Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Seduction as Offense vs. Resistance as Defense

Chase Amante's picture
offense vs. defense in seductionIn many ways, seduction is analogous to warfare. Yet men’s seduction – offense here – need not be ‘hostile’ towards women’s defensive ‘resistance’!

I’ve dived back into reading On War, Carl von Clausewitz’s masterful treatise on military action. I’d taken a break to read some fiction (such as Edgar Rice Burroughs’s peak masculinity adventure stories) and a few other non-fiction books on various subjects, but now, like a band of pillagers that struck off temporarily to replenish its supplies before returning to the siege, I’ve wandered back.

Clausewitz speaks often about friction, his term for difficulties doing just about anything in war – a force that bogs down what should be simple maneuvers and plays spoiler to otherwise sound strategies. I’d like to write about how this relates to seduction too… but for today the topic is something else.

Because as Clausewitz talks about offense and defense, I see many parallels there to our topic of discussion here. In many ways, within a romance, the ‘offense’ is the efforts to seduce – while the ‘defense’ is the efforts to resist that seduction.

What I’d like to do is highlight some takeaways from Clausewitz that apply every bit to the romantic battlefield as they do the martial one.

After all, as they say, all’s fair in love and war, and the two fields have their similarities.

Tactics Tuesdays: Cool Guy Emulation

Chase Amante's picture
cool guy emulationCool guys behave in subtly different ways than guys who just ‘do what cool guys do’ without BEING cool. How can you emulate this and actually BECOME cool?

What are you focused on when you’re talking to girls? Is it:

  • Looking out for cues and responding to signals?

  • Active listening to understand what she’s saying and feed it back to her?

  • Using good tactics and making the right moves to progress things forward?

  • Worrying about what she thinks of you and whether you are doing it right?

These are all useful things to focus on when you are learning them.

They are also things you will be aware of in the back of your head even once you have learned them.

However, guys who are good don’t have any of these things as primary foci with girls. Instead, these are background processes occurring in their heads, keeping an eye on their interactions for them, calibrating on the fly.

What do skilled, cool guys focus on when they talk to girls?

That’s what we’ll talk about today.

That, and how to emulate such guys, so you can get similar results to them too.

9 Pieces of Red Pill Dating Advice that Are Blue Pill AF

Chase Amante's picture
red pill dating adviceRed pill offers a lot of dating advice to curious men. While this advice can seem good on the surface, much of it is lifted directly from the ‘blue pill’.

Seduction has a strange relationship with the red pill. The two fields have plenty of overlap on many things, but there’re also some glaring (often diametrically opposed) contrasts in perspectives and practices.

When the red pill first split off from the seduction community in the late 2000-naughts, it more or less carbon copied the dating advice of seduction, albeit infused with politics and just a dash of cynical avoidance. Since that time, it’s exploded in size, becoming an enormous ideological sect that dwarfs its seduction community forebear. Yet as it’s grown, it’s also transmogrified so radically that a lot of its dating advice has altered as well, in some cases becoming rigid and dogmatic, and in others completely watered down.

There are some reasons for this that are worth a brief address. If you don’t care about the reasons and history, however, you can just skip down to #1 and get right to the ‘advice’.

First though, let’s talk exactly how red pill dating advice became such weak sauce.

As an Older Man, Do You Need Money to Date Younger Girls?

Chase Amante's picture
do older men need money to date younger girlsYounger women date exceptional older men. But does this mean an older man needs wealth to date younger? Not exactly – YET his occupation is KEY…

A while back, I wrote an article entitled “What's It Take to Attract and Date Younger Women?” In this article, I stated that to date younger women as an older man, you must be an exceptional older man.

One of the ways I said you need to be exceptional is in your career. I stated that

You can't play the mysterious/traveling unemployed adventurer card as an older man; once you're past 33 or 34 or so, I think you've pretty much got to be a business owner (best), retired (second best, or maybe tied for best), or reasonably high up in whatever you do for work.

Over the years, I’ve had numerous men worried that they wouldn’t qualify for this asking if that means they’re precluded from dating younger women. Most recently, a reader commenting on my article about the 12 mindsets of highly successful seducers asked about this, saying


Great article as always.

I wanted to ask a quick question and get clarification on something.

So, I’m reading through old articles of yours and noticed some are about not needing a lot of money to do well with women, but I still get confused with the older man being exceptional article.

I know money isn’t everything with seduction, but with that older man getting younger women article. It always sticks out to me when you said you’d need to be relatively high up in your career, retired, or have your own business by your 30s if you want younger women.

Then you have later articles about how saying you’re a business owner doesn’t win points with women, having a high paying career doesn’t attract women, etc.

You say it’s better to be an artist or whatever romantic hobby you do.

Then there are the articles about getting women while broke, living like a minimalist, etc.

I know you need money for a family, maybe a relationship.

But from what I got from the exceptional older man article was that you need to have a high paying career, a business, or be retired (which means you have money) in order to get younger women.

Of course game and fundamentals matter too, but from that article, money seems the most important because if it wasn’t it wouldn’t have been mentioned.

Every time I think of that part in the article it feels like you won’t have any chance with younger attractive women if you don’t have one of those things with money. Then I read articles after that that sound like you still have a chance because career and money don’t matter if you don’t have fundamentals and game.

So is money and being exceptional only needed for younger women? Were those articles about not mentioning your career or saying you’re a business owner only good for women your own age?

Could you please clarify these things for me?


So, all right. Let’s clarify what I mean by ‘exceptional older man’ and why I say those things – owning a business, being retired, or being high up in your career – are important.

And no, it has nothing (or very little) to do with MONEY!

12 Mindsets of Highly Skilled Seducers

Chase Amante's picture
mindsets of highly skilled seducersSkilled seducers don’t just do things different from most men. They even THINK different. Think like a skilled seducer, and success with women comes easier.

I haven’t done a good ‘roundup’ article in a while.

Rather than write something totally different and original, I figured I’d do a refresher piece. As valuable as new concepts and perspectives are, it’s also worthwhile to review important past ground too.

Below, I’ve listed out 12 of the most important mindsets highly skilled seducers operate under. These mindsets differentiate the man highly skilled with women from ordinary men. They are a result of heaps of experience and success with girls – but they are also obtainable through a focus on obtaining these mindsets as you approach, date, and seduce women, too.

As you go through this list of seducer mentalities, take a look at how closely you hew to each – and for those you don’t, examine how you normally think instead.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Respond to a Compliment

Chase Amante's picture
how to respond to a complimentCAPTION

As you move about your social life, you are bound to receive compliments. Compliments can be a funny thing: while they are nice to receive, we don’t always know how to receive them. Should we compliment back? Self-deprecate? Accept the compliment with a ‘thanks’?

Part of the confusion revolving around how to respond to a compliment is this: not all compliments are the same.

To respond appropriately to a compliment, first, we need to figure out what kind of compliment it is.

How Does 'Time to Bed' Affect Female Devotion?

Chase Amante's picture
time to bed and women's devotionIf you bed a girl fast, will she be more devoted to you down the road? Or… should you give her a lengthier seduction with a juicy emotional buildup?

Commenting on my article “How to Let a Girl Go”, reader Walter said

These women are just settling for you if you keep being persistent. Have you ever seen those guys posting pics with their new girlfriends or even future wives on social media capturing it like "After 5 years of investing and being persistent she finally said YES"? Little do they know those women will never be into them even when married.

Responding to my response to Walter, in which I commented that Walter’s perspective is not necessarily going to be true, Hak said

Feel like this is great topic for article. I also feel that if you stay persistent to success for a LTR there could be lingering resentment from the other person that you were not their preferred choice. We ideally want to be someone’s preferred choice. Or is that too idealistic for LTR purposes?

I understand your point that if the relationship is good then all those previous thoughts and dynamics get wiped out and start anew.

The first thing to say about how the length of time or amount of persistence it takes you to bed a girl affects things down the line is that it’s never quite as simple as you’d think it might be. Maybe you think because you persisted for her so long, she’ll view it as an amazing event that the two of you ended up together… or you might think that because the two of you got together so fast she’ll feel like it must have been fate.

But the whole truth is that time to bed is just one of the factors that determines how women feel about you long-term, the esteem they hold you in, and how ‘fated’ they think the relationship was… or was not.

Who's to Blame for Girls Acting Loose and Slutty?

Chase Amante's picture
why are women slutsGirls act loose and slutty in today’s modern world. Who’s to blame for that though? Is it society? The media? Playboy men? Women themselves?

Commenting on my article “Can You Turn a Ho Into a Housewife?”, our reader Ben (who has multiple times accused me of being a corruptor of fair and innocent maids) claims:

You’ve flip flopped again

We had a debate on the morality of sleeping with women you don't intend to wife up, especially more innocent women.

There you claimed girls' pasts don't have any serious impact, and that I was misconstruing your earlier articles.

You are participating in ho-ing women up, and so destroying their futures and society

First, I’ll say it’s obvious Ben only reads what he wants to read into my words (and probably anybody else’s). I’m the guy who’s been telling you since he started this site to check women’s pasts if you want serious relationships with them and that women’s pasts matter. I don’t remember exactly what conversation Ben refers to (I answer a lot of comments), but whatever I said, it certainly would not be that “women’s pasts don’t have any major impact on anything.”

But I’m not here to rehash old arguments. If you’re concerned whether seduction is a nefarious dark art, read these:

Also this one:

Obviously, Ben’s position would be that women lack agency; that a seducer like me uses his black magic to corrupt the hearts of shy, pure maidens, who sit around innocently, sort of like cows or living room furniture, waiting to be claimed by a good man – that is, unless a bad man like me gets his dirty mitts on them, transforming them from good, moral, and pure to filthy, soulless sluts who aren’t good for anything.

I have addressed all these criticisms in the earlier articles. But to sum up: women have agency; women are a lot filthier than men are; even the purest of pure girls is way dirtier than all but the most depraved of scoundrels; and if a woman wants to have a lot of sloppy sex, she is going to have it whether there are seducers around or not. If there are no men who will seduce her, then she will become the seductress and take care of business herself.

However, as social consciousness continues to rise worldwide, after more than a century of strident individualism, I think it’s worth address things at the society level. Namely, who is to blame for loose, slutty women?