Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Review: Minimal Game

Chase Amante's picture

minimal gameIn his latest book Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls, a fast-paced 110-page read, Aaron Sleazy starts off with a refreshing, commonsense hard slap of the overcomplicated approach to pick up and seduction that many companies in the space employ.

“You will get the impression that finding a sexual partner was not something natural and primal, but instead required years of serious study as well as the attendance of workshops costing several thousand dollars, in which people of often doubtful levels of competence teach you a million bizarre ways to talk to girls.”

This sets a clear tone for the rest of the work to follow, focused on shedding the over-complications of many of the industry's heavyweights and boiling the act of seduction down to its bare essentials, including everything from looks to expectations to even a section colorfully entitled "Learning from Deadbeats."

Sleazy starts off his book with a long focus on correcting the mentality of men who don't yet see women as sexual creatures. "Sex has achieved an almost mythological status in Western societies," he writes, "and if you are not getting any, you are supposed to feel bad."

After this introduction, we're off to the races.

Book Excerpts: Don't Be Too Easy to Get

Chase Amante's picture

too easy to getIt sounds like advice more characteristically given from one woman to another, but the warning to not be too easy to get is just as valid for men as it is for women.

Being too easy to get - and robbing women of the challenge of having to get you and net you for themselves - can seriously undermine your value and make it unnecessarily difficult to attract women back again.

Don't shoot yourself in the foot - use the examples from today's excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams to figure out where the right line is to walk to get yourself having just the right amount of availability - and challenge.

Book Excerpts: Short and Sweet Tips for Your PUA Openers

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Book Excerpt: Short and Sweet Tips for Your PUA Openers | Girls Chase

pua openersWhen you're new to meeting women and you're just getting started, finding the right PUA openers is consistently the number one thing on your mind. How do you open a girl the right way? Learning opening can feel like this big, daunting challenge.

Today's excerpt on getting down the basics of PUA openers that you might not know comes from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams. Opening's easy to do, you'll have experienced guys tell you, again and again - you can use anything to open with... so long as you say it right, that is. Problem is, when you're new, you don't really know how to say it right. So, you end up making mistakes, and women don't open well.

So what's the secret to opening well? It mostly revolves around a few key things you do to set the opener up right - so you're coming in warmly welcomed by women, instead of being greeted with suspicion or surprise as a man who plunges in awkwardly is wont to be greeted with. Here's what you need to know to get started...

Happy New Year 2012 from Girls Chase: A Look Toward the Year Ahead

Chase Amante's picture
happy new year 2012

This time one year ago I wrote a post excitedly updating you that we had 2,400 visits in December 2010, and that my ebook on getting girls was months away.

Well, I released the book in March and it's done well. It's been a consistent seller and it's moving about 40 copies a month. Meanwhile, Seduction Sensei, our monthly audio program, and Spellbinding, my video on having spellbinding conversation with women, were released as well, and continue to do great. Sensei has hundreds of subscribers; Spellbinding's gotten great reviews and continues to sell well.

As for visits, the site's grown a lot. In December 2010, we had 2,400 visits. In December 2011, just one year later, we had 193,000 visits - and it only keeps growing.

So what's in store for 2012?

Over the past week, while everyone's been on Christmas break, we've been upgrading the servers here, and just moved to a new server to handle the traffic the site's been attracting. We were experiencing page loading delays at times of up to 30 to 60 seconds - that's a thing of the past now with our own full-time dedicated server.

We've added a number of new members to the team too, including Ricardus, an experienced and talented writer; Genaro, our world class email guy; and a talented IT pro - with more new additions coming.

Book Excerpts: Good Posture (for Attracting Women)

Chase Amante's picture
Book Excerpt: Good Posture (for Attracting Women) | Girls Chase

good postureGood posture is one of those things it's easy to overlook -- how often do you examine your posture, for instance? But it has a tremendous impact on how others view you -- so much that you might be amazed, in fact.

Our excerpt today is on how to recognize and use good posture, from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams. Posture's a fundamental -- it's something that many men forget to work on when improving themselves with women, but it has large and continuous impacts on your development and success rates with the opposite sex.

If you haven't given much thought to posture before, I'll start you off with an example that'll snap you right into seeing how important having good posture really is...

Tactics Tuesdays: Tell Someone Lying from Someone Who's Not

Chase Amante's picture

tell someone lyingWhen I was three years old, I reached into a bag of potato chips up on the counter in the apartment my family lived in then and drew one of the chips out. Just then, my father walked into the room and caught me munching. "Who said you could have that chip?" he asked in his booming voice. I stood there stunned, looking at him like a deer in the headlights, a half eaten chip motionless in my frozen hand.

"Mommy," I said in response, eyes wide and voice trembling.

"Really?" my father said, disbelieving. "She said that from the shower?" He was right, my mother wasn't anywhere nearby -- she was in the bathroom getting washed. I could hear her singing from the kitchen. "Let's ask her."

I sat fearfully as my father walked into the bathroom and I heard him ask my mother if she said I could have a potato chip. I couldn't hear her response, but I guessed what it would be. My father walked back into the dining room. "She said she didn't," he said. I just stared at him. "You can't have these without asking first," he said, taking the bag away and putting it out of reach. I'd been caught red-handed (or salty-fingered). Fortunately, I escaped without a spanking, after I pleaded that it was "just one chip."

Ever since then, I've had a lifelong fascination with learning how to spot a liar, and how to not get found out oneself when on occasion pressed into lying. I hate lying, and avoid it whenever and wherever possible -- I wasn't very good at it when young, and came to the conclusion that lies always surface in the end, so it's better to just be honest -- but I'm all for being self-reliant, and very occasionally sometimes you've just got to know how to do it.

So how do you tell someone lying? There are a bunch of ways, and learning as many of them as you can is something that will benefit you enormously in all of your social interactions and relationships and friendships and parternships to come.

The Long Term Relationship: A Man's Manual on Getting Started

Chase Amante's picture

long term relationshipI tend to focus primarily on pick up and seduction on the blog here, and only infrequently touch on relationship topics, particularly the long term relationship. I write to what I think most folks are interested in, and I generally find it more fun these days to talk about meeting new women anyway. This might belie the fact though that I got started on all this back in 2005 with a focus primarily on building wonderful and amazing long term relationships.

A reader writes in:

Hey Chase,

I've read and applied all of your techniques for a good few months along with what i've already known / practiced and it's worked me wonders. Now though, after my last fling, there's this new girl I'm after. She's different though, more popular at my college than most others, the academic, social, sporty type.... Yea, a more difficult target.

Anyways, when you're dealing with a girl that you want a long term relationship with, do you still do the same things you do with shorter term ones?

I want to move fast but I don't think she's the type to follow that quickly, I might be wrong, but I'm just actually really scared I'll screw this up because for the first time in a long time, I care about the results. One important question though. When and how often should I meet her if she already feels comfortable around me. Should i still keep things brief? Play hard?

I think this area is something that can add more dynamic. Girls that you want to chase and be with you longer


The main question I see here is this one: "... when you're dealing with a girl that you want a long term relationship with, do you still do the same things you do with shorter ones?"

And the quick answer to that question is: yes, yes you most certainly do.

Reckless of me, you say? I must not know long term relationships, you retort? Or perhaps it's that I only ever date loose, easy women, and that these other girls -- these ones you, the reader (not the fellow who wrote in above; "you" as in "everyone reading this right now"), are interested in -- they're different from those loose, easy women who give in to my rapid seductions. They don't fall for such things; they're better than that.

Well, you know me; I'm here to bust your bubble, free your mind, and get you operating on a higher level. So if you were thinking that moving slowly and carefully was the key to getting a long term relationship with the girl of your dreams, you were sure of it, it was an unbreachable fortress of certainty, even, this post is going to tear down that castle in your head and build back up a gleaming new one that casts aside idealism and actually solidly works.

How to Be a Dominant Man: What You Didn't Know About the 'Winner Effect'

Chase Amante's picture

how to be a dominant manDominance is a touchy topic. It's positively loaded with cultural baggage - in the West, we're averse to both the idea of being dominant over others and of others being dominant over us. It has all kinds of ill-favored connotations that most would rather just avoid. I'm throwing all of that out today though and talking to you about how to be a dominant man, political correctness and sensitivity aside - and I'm going to teach you a lot of things you didn't know about dominance before today.

In the post on how to be an alpha male (without becoming a stereotype), we broke down the difference between what's generally thought of as "alpha" and what alpha actually is, and about the character of the nomad -- the man who's neither alpha, nor beta, nor any other role in a social hierarchy, but instead operates outside it entirely.

I've long noticed a failure to differentiate among "being alpha" and "being dominant" in those who discuss social dynamics. They're treated as one and the same -- if you're being alpha, you're dominant, and if you're being dominant, you're alpha.

But they aren't the same. Being alpha's about heading up your group.

Meanwhile, being dominant... that's about something else altogether. What that is -- that and the winner effect -- is what this article is all about.

Pulling Women Home: The Secret to Watertight Pick Ups

Chase Amante's picture

pulling womenA week and a half ago I was out at a nightclub with a pair of friends. One of my friends was from here in town; the other was visiting from the other side of the world. As is usually my priority when out with friends, I wanted to do anything I could to make sure both of them had as good a time as possible, and for me that meant doing what I could to try and get both of them pulling women.

Both guys are cool, likeable guys, and both do all right with women in their own rights already, so my contribution to their efforts was more in the edge cases -- making things happen when they might otherwise not. As it was, I coordinated aiding one of my friends in pulling his girl home fast, in the cold, even as she left her coat and phone behind and complained about needing to go talk to her friends, and set my other friend up as best I could to pull a girl I'd introduced him to who clearly wanted him to take her home very much while I managed the pull of my other friend visiting from out of town.

There were a number of moments during the pull when my one pal's girl was ready to peel off, and only by unflinchingly leading things forward was I able to maintain control of the situation and ensure she came with us.

How do you succeed at pulling women home in situations where most men fail?

Simple: you progressively move things forward.

The way you do that is the subject of this post, and executing correctly is going to be key to you getting regular, routine success picking up cute new girls.

GC is Hiring: If You're Good, You Should Write Us

Chase Amante's picture

Are you really, really good at what you do?

You already know this blog. You already know this site. You already know what we're about. You already know that we're about men moving up in the world through the best science and tech, crazy real world stories, living amazing lifestyles and getting the women of our dreams. We help men all over the world live like modern day kings.

So how's your current job? Does it suck? Is it "just okay"?

Or maybe you're doing well, but not as fast as you could be?

Anyways. We're looking for people who are the best, highly engaged, learn quickly, and are just awesome and amazing and fun people to work with.

Write to me at if you are - tell me what you're good at, why you got into it, and what you see as the meaning of your life.

(the actual job? I've got a few, I'd much rather hear from people who are awesome about what they're awesome at. I've got the right fit for you if you're the best and coolest person you know)


Love you,