Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Picking Up Girls In Meet Markets

Alek Rolstad's picture
woman looking over her shoulder and smiling in nightclubMeet markets can seem like appealing places to head to to pick up girls. But how do you up your odds here without relying just on luck?

July was an amazing month in Paris. Tons of tourists merging with the Parisian local population generated an amazing nightlife.

After the COVID lockdowns, I am finally settled in this beautiful city and have access to great venues.

One is David Lynch’s club, Silencio, one of Europe’s, if not the world’s most exclusive and hard to get into places: amazing crowd, crazy hot girls, and good venue logistics. I’ve been there three times and pulled twice, which is a good score for any venue.

I frequent selective clubs, which usually have pickers selecting the crowd. I prefer these venues to the typical “meet markets” because they have a higher concentration of hot girls plus a good women-to-men ratio—very beneficial. They typically have better in-venue logistics than meet markets, which often consist of one big room, much noise, and chaos, although there are exceptions.

VIDEO: Switching to Picking Up Girls BY DAY (from Night Game)

Chase Amante's picture

We’re just a week away from rereleasing Hector Castillo’s groundbreaking day game training “Meet Girls Everywhere”… this time even more good stuff.

Something a lot of guys struggle with when new to day game is making the switch from picking up girls at night to picking them up during the day.

Nightlife has its own benefits and its own challenges. Yet stylistically it’s different from day game. If you try running day game exactly the same way you run night game, you’ll flop.

Negative Social Proof: 9 Anti-Social Signals NOT to Send

Chase Amante's picture
woman rejecting a man at a bar, giving him negative social proofWhen you go out, look lonely, and pile up obvious rejections, people notice, especially in social places. What can you do to avoid this ‘negative social proof’ while out?

You’re likely familiar with the concept of ‘social proof’.

Social proof is the principle whereby people like, trust, and feel more comfortable with people and choices that are already approved (proofed) by others (social).

Social proof is a useful advantage to have. While the concept can seem a little abstract, its real world results can be vast. Good social proof can lead to:

  • Much warmer receptions from those you approach

  • More ‘slack’ cut for you in your interactions

As good as social proof can be, it’s a double-edged sword, yet its other edge is little discussed: the woman-repulsing bane of negative social proof.

WATCH: Make Day Game Efficient (& Get More Girls for Your Time)

Chase Amante's picture

Are you ready to unlock unlimited romantic possibilities and begin bringing the types of women you want into your life?

As we approach the rerelease of our trajectory-altering day game course “Meet Girls Everywhere”, we’re putting out a series of free videos with some of Hector Castillo’s day game tips.

 You can watch Hector’s first video, on making your day game EFFICIENT, here:

Males of Every Species Must Learn Game to Mate

Chase Amante's picture
males must learn to mateMales of every animal species must practice and learn courtship rituals before they’re able to mate. The art of learning to court is a ubiquitous one – it is not human-only! Images created with Craiyon.

I’m reading a truly fascinating, mind-expanding book right now entitled The Mating Mind.

High-End Venues vs. Meet Markets

Alek Rolstad's picture
high-end venues vs. meet marketsGoing out to meet women? The nightlife venue you choose has a big impact on your odds. Meet markets are good for lower level playboys, but at elite levels, selective is where it’s at.

Hey guys, welcome back. Today I’ll discuss night game.

As you know, venue selection is a crucial part of night game. Selecting the wrong venue (whether it’s not suited for you and your game or just a poor choice) will greatly affect your night and may determine whether your night is successful—or not.

I have written plenty on venue selection and calibration, so I will not repeat myself here.

Today I’ll compare the differences between selective clubs and typical “meet markets.” Which places are the best for pick up? I’ll go over the pros and cons of both types.

Many men dislike more selective places because they can be intimidating. Some men perceive that girls are harder to get there. Some of these girls tend to be more beautiful and seem more reserved. They do not seem to openly flirt or show a sexual vibe.

On the other hand, the typical meet markets tend to have a sexual vibe and girls may be more sexually open and willing to flirt. More importantly, the places are far less intimidating.

So, which places are the best? Most guys starting out in night game tend to favor typical meet markets. Beginners usually go to those venues—the same with intermediate guys. We will get to why that is shortly.

Elite night gamers tend to favor selective venues. There are some exceptions to the rule, but generally, the exceptions are good reasons for not sticking to the norm.

Getting Past Hookup Detachment

Chase Amante's picture
hookup detachmentYou’re hooking up with girls but it just feels so… empty. What’s the source of this hollowness? Have you outgrown hookups? Are women just too shallow? Actually… it’s something ELSE.

Once you’ve put the work in to climb from unsuccessful with women to more and more successful, a funny thing can happen.

It begins as elation at your success: you’re doing it! You’re picking up girls! You’re having one-night stands!

You feel pride, because you’ve finally made it. You’re living the lifestyle you saw on TV or in the movies and imagined yourself living, but that always used to seem so out-of-reach.

Then you pick up another girl. Then another.

Something starts to bother you. It’s that… you just don’t feel a connection to any of these girls.

They’re just strangers you talk to, say/do the right things with, then have meaningless sex you don’t even enjoy all that much with. Then they leave. Maybe you could see them again after… but you don’t much want to.

You start to feel sour about the whole thing. Perhaps you’re picking up the wrong girls. Perhaps picking up in general is not really the right fit for you. In the back of your head you realized you were hoping for magical connections and memorable experiences, but you’re just not getting that, and you wonder if maybe it’s even possible to get with women… maybe it isn’t.

What you’re experiencing is something we might call ‘hookup detachment’: you’re hooking up, but you just don’t feel connected to any of these girls.

So what do you do?

Tactics Tuesdays: Warming Up Quick When Approached

Chase Amante's picture
woman with cocktail at barWhat happens when a girl starts talking to you but you aren’t ready to talk? There must be a way to NOT blow this… well there is: with 3-step “chitchat jujutsu.”

You’ve probably had this happen:

You went out somewhere, just in your head, not in much of a social mood.

Some girl then appeared out of nowhere, trying to get your attention, smiling, tapping you, telling you, “Hey!”

And you, stuck in your head, responded with a stiff, stilted, “Oh, hey. What’s going on?”

She said, “Not much! How about you?”

You stumbled through a few more awkward phrases. You could tell she liked you and wanted to see if she could get something going with you, but you were just too out of it.

Then the moment passed. She realized you weren’t going to do much of anything. So she left.

Damn, another layup missed, you think.

There must be a way to snap yourself to attention and shift into gear when unexpected “gimmes” like this fall into your lap – right?

Strategic Calibration: Flexibility in Seduction

Alek Rolstad's picture
strategic flexibility in seductionWhen the strategy you’re using with a woman doesn’t work, you can keep trying variations of it… or you can switch things up, & be “strategically flexible.”

Welcome back. In this series, we’ve previously discussed how to calibrate strategically. You can calibrate your technical choices depending on the situation. Many men who start getting good at this tend to apply the wrong technique to the wrong circumstance. They try to smash in a nail with a screwdriver: it works, but it requires extra work, and the results are not as good.

In our last article, we discussed understanding which technique to use and when.

Today’s post covers what to do when a technique does not work on a girl in certain situations. I came across this masterpiece by our own beloved Chase, who posted about this subject on the forums not long ago.

Instead of repeating everything Chase said, I decided to make this post a commentary on Chase’s original post while adding my contributions. All quotations are from Chase’s original post.

When Girls Try to Implicitly Reject You

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girl implicitly rejects youIf she implies she’s rejecting you, it isn’t always over. Follow this guide to know when to walk away… versus when to draw out her true objection & overcome it.

Not every rejection you get from a girl is explicit.

Many will be implicit.

Explicit rejections sound like this:

  • “I have a boyfriend.”
  • “I’m not dating right now.”
  • “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

Implicit rejections, though, sound like this:

  • “I don’t really live around here.”
  • “I think I’m a lot younger than you.”
  • “You’re not really the type I go for.”

Implicit rejections are a double-edged sword: they’re considerate, because they allow you to exit the conversation while saving some face… yet at the same time they deny you a clear objection to counter and can at times feel more like you’re bailing due to lack of skill or social pressure than due to rejection.

This article will be about when to push through implicit rejections and seek a true objection you can counter to improve your prospects with the girl, versus when to simply accept the implied rejection and walk away.