Desired Reality.

A good way of looking at emotions is to view them as filters. These emotional filters are the keys to decoding her communication.

Practical Female Psychology, Pt. I: Why I Wrote the Book

Joseph W. South's picture

Note from Chase: this is our first article from Joseph W. South, a long-time staple in the seduction and men’s dating advice community who’s been helping men do better with women for quite some time now. Joseph’s in his mid-40s, and has a broad array of experience with women to contribute. He does a thorough job introducing himself in this article, so I’ll let him take it from here. Here’s Joseph.

Hey guys,
Since this is my first article for Girls Chase, I want to take a moment to introduce myself:

I was born in Toronto in 1969, which makes me 45 years old today. By the age of 39, in 2008, I was retired with over a million American dollars in the bank. By late 2012 I had lost every penny of it and I was completely broke and in debt. I’ve been on a steady path of recovery since I hit bottom, and today, my life and prospects have never been better. Going through that experience taught me humility and new wisdom, while also greatly clarifying the wisdom I already had.

I’ll try to add a personal story in every article I write, so you can put my advice into good context.

I discovered “the game” in 2003. Not the book, The Game by Neil Strauss, which was published in 2005, but the actual game of seducing women, having threesomes, hosting parties for hundreds of people, and juggling multiple girlfriends at the same time. I attended bootcamps, seminars, and voraciously read everything I could get my hands on in this genre. I had the privilege of meeting and interacting with many of the characters depicted in Strauss’ book: everything from brief conversations, to bootcamps, to interviews on my podcast, along with some great friendships that endure to this day. In 2007, I collaborated with Franco [editor: Franco of mASF fame, different from our Franco] and David Clare to produce Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man. For the sake of brevity I will refer to the book as “PFP”.

Why Moving On Dislodges the Fixated Man

Alek Rolstad's picture

In this post I will discuss a very simple concept: moving on. This seems so basic and so trivial to many men, but, believe it or not, this is where most rookies and even intermediate players fail.

moving on

In the comment section we often get questions where the obvious answer is “You should have moved on.”

Still though, many expect a more interesting answer, so we try to give them some more feedback that could help them with their issue, and though our suggestion might work, honestly, if I were in their situation I would have simply moved on, and I can with confidence say that many of my colleagues here would have done the same.

Let us quickly explain what is meant by moving on and why the ability to do so is attractive before discussing different scenarios in which moving on is especially useful.

The Genuine Man, Part 2: The Myth of The Heartless Player

Hector Castillo's picture

Howdy kids!

In Part 1 of this series, “The Genuine Man, Part 1: The Arrogant Man”, we explored in great detail the virtuous nature of arrogance. I hope you’ve been applying the lessons diligently! Now let’s examine the fruits of our labor.

Note: this is a cautionary tale.

He Who is Beyond Emotional Weakness

You’ve probably met one of these guys before. Or you’ve at least seen countless variations of him on television shows, in movies, or in books.

This is the guy who really just doesn’t give a fuck.

Genuine Man