Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

5 Quick Pickup Tips When You Need a Woman NOW

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

need a woman now
Do you need a woman now but don’t want to pay for sex? These tips may not be pretty, but following them will result in getting your dick greased in record time.

Sometimes you just need a woman now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Right now.

Maybe you’re a volcano of sexual energy, a libidinous man-beast, and you need some sweet relief that only a fine woman can provide. You’re tired of whacking it, and you’re not willing to pay a professional. I’ll also assume you’re not a pro Tinder user, a DJ, bartender, or local rock star.

What options do you have aside from a hooker? Is it even possible to get a woman right NOW?

I warn you, this won’t be a politically correct article. The tips I’m going to share are for when you’ve had enough, and you’ve decided now is the time you’re going to go out and get laid. No more excuses, no more BS. This is the time for action.

How to Communicate and Connect with Women

Cody Lyans's picture

how to communicate with women
Women don’t communicate like men, and most guys don’t understand that. Let’s boil down the things you should know if you want to stand out as a guy who “gets” her.

Women see the world differently than men do. My experience as a seducer has afforded me the chance to study these differences in great depth. Over time I have witnessed the sheer scale and extent of these differences and how they affect communication. But the ordinary guy is not born with this knowledge, and it is not that easy to grasp in the normal routine of life. I will break down the most significant differences and explain why communication is best done in a certain way to help achieve clarity.

Just like any other guy, I started out thinking: “Whether man or woman, the principles of communication are the same: be honest, talk directly, and expect the same from others.”

When I expected a response from women, I was surprised when women would not respond. On top of this, I expected attraction to work the same way for women as men and predicted they would want sex right away if they liked the look of a guy. So at first, I just asked girls directly if they wanted to go on a date, kiss, or come back to my place.

I can easily imagine my life if I had continued thinking this way. I would never have become capable of discussing profound topics with women and may have NEVER caught on to how to become as adept with women as I am today.

I caught on quickly through several strokes of good fortune.

Approach Anxiety: 1 Simple Mindset Flip to Talk to More Girls

Chase Amante's picture

approach anxietyYou won't always be super active with approaching new women.

You'll go through stretches where you're focused on work or other things. You might only approach opportunistically, to girls who show a lot of interest. Or you might break off approaching entirely for a time.

After you take a little time away like this, after a while when you want to get back to approaching, the rust comes back... and you have to deal with approach anxiety all over again.

When you're not in the habit approaching a lot, especially when you're not in the habit of making uninvited approaches (where the girl hasn't signaled you to open), there's anxiety.

  • What am I going to say to her? you'll ask yourself.

  • I'm not warmed up, I don't feel confident using one of my regular openers.

  • I'm not sure what I'll say to her AFTER the opener.

  • She's not in an easy place to get to, if she isn't into me it's going to be awkward to move away from there.

You might go out intending to chat up women, and end up chatting to no one.

Yet, there's something you may have once known... something you forget when you don't approach as actively.

And as soon as you remember it, you can be fine.

You start approaching again in earnest, shake the approach anxiety off, and have no trouble meeting girl after girl.

That one thing you can remember (or learn, if you hadn't previously known it) -- the one great trick you can use to get yourself approaching after a hiatus from it -- is the difference between creating attraction and finding attraction.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Mental G-Spot

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction gambit - mental g-spot
This seduction gambit stimulates her mind and frames you as a good lover. It also employs social proof and preselection to imply you can give her amazing orgasms.

Today I am going to share another sex-talk gambit that is well suited for night game.

Some of you may adjust it or create variations to make it fit day game. This gambit is far less abstract and more playful than some of my previous ones.

It also is on the easier side in terms of pulling off successfully.

You’ll find fewer advanced theoretical concepts in this one, and more basic ideas than many other gambits. So, if you find my previous gambits too complex, with overly advanced concepts, this one is for you.

This post is suited for anyone with:

I’ll make this “gambit” post a bit shorter than usual. Let’s get straight to it.

December 11th: The Biggest Breakup Day of the Year

Varoon Rajah's picture

Editor's note: After taking in this informative article, make sure to check out Varoon's Holiday Dating Tips to help you navigate the season's turbulent dating landscape!

biggest breakup day of the year
The December breakup bash is upon us! Will your fling survive the holidays, or will your halls be decked with boughs of broken hearts? And if the latter, what then?

As the seasons change, and a year passes by, mating opportunities also shift in waves. There’s a guy’s skill in getting women (which we teach here on Girls Chase), which is beneficial at any time of the year. Then there are the opportunities created by women around these men that follow shifts in seasons. After all, there must be women looking for things to happen, and men with the ability to make those things happen by taking the opportunity and applying skills so they can get together and have sex.

The possibility of a girl’s relationship with a guy determines female availability. Once she is in a relationship, she’s continually evaluating whether the man is still the same powerful and attractive man he was when she picked him. The cycle of evaluation never stops, and women are always considering whether they’ve got the best deal with a guy, or if someone else out there might be better. There are certain times of the year when girls are more prone to evaluate a man and their relationship with extreme scrutiny.

The highest evaluation period is around mid-November to mid-December.

As a result of this evaluation, December 11th turns out to be the biggest breakup day of the year, and it even exceeds breakups before and after Valentine’s Day. We can see this trend in the media:

And check out this graphic, which shows how breakups transpire through the course of a typical year.

In most links above, statisticians studied Facebook to analyze breakups from relationship status updates. They found that the most common date is for getting dumped is December 11th, roughly two weeks before Christmas. Data from shows that the peak sign-up period is Christmas Day. In the second half of December, many men and women put themselves back in the marketplace.

As you can see, the two biggest breakup windows through the year are right after Valentine’s Day through the “spring break” period in late March. There’s a higher spike at the end of the year starting at roughly late October, peaking on December 11th.

December 11th is the biggest breakup day of the year, and we’ll look at many reasons why couples are likely to separate then.

4 Common Sticking Points in Learning Any Skill

Tony Depp's picture

sticking point
When we’re stuck short of realizing our desires, it’s often hard to figure out why we aren’t moving, especially when our sticking points come from within.

When you are trying to learn an epic new skill like seduction, you’re inevitably going to experience sticking points.

A sticking point is a spot in your journey you can't past unless something changes. It’s like heavy mud on your boots, keeping you from moving forward.

But it can still be confusing as to what a sticking point entails. For example, if you’re from Pakistan and you want to live in London, but you can’t get past the bureaucracy to obtain a travel visa, this isn’t a sticking point. If, however, you obtained a visa but have a deep fear of flying keeping you from traveling, this is a sticking point.

If you want to meet a girl you like, but she won’t reply to your texts, this isn’t a sticking point. If you have her contact info, but you don’t know what to text her, this is. You can always improve your skill with texting, but you can’t force a girl to reply.

So, how does one identify and get past sticking points? How does one come to find themself on the other side of personal obstacles and achieve their goals?

Tactics Tuesdays: Telling a Girl You're Disappointed in Her

Chase Amante's picture

disappointed in youI had a chat the other day with a friend who'd caught his long-time girlfriend in a big lie.

She had promised him before she would not lie to him about the thing.

Well, she did lie.

And my friend wasn't sure how to deal with it.

He's an easygoing guy. And his natural inclination was to be understanding, and not make it a huge deal.

Even though it was, in essence, a pretty important deal.

On the other hand, he also realized if he let his girlfriend's lie slide, it'd be the wrong call... and he'd only be kicking the can down the road to deal with later (possibly in a worse way).

When we talked, he'd made his mind up to angrily confront her. He'd confront her, summon up some fiery anger, tell her caught her lying, and put the fear of God in her. That was the plan. She had to feel she'd done wrong.

He knew he had to enforce some kind of stricture here, or else his girlfriend would run wild.

And yet... he felt the plan was off.

He just didn't know what else to do.

5 Ways to Be a Smooth Dude

Hector Castillo's picture

be smooth
If you want to be smooth with women and life, you won’t get there with snappy one-liners or good looks. True smoothness requires a much finer grit.

A while back, I wrote about how to be smooth with conversation. With this article, I want to expand the dialogue on smoothness and get your interactions slathering with smoothness on all sides.

Let's make your entire demeanor smooth.

It’s the way you talk (your voice tonality, rhythm, etc.), the way you gesture with your hands, the way you move your eyes and face when you speak (and when you listen), the way you walk, the way you shake hands, the way you touch a woman who is sitting with you at a bar.

That’s what we want to make smooth. And how do we make this smooth?

Well, smoothness in a sexy man can be expressed in many ways.

Smoothness is one facet of sexiness, and there are many levels to sexy. I always tell my students they need to find a way of expression that fits them.

Once you find your style, you must do three things:

  1. Master the fundamentals of your style; become the best version of your ideal man

  2. Master the conversation of your style; become the best conversationalist you can be

  3. Master your mind; see and know that you think like this man

The technicalities of smoothness are:

  • Fundamentals
  • Conversation
  • Mind (inner game)

In my experience, these are not enough to make a man truly smooth. The final two recommendations of mine are to:

  • Spend time with women you love
  • Have a mission

We will focus on these final two later. First, let’s look at the most crucial areas, the technicalities.

Never Count on a Woman to Change (& Never Think You'll Change Her)

Chase Amante's picture

change a womanI talked to a friend recently and told him about a woman I'd dated with a short fuse.

She was in all other respects perfect.

Physically very beautiful. Very smart and highly educated.

Good career. A happy, positive, can-do person, with a charming personality.

More self-improvement-orientated than almost any woman I've met.

However, she had a very short fuse, and various things would set her off.

Once you set her off, she'd fly off into a (self-)righteous rage.

Her rage would last anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours, then she would calm back down. A little while later she'd be happy again.

This short fuse of hers was inherited. Her father had it. Her elder sister and younger sisters had it. Others in her family did not have it, but those four did. At a family gathering I attended with them, all four set each other off and flew into rages against one another.

The sisters often tried to avoid talking with each other and their parents, solely because of their tendencies to set each other off like that. Everything else about their relationships were fine, but the anger they all boiled over into did not well mix.

I did everything I could, within reason, over the time I dated this girl to cure her of this fuse.

I thought for a while that with proper operant conditioning, I'd break her of her temper.

I was wrong, and nothing I did was a permanent fix.

The friend I mentioned this to is an optimistic guy who is good at approaching new women, but has trouble bedding them and hanging onto them. His relationships never work out. He's one of the 'hard case' guys I know and have talked about before on Girls Chase. It's hard to put your finger on it with him, but there are many little things it often seems like he does not really 'get'.

When I talked about some of the details of this relationship with him, he told me "Well, it sounds like you set up a pattern early on where this type of behavior was acceptable."

He added that it "sounds like you were encouraging this" or "maybe you subtlely like this."

He then admitted he'd dated a few dramatic women before, but "I quickly showed them I wouldn't tolerate that and they stopped doing it."

It was a little pop armchair psychology that on the surface sounds really good. Somebody does something you don't like? Just make it clear it's unacceptable, and she'll stop for good! Don't be weak or invite it back in, and you'll never have to deal with it again!

But, as I told him, people are a lot richer and more complex than this... and you simply wanting a behavior to change, and putting a few behavior modification procedures in place to try to change it, does not ensure you'll get the change you want.

Especially not long-term.

Far from it.

Rather, while you should do what you can to get your woman to change any undesirable behavior she has, you should never count on a woman to change... and you should never think you'll change her.