Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Be a Freak in Bed, Pt. 2: Beginners Guide

Hector Castillo's picture

If you’re reading this, then you’re down to get weird with me.

Before we begin, let’s review what we know so far (see Part 1): all women are nasty little vixens deep down inside, even if they maintain a pure appearance (women are too complex for the binary thinking of the Madonna/Whore complex).

freak in bed

In this article, I’ll explain in excruciating detail how to get your lovers boasting about their sex with you to all of their friends.

It would only be fitting, then, if we start with precedent. And really, you want to...

Girl Types: Geek Girls

Philip Etemesi's picture
geek girls

If you still believe that geek girls walk around town with big spectacles, shaggy hair, and dresses that sweep the pavements, then your impression of them is woefully misguided. The stereotype of the dateless virgin bookworm is dated. But what’s the difference between modern and traditional geek girls?

Modern day geek girls are sophisticated. Not all of them study quantum physics though. Many nerdy girls now possess the kind of looks one normally associates with Miss World contestants and A-list Hollywood actresses. They now occupy a huge place on the spectrum of conventional attractiveness.

Unlike traditional geek girls who were rumored to do nothing but study, work, and eat junk food all day, modern day geek girls roll on the contrary. The girl with the highest IQ in your class or workplace now wears miniskirts, uses curse words, and posts bikini photos on Instagram with a plethora of hashtags. The only differentiator between her and the rest is that she prioritizes intellectual matters over social matters; she doesn’t have that much time for guys and merriment.

In the past years, there used to be a social stigma for both men and women attached to geekdom. Nowadays the tables have turned. It has become fashionable to label oneself a nerd. There might be a cavalcade of factors behind this evolution, but the rise of the internet and tech likely played a substantial role in the nerd’s ascent. Geeks have become the new cool. They are making significant impact in the world.

Back Pocket Mentality, Pt. II: The Holding Pattern

Chase Amante's picture

holding patternA year ago, I talked about women’s back pocket mentality: keeping a man in reserve, his appetite wetted for them, thirst for them unquenched.

It’s part survival instinct, part choice maximization... the best position for a woman is to have a flock of interested men waiting for their shots with her, for a variety of reasons (most women greatly fear becoming unwanted or undesired).

Today I want to introduce you to back pocket mentality’s close cousin, the ‘holding pattern’. This is a more serious version of the phenomenon, where a woman strongly implies sex or a relationship is on the table and coming very soon, without delivering.

This is used when a man is on her shortlist, but she wants to experiment with others first. Just because you’re on her short list doesn’t mean you’ll get her – and all the time you devote to her while she enjoys other men and “makes up her mind”, you’re killing her attraction and respect for you.

The Truth About Taking Drugs and Hooking Up with Women

William Gupta's picture

drugsI had snorted two grams of cocaine in thirty seconds. Twenty minutes later I collapsed in the middle of the theme park.

My body convulsed as first responders rushed me to the infirmary. My heart was beating over 170 beats a minute. I only weighed 107 pounds and I had not slept in over forty-eight hours.

All this just to impress a girl.

I have been sober for years now, but I have lots of experiences with both drugs and women.

I have seen many guys try various drugs to try and get with girls – from selling pot to meet girls, to taking Molly at a rave with hopes of meeting a girl at the end of the night.

So here is my tell-all about the world of drugs and women.

What Men Who Get Laid Do Before a Night Out

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi there!

When I shared my report of the night where I managed to pull a girl even though I felt terrible, a lot of people gave me positive feedback on the samples of my conversations. They really liked to see how I talked to women about sex and how I used it as a weapon of mass seduction.

As they asked for more examples, I decided to write this report, where we will be covering one interaction where I used textbook style sex talk. Although I have shared different concepts and techniques in my previous reports, I haven’t always been focusing directly on the content of my interactions – i.e., what I actually say to girls. The reason behind that is because I either forgot what I said that night, or because I wanted to put the emphasis on other aspects of my interactions.

This report however will not take place in Bulgaria. It will take place in Oslo, the capitol of Norway. I think it is great to share stories from different locations. This is from a Saturday night.

I will start off by laying out some foundations for the night – i.e., cover a few things that I did before approaching the girl of the night. After that, we’ll be spending most of this article discussing the actual interaction that led to a lay. Although this post and the next will be a straight-up lay report – covering everything from A to Z, I will still spend a lot of time explaining what I do and how everything works out together. I will do my best to make this report as educational as possible.

How to Be a Freak in Bed, Pt. 1: All Women are Freaks

Hector Castillo's picture

Years ago, one of my fraternity brothers compiled a survey for the rest of the chapter to complete. It was called the “Freaky Deaky Test” and it measured just how freaky you were in bed (or in bathroom closets). And we couldn’t complain, because we had unanimously elected him Freaky Deaky Chair of the fraternity.


What platform did he run on for this esteemed position? Well, he liked to have kinky sex. He would often tell us of his love for licking feet, bondage, girls spitting in his mouth, girls telling him he’s dirty scum while he railed them, etc. It’s the kind of debauchery that most American men would scoff at but secretly jerk off to in their dark rooms at 2 AM.

Around the time of him releasing this survey, I was still green to women and socializing. I’d slept with a handful of girls and was learning game naturally through meticulous trial and error. But I was a sexaholic. My girlfriend kept count of our sex and lost count after 1,000 times. And amongst this marathon of sex, I’d tried all sorts of things: spanking, choking, fucking on her period, putting a finger up her ass, and one of my all-time favorites, cumming on her face (i.e., the money shot).

But like I said, I was still new to the scene. So when I took the test, I only scored around a 7. Definitely not vanilla, but certainly not toe-licking-freaky.

If I wanted to be the man that women fantasized about late at night, I needed to change that score.

I had big shoes to fill, too. Women knew us as THE fraternity to have weird sex with, because our members were historically crazy and deranged.

And so, over the years, me and a few other gentlemen formed an even more select group of men known for their fun sexual habits. After initiating myself into this “Weird Sex Group” (yes, I heard women actually call us this), I had the distinct pleasure of hearing our “Freaky Deaky Chair” admit to me being weirder than him. Hoorah.

I’m still unsure what that says about my mental health, but it’s a testament to how far I’d go to satisfy my gooier lusts.

So, if you wanna transform into a man of this strange caliber, please continue reading (warning: this will be the most graphic article series ever written on Girls Chase).

6 Steps to Picking Up Girls at Concerts

Philip Etemesi's picture

In every genre of music, concerts typically play a big role in fan enjoyment. All music lovers dream of seeing their favorite superstars live. I’ve been to dozens of concerts and at them I have picked up several women.

There are similarities between gaming at a concert and gaming at a night club. However, the concert is still its own unique scenario.

meet girls at a concert

There are a few challenges you will experience when gaming women at concerts. The first major challenge will be dealing with a girl’s friends. No girl goes to concerts alone. Her friends might try to cockblock you. Lean to handle them through the article on Handling Her Friends.

The other challenges you are bound to encounter are the loud music that will hinder your communication and packed crowds that will make it otherwise difficult to move through and reach your targets. I will explain how to deal with all of these obstacles in this article.

Why the ‘Bid for Connection’ is Crucial to Your Relationship

Chase Amante's picture

“Any good dreams last night?”

“How was your day today?”

“You’ll never believe what happened to me.”

bid for connection

There are normal little communication bits and pieces you’ll encounter in relationships. They seem pretty small and trivial, and superficially they are.

However, these little questions or statements – called ‘bids for connection’ by Professor Emeritus John M. Gottman, Ph.D. – have big impacts on relationship health.

That’s because any time you make a bid for connection, or a gal you’re with makes one toward you, it goes one of two ways:

  • You or she accept the bid (Gottman calls this ‘turn towards’)
  • Or you or she ignore the bid (Gottman calls this ‘turn away’)

How often these little bids are turned toward or away from makes a world of difference, it turns out.

Why Every Man Should Read The 48 Laws of Power

Colt Williams's picture

A man’s effectiveness in life can usually be equated to the books that he reads. And outside of the usual books about good seduction, relationships, and the female mind, I’ve found that The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene really taught me a lot about both navigating life as a man and keeping my mental axe sharp in interacting with women.


In essence, Greene distills 3000 years of human history, conquest, conflict, and romance into 48 laws of attaining and defending yourself against power. I found that a lot of these laws apply to everyday situations, so you don’t have to be someone who is trying to be a prince or king to get value out of it.

Although I believe that every effective man should read the whole thing, let me summarize the key laws for you and tell you about how they can strengthen your abilities with the fairer sex.

Your Future Self Will Suck Too (Unless You Do Something About It Now)

Darius Bright's picture

It’s Thursday afternoon, you planned on hitting the streets (or was it bars?) to chat up some girls, but as the day is coming to a close and you feel the daily stresses are taking their toll on you, you find yourself thinking how maybe today is not the best day to do it, after all:

  • “I had a stressful day.”

  • “I need to wake up early tomorrow.”

  • “I don’t feel like my best self, and surely it won’t be as effective…”


You even start bargaining with yourself:

“Hey, you know what, I better hit the gym after work, eat a healthy meal – I’ve been meaning to improve my physique for some time now. Here’s my chance.”


“I could stay at work for a little while longer and cover some of tomorrow’s tasks. This way tomorrow I’ll have an easier day and feel so much more energetic to go out and meet women.”

Then it hits you…

“Yes! Tomorrow I will feel so much more like it, I will have a good night’s sleep, wake up earlier, get myself ready and sexy, and I’ll even talk to twice as many women for skipping today. Yes, tomorrow!”

So you go home. You didn’t stay at work to finish tomorrow’s tasks nor did you hit the gym on your way back. Instead of a healthy meal you grabbed an XL combo meal at a fast food joint and stayed up late watching re-runs of “The Office”.

And yet for some reason you kind of feel good about yourself. After all, tomorrow you will make it all worth it!