Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

A 5-Step Plan for a Serious Seducer

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

serious seducer
Serious success requires serious commitment. And if you want to be a runaway success as a seducer, you will need to throw yourself in, in these 5 ways.

When you are looking to improve with women, there are a few things to keep in mind.

If you don’t get them in order, things won’t work the way they should, and you will find yourself stumbling around without knowing what to do.

So today, I‘ll outline what you should be doing to help make it easier. I’ll set out some easy-to-follow steps to organize your progress as you go through your journey.

Tactics Tuesdays: Rewarding and Punishing with Phone Calls

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

rewarding & punishing with phone callsYou can use phone calls (yes, phone calls!) to reward women for good behavior – like good vibes and happy dates… but don't call when she's been naughty…

Phone calls are totally old school and no one ever uses them anymore. Right?

Well, the truth is men have always avoided phone calls as much as and wherever possible.

Back when texting wasn't all that popular and no one had messenger apps on his phone, guys still didn't like to make phone calls. They're nerve-wracking, higher pressure, and you can't sit and think about what you want to say -- it's all happening in real time.

Yet men who learned to use them then discovered phone calls were an almost magical way to bolster good connections with girls, repair frayed ones, and get out onto dates women who wouldn't otherwise have come.

And believe it or not, in the age of furious thumbs tapping out multitudinous messages, they still do.

On the forums, guys have repeatedly noted they tried calling girls (despite thinking it was out-of-date) and were amazed how well it went. Young women whom nobody ever calls, ever, get calls from guys and the calls go great and they lead to dates and hookups.

But this article isn't about whether to use phone calls or not use phone calls.

Instead, it's for that elite subset of men among you who already use them.

And the focus here is on how to reward with phone calls... or punish with their lack.

Boyfriend Framing: Serious Guy vs. Casual Guy

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

boyfriend framingJust because you use boyfriend disqualifiers doesn't mean you're totally out of the running as a boyfriend. Many guys still act like boyfriends… yet don't even realize it.

An issue I've noticed guys have over the years is they stumble upon Girls Chase, they read about not coming across as a boyfriend, and then they try to present themselves as 'not boyfriends' without actually changing their vibes.

Typically what they do is they add certain things to their conversations that they've read will push them out of boyfriend contention.

But then they don't actually revise the rest of their conversation to take out boyfriend-y topics and remarks. And they don't change their presentation or delivery style any, so they still seem like boyfriend candidates -- except now they're candidates who also say some slightly un-boyfriend-y things.

So let's talk about things men do (without even realizing it) that make them come across as boyfriend candidates to the women they meet... even while these men think (in error) that they are "coming across like the ultimate lovers."

Social Distancing at Nightclubs: Can You Still Meet People This Way?

Alek Rolstad's picture

social distancing at nightclubs
If nightclubs are open in your area, yet subject to social distancing restrictions, can you still meet women at them? Or are your nightlife prospects… LOCKED DOWN?

Hey guys.

Welcome back. This will likely be one of my last articles on COVID-19 for a while. I’ve shared all I know for now. Of course, if I make any mind-blowing discoveries or find something worth discussing, I will cover it for you.

Today I’ll discuss a topic I know many have been waiting for: clubbing during the pandemic.

I apologize for bringing this up so late. I prioritized this series of articles since not everyone has been able to go clubbing because of differing levels of lockdowns and restrictions. I preferred to cover themes that a larger audience could resonate with first.

Also, I did not cover this earlier because I believe clubbing with social distancing outright sucks. So much so that even a night gamer like me tends to favor other game types for now.

Hopefully, we will open up to something closer to normal soon. If all we have to do is wash hands, wear a mask, and “be careful” (not impose social distancing) when entering clubs, I will reconsider. But for the time being, I do not see clubbing as a good way to meet women, even though I have had some success.

Where I live, clubs are closed. However, I went to visit my homeland during the summer, and clubs were open. I spent some nights out there with my fellow wing, Halvor Jannicke. The observations I share here are mine and his. So he deserves some credit.

But even Halvor, as a fellow night gamer, is not very motivated in clubbing lately.

To be clear, we are talking about clubs where social distancing is required, and your freedom to move around and mingle is limited:

  • You will be led to a table with your social circle.

  • You are not always allowed to go to the bar to order. You must do so when seated at your table.

  • You can usually only get up from your table to use the restroom.

  • Some places have smoking areas; others don’t. So you have to step outside the club to smoke.

  • Can you mingle? Some places are stricter than others, but generally, it is forbidden.

In other words, the club experience has become quite crappy. So as you can probably already see, there is not much you can do.

But there are a few things you can do, and that’s what I will cover here.

However, it is looking grim for nightlife so far. I will share my solutions, although I’ll admit, they are not that good, and you will still be limited. If you are looking for ways to meet women during the pandemic, read my recent articles. I cover better ways to live out your sex life during this crisis.

6 Traits of Women Who Like Short Men

Tony Depp's picture
women like short menMost women may like taller men. Yet if you know what traits to look for, you can spot the women who are open to dating shorter men… or who even prefer them.

Where are the women who like short men?

I used to watch this cartoon called “Invader Zim.” It’s about a jerk alien who’s one of the shortest in a society that places high status on the tallest members. The leaders of the race are actually called “The Tallest.”

The joke is obviously aimed at us, the human race, and our predisposition to give status to the big and tall. It’s tied to our DNA, I suppose. Men like women with thin waists, wide hips, and big breasts for baby-rearing. Women like big, tall, strong men to protect them from wild beasties in the night. We haven’t evolved all that much.

Does that mean if you’re under five feet tall, you’re doomed to dating other Hobbits? Are you going to be stuck traveling the yellow brick road, forever limited to other Oompa Loompas? Don’t fret little one.

Today I’m going to alleviate the insecurities of the countless vertically-challenged men seeking confirmation that they’re not doomed to a life of AI sex dolls and Cheetos. There's plenty of hope for your dating as a short man.

Yes, there are women who like dating short men. It’s not a niche you’ll find on porn sites (I’ve never looked), but thanks to something we call having “game,” any man can rise above (snicker) the competition.

How to Pick Up Girls During Morning Rush Hour

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

meet girls during morning rush hourYou'll see a lot of cute women on their ways to work in the morning. Have you ever tried to pick one of them up? Know how it's done?

Recently a friend of mine arrived in a new city and went out for day game on a weekday afternoon. He felt disappointed to find few attractive women. Yet we talked about that, and I noted that most of the good-looking women are not walking around town during the day... most of them are at work (or they might be in their classes).

I suggested he try going out during evening rush hour, when all the women get out of work. This has long been one of my preferred times to day game. There are a lot of great advantages to it:

  • Women are out en masse from work, all crowded onto the streets at the same time. You have a high density of approachable women

  • Because they're coming from work, they're typically not in as much of a rush as if you meet them on their lunch breaks or on their morning commute

  • Having spilled out from work, some of them are happy to meet a sociable guy who isn't as ground-down by a day in the office as the people they've been around all day; others are high on endorphins themselves after their 'escape' and are feeling good and happy to meet anyone friendly

  • I personally very much like professional women, and a beautiful girl in her cute little business attire is extremely fetching to me. It's easy to get excited about women dressed this way in my opinion (she might dress sloppy off work, but she has to look nice on the job)

Today's article though isn't about evening rush hour, which in many ways is the easier of the two rush hours to approach during. I'll probably do an article on that as well.

Instead, this article's on morning rush hour -- a go-to guide for meeting girls on your way to work... or, if you are like me, a sometimes morning-rush-hour tourist.

Tactics Tuesdays: Advanced Romantic Objection Handling with UNDER

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

handle objectionsWhat should you do when a woman hits you with a strong objection? Do you give up? Let her go? Or could you… address that objection, in a strong, smart way?

Something a lot of guys are weak at is handling strong objections from women they like.

We can roughly break romantic objections down into several categories:

  1. Token: otherwise known as 'weak protests'. You can typically ignore these altogether, or handle them any number of ways. These aren't serious protests, and she's more or less swayed to your way of seeing things already. You bring her close to kiss her, for instance, and she weakly protests, "But I'll get lipstick on you..."

  2. Tentative: she might object; she isn't sure. She'll throw this objection out to see how you react. You're sneaking into somewhere off-limits with her, for example, and she whispers, "What if someone catches us?"

  3. Standard: your run-of-the-mill objection. Not necessarily super hard, but not something you can always easily just brush aside either. Think "I don't go to guys' places on the first date" or "Shouldn't you date women closer to your own age?" There are already many guides on Girls Chase to dealing with standard objections (I'll link them up a little below). These aren't the subject of this post.

  4. Strong: a firmly-held objection she's insistent on. You tell her, "Let's sit," and she says, "I told my friends I'd wait for them here." You invite her again and she just shakes her head and says, "I have to wait right here." You invite again and again she says, "I can't move from this spot, I promised I'd be here when they arrived." This kind of objection is our focus today.

  5. Absolute: she walks away or blocks you. Absolutely nothing you can do when she can't hear you anymore!

Token you don't have to worry about, unless you're the most tentative beginner ever.

Tentative is easy to overcome with any kind of playful response or halfway conviction: "No one'll catch us, don't worry," or, "If anyone catches us I'll beat him up. Come on."

And absolute objections, well, nothing you can do there. You're not omnipotent. Can't talk to women who aren't around you and you have no way to contact. Women like this are just gone.

Standard and strong objections are the ones that trip a lot of guys up.

In today's article, we'll talk about handling strong.

Orgasms Satisfy Women; Lack of Orgasms Keeps Them Faithful

Chase Amante's picture
orgasm and infidelityThe more women orgasm from sex, the more satisfied with sex and their relationship they are. But the less of a protective effect sex has against other men…

It's actually a bit more nuanced than the title. But the title is not wrong either.

When I was a younger guy I was obsessed with making sure girlfriends had orgasms (as powerful as I could get them) every time with me. If I failed to make a woman I was seeing more than once or twice cum I felt like I'd dropped the ball.

I knew other guys I respected whose philosophies were "I don't really prioritize whether the girl cums or not, honestly. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't." These weren't guys who didn't care about the strength of their relationships; they cared too. But for them, having the woman's orgasm as a "sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not" effect of sex was a lot more acceptable.

Yet as I've aged I've come more inline with my buddies views than my original ones.

I realized a lot of my original focus on "always make her cum, hard!" was out of a fear that if I didn't, a woman would become dissatisfied with the relationship and start to withdraw.

It turns out though that that isn't really the case.

It's not really the case at all.

Discetion, Reputation, and Boldness When Picking Up Girls

Frankie Bismarck's picture

discretion and reputation
In group situations, you can't be too bold, or girls will reject you to save their reputations. So what do you do? Use discretion instead.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of putting the bricks in place before throwing on the cement concerning making moves on girls. We’ll start by explaining how male and female attraction switches and mating strategies differ. Then we’ll look at crucial plausible deniability. I’ll give examples of how to alert a girl about your intentions to get her in the right mood before taking it to the next level. Finally, we’ll look at how the looks-money-status idea can be deceiving, and how you can signal to a girl that you are a lover before even opening your mouth.

If there is one thing observing male to female dynamics and living a relatively promiscuous lifestyle have taught me after all these years, it is that girls generally don’t respond well to being caught by surprise. Neither do they like being judged nor having their reputation tarnished.

A man can dramatically improve his dating life by gaining a deep understanding of these concepts. First, let’s take a look at the female attraction mechanism and how it differs from ours.

Ping Girls During Lockdown & Wake Up Old Leads

Alek Rolstad's picture

pinging girls
If you're trapped under lockdown, what can you do? Well, one thing you can do is go through all those old leads in your phone… and start pinging.

Hey guys. Welcome back to my series on dealing with COVID-19 as a seducer.

(For future readers who may be reading this once this hell of a pandemic has passed: this article focuses on pinging girls during the pandemic but still contains useful advice on pinging old leads).

We find ourselves in September, and the prognosis is sadly not looking much better. There seems to be no end to this nightmare. If you feel that way, then rest assured, you are not alone. I am also very fed up with this situation. I sometimes dream of 2019, the good times, memories, amazing people, and the adventures from the field. It all feels like a distant past.

It is a horrible time to live in. 2020 sucks.

As our freedoms are on hold (hopefully not forever), we feel existential anxiety. That said, we still have a choice:

  • Rant and feel bad about it

  • Try to do the best with what we have

  • Or both (my case)

Anyway, this was my usual COVID-19 rant. Now let’s get on with today’s topic.

Today I want to discuss a subject that should have covered earlier: pinging old leads.

There is a solution I have seen discussed on pickup forums like and within my circles.

In this post, I will discuss the pros and cons of this solution, and give you my tips on doing it the best way.