Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Tactics Tuesdays: Framing Phone Calls to Girls in the 2020s

Chase Amante's picture
calling girls in the 2020sYou can and should still call girls on the phone – but mostly for specific purposes. There’s a trick to it, too: you must frame the call the proper way.

As phone calls have fallen out of fashion, guys feel even more awkward about calling girls now than they have in the past (and guys have always felt awkward about calling girls).

Calls have a somewhat more niche utility these days – but they ARE still immensely useful, and for girls of all ages and backgrounds… so long as you are using them for where they’re useful to use.

Like everything in seduction, however, it is all in how you frame things.

The frame you want when you call most girls nowadays?

One of amused mild befuddlement.

Are You a Girl-Closer or a Wheel Spinner?

Chase Amante's picture
closers vs. wheel spinnersSome guys are closers: they will bed a girl even if it gets a little tough. Many men are wheel spinners: when the going gets tough, they give up. But why?

A short while back I wrote an article where I discussed a forum member who managed to sleep with a girl who was in a new league of beauty for him, but only after overcoming five hours of last-minute resistance.

One reader commented that this was not worth the effort, and not what a self-respecting man with abundant options with women would do. Instead, such a man would simply leave and pick another girl up.

This mentality sounds like it’d be correct, at least in theory. Doesn’t it? After all, we talk about things like outcome independence, willingness to walk away, being the prize, and so on. If it’s too difficult, you should just go find another girl just like her it’s not that difficult with – right?

But real world practice is much different from theory, and things that sound reasonable on paper very quickly become unreasonable in practice.

In practice, you learn that if you want success with women, you must be able to close the girls you’ve got, rather than giving up just before the goal and going out to start the whole process over again seeking out some other girl.

The guys who give up when the going gets tough aren’t the successes.

Instead, these are the guys who end up spinning their wheels more than anybody else.

Nevertheless, there is a reason the men who spin their wheels a lot do so, too – and we’ll talk about that today as well.

Tactics Tuesdays: Embarrassing Stories

Chase Amante's picture
embarrassing storiesThe embarrassing story: told right it can build you up as it entertains. The secret to a good embarrassing story is a “triumphant subplot” lain within.

One big differentiator between extremely socially skilled and comfortable people and everybody else is the highly skilled conversationalist’s use of (superficially) embarrassing stories.

How to Pick Up a Waitress (Same Day or Later)

Chase Amante's picture
how to pick up a waitressTo pick up a waitress follow the four “waitress pickup” rules. After that, you have to DECIDE: take her number for later, or meet up at end of her shift?

They’re attractive, they’re flirty (especially if you’re in a tipping country), and they’re already talking to you: every guy wants to know how to pick up his waitress, right?

The challenge of course is that she’s in a hurry… she’s on the job… oh, and also, she might just be being polite.

After all, she meets a lot of male customers every day.

She can’t go out with ALL of them!

So how do you court a waitress properly, in the limited time you have with her?

How do you tell if she’s actually receptive to you, rather than just playing a role?

And if you can court her, and she IS receptive… how do you pick a waitress up?

Tactics Tuesdays: Priming Women as a Seduction Tool

Chase Amante's picture
priming women for seductionCan you shape the way someone views reality simply by priming her for what to see? Why yes you can – with this unique form of psychological flirtatious fun.

Earlier this month, a reader asked about ways to use confirmation bias as a seduction tool.

Confirmation bias is the phenomenon whereby people who expect to see something look for and take mental note of events that reinforce their expectations.

For instance, if I tell you, “Reading Girls Chase articles puts you in a stronger girl-getting mentality. Finish this article and go anywhere in public today and I bet you’ll notice girls are suddenly paying more attention to you. Why’s that? Read GC, girl-getting mentality.”

Now, if you do go out, you are going to have that in the back of your head. You’ll be more attuned, looking around more for women paying attention to you. That’ll cause you to notice more women who are looking your way, and your alertness will trigger other women to pay more attention to you, too, which you will also notice. So you likely really will get more attention from women.

Was it because reading this article gave you a stronger girl-getting mentality? You’re probably going to think so, because I told you it would happen and what evidence to look for, and you then saw the evidence – my prediction came true. Even if you know what I was doing, the part of your brain that makes connections between things is still going to believe it anyway.

See, what I did was to use something called ‘priming’ to prepare you to react a certain way to things I was fairly certain would occur.

This priming sets you up for confirmation bias to kick in later and reinforce my earlier primes – and you can use this effect with girls, too.

Advice to Stubborn Guys Who Do Not Get Results with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
stubborn guys who don't get girlsHave you tried all the advice out there, but women stubbornly resist to do anything with you? There’s a reason for it – and it’s not the one you think.

I’ve been involved with seduction for 19 years now. That’s almost half of my life.

I have seen so many guys have such transformative results from this area, and been personally involved in helping so many guys transform their lives, that I consider it one of the most amazing, life-affirming endeavors a man can pursue.

In seeking to better himself with women, a man comes to better himself across the board.

This area of learning attracts a cast of recurring characters. Each guy is different of course, but there are patterns of behavior that you’ll notice tend to come packaged together. When you see one behavior pattern, you typically see the rest.

One of these is the stubborn guy who had been at it for years but just can’t get results.

Often he has tried all sorts of things: he’s read books, watched videos, tried different kinds of approaches, met women through cold approach, social circle, dating apps, gone through phone coaching or even in-field coaching. Yet his results remain stubbornly unimpressive.

He may begin to fault women, the mating market, or the dating advice industry, one at a time or even all at once, for his lack of satisfactory success.

I write this article as an attempt to reach out to such men, to pierce through the normally unbreakable, impenetrable barriers around their minds.

Approaching Girls in a Half-Assed Way

Chase Amante's picture
half-assed approachDo you approach girls, have it go a bit well, then eject without that great a reason? That’s a “half-assed approach” – and it’ll slow your learning curve.

A lot of my early failures as a novice seducer I reflect on now as stemming from a particular problem I had back then, one endemic to most novices but largely devoid from experts. This problem is what I’d define as making half-assed attempts.

A half-assed attempt is one in which you try to do something with a girl, but you don’t REALLY try – you just kind of try. You half-ass it.

  • “I’m going to approach that girl and try to get a conversation going,” you say. So you approach her, kind of talking to her a bit, she isn’t really receptive, so you shrug and tell yourself, “Hmm, well, I tried,” then you bail, never to see her again

  • Perhaps you’ve got a girl in a good conversation, but it’s hard to read how into you she is. “Let me test to see if she likes me,” you think to yourself. You try to escalate touch a little bit, but she just sort of ignores this. “Seems like she isn’t feeling it,” you say, so you back off and start escalating down, until eventually you leave or she does, never to meet again

  • Maybe you’ve even brought her back to your place. “I should try to kiss this girl,” you tell yourself. You try to get closer to her but the way she’s seated doesn’t really permit you to get close enough to kiss. You figure she must just not be comfortable enough for that, so you chat with her a bit until she decides to go home and you never see her again

If you’re honest, you can probably look back through many of the interactions you’ve had with women, especially early on when you were more clueless (or right now if you’ve still got your training wheels on), and catch yourself half-assing it.

You get out of it what you put in, of course, and if you’re putting a bunch of half-assed approaches in, guess what… you’ll get a bunch of half-assed results, too.

Tactics Tuesdays: 6 Ways to Minimize Rejection by Girls

Chase Amante's picture
minimize rejection by girlsNo guy likes to get rejected by girls. So, use these tactics to slice your odds of rejection by making things casual, asking before big moves, plus 4 more.

I’m going to talk in this article about a handful of tactics you can use to minimize rejection the odds of a girl rejecting you.

Is it important to minimize these odds? Do you want them shaved down as low as possible? Well it depends:

  • For beginners it can be fairly important. You want to get those positive experiences up so you feel confident to do more

  • As you gain in experience, you can start to go in bolder, being more resilient and not as easily shaken by rejections, IF you want (you may not always want to). You’ll also tend to be smoother in general, and will have more tools to avoid or minimize rejections aside from those in this article

Still, even if you’re more advanced, rejection never feels GREAT, so anything you can do to reduce the odds of it (so long as it doesn’t derail anything else you’re doing) helps.

2022: The Year in Review + a Look Ahead

Chase Amante's picture
2022: the year in reviewWe take a look at the prior year’s content and changes in the dating market. Plus, we look ahead to what we can expect at Girls Chase and in dating in 2023.

It’s that time of year again.

Actually I’m a bit behind on completing the year’s review.

Technically, the minute hand on that clock in the image should be past the 2023 mark.

Regardless, complete it now is! We’re going to dive into where we were last year, which pieces were the most popular (or were personal favorites of the writers), and take a look at what we covered and where we’re going.

Seduction According to the Tao of Steve, Pt. 1: Be Desireless

Chase Amante's picture
tao of steveThe Tao of Steve gives men 3 rules to seduction. The first of these is “Be desireless.” But just how does being desireless help you hook in girls?

In the early days of the seduction community, a little-seen romantic comedy became a hot topic of discussion among seducers.

That film was 2000’s The Tao of Steve, about an overweight male kindergarten teacher who routinely beds new women following a simple formula:

  1. Be desireless
  2. Be excellent
  3. Be gone

The film (which won an award at Sundance) isn’t something cooked up from nothing in the brain of a Hollywood scriptwriter.

It’s actually a biopic of a man named Duncan North, who the scriptwriters became intimately familiar with (pun intended – he slept with one of the writers & actresses when she was in her early 20s – the one who plays his counterpart Dex’s main love interest in the film, Syd. Another fun note: Dex’s house in the movie was actually Duncan’s house in real life).

Here’s how they described Duncan in an interview:

He’s a good-looking heavy guy. You wouldn’t suspect him of being any sort of lothario. One friend of his told him if he lost a little weight maybe he could get some women. And he said, dude, I’ve had more women than you’ll ever have in your life. Another time, Duncan had this really good-looking roommate and they ended up liking the same woman. The good-looking guy said, “You’ll never get her.” And of course she went for Duncan.

Jenniphr Goodman, the lead scriptwriter, lived with her husband and Duncan for 1.5 years in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and while there she picked his brain on his approach to life and women.

The result was The Tao of Steve, and Dex’s (Donal Logue’s) three rules for success with women, a sort of boiled down, structured approach to Duncan North’s method.

Many guys have gotten a lot out of the movie. One online quote about from a now-deleted Reddit board reads

The first time I saw the Tao of Steve, it had a major effect on my game. In fact, it was the first time I had really thought about game and why and how it works. I had always been vaguely aware of the fact that some people simply held more attraction than others, and that this attraction didn’t neatly correlate to physical appearance. But the idea that a person could actually learn and perfect the art of attraction, regardless of their physical appearance, was a new, and captivating, concept for me.

What’s so great about the Tao of Steve?

I’m going to put the Tao of Steve under a microscope in this series.

It’s a fun, different method from most of what you’ll find in modern game styles – but actually had quite a bit of influence on the early seduction community.