Girl Types | Page 6 | Girls Chase

Girl Types

Girl Types: Geek Girls

Philip Etemesi's picture
geek girls

If you still believe that geek girls walk around town with big spectacles, shaggy hair, and dresses that sweep the pavements, then your impression of them is woefully misguided. The stereotype of the dateless virgin bookworm is dated. But what’s the difference between modern and traditional geek girls?

Modern day geek girls are sophisticated. Not all of them study quantum physics though. Many nerdy girls now possess the kind of looks one normally associates with Miss World contestants and A-list Hollywood actresses. They now occupy a huge place on the spectrum of conventional attractiveness.

Unlike traditional geek girls who were rumored to do nothing but study, work, and eat junk food all day, modern day geek girls roll on the contrary. The girl with the highest IQ in your class or workplace now wears miniskirts, uses curse words, and posts bikini photos on Instagram with a plethora of hashtags. The only differentiator between her and the rest is that she prioritizes intellectual matters over social matters; she doesn’t have that much time for guys and merriment.

In the past years, there used to be a social stigma for both men and women attached to geekdom. Nowadays the tables have turned. It has become fashionable to label oneself a nerd. There might be a cavalcade of factors behind this evolution, but the rise of the internet and tech likely played a substantial role in the nerd’s ascent. Geeks have become the new cool. They are making significant impact in the world.

How to Have Sex with Blonde Bombshells

Chase Amante's picture

There’s an undeniable allure to the blonde bombshell.

Hers is a unique spot in the Western pantheon – with her own sexual iconography, even; one that makes her tremendously desirable to a large segment of the male population.

blonde bombshells

And if you want a gal like her, you may find yourself hitting the same obstacle again and again: why does she keep turning her nose up at me?

It’s a question we’ve been seeing here a lot recently... some of it from minority guys, those of Indian or Middle Eastern birth or descent; some of it as well from plain old apple pie Americans.

They want to know how you get these girls.

The standard response is “get your fundamentals in order, get your game in order, and you will get the women you want – including the blonde bombshells.” And it is correct.

Yet, one of the things you do learn along the way is that different sorts of girls need different sorts of details.

In the case of blonde bombshells, they’re more like punk girls with piercings and tattoos, or feminist girls with closely-cropped blue hair and unshaved armpits, than most guys seem to recognize. Because the blondes men in North America lose their shirts over are not the blondes who were born that way; rather, they’re ones who decided they wanted to fit into a certain mold, then did.

Girls You’ll Meet in the Library and How to Pick Them Up

William Gupta's picture

One day while studying in the library, I saw a beautiful girl sitting by herself. Things between me and another girl had just fizzled out and I was looking to get back into the game. I decided to approach the beautiful girl. I walked up to her, talked to her for a bit, got her number, and a few days later I pulled.

pick up girls in the library

Soon I realized that the library was the easiest place to pull in college. It provided me with a variety of women, which was something my social circle couldn’t provide. At the same time, it didn’t have the same social friction that my class pulls would encounter. Lastly, I didn’t have to compete with the environment. No friends pulling her away. There was no loud and obnoxious music playing the background. Just me and her connecting and talking.

This method has outlasted my college career. It is something I still do whether or not I’m attending school.

How to Handle Awkward Girls (Who Get Nervous and Antsy)

Colt Williams's picture

awkward womanChase’s amazing year-in-review really got me thinking about my own year. It was a fantastic year of growth, development, lessons… and women. I always find it to be a very interesting exercise to look at my year through the lens of women. “Which girl was I hanging out with this month? What challenges did we have? What adventures did we go on? What did I end up learning from the situation? What did I learn about myself?”

These are all valuable questions that seem to arise somewhat naturally when engaging in this exercise. So even if your year only saw two girls, and even if you may have done nothing but make out with them, still, think about how you changed and grew because of these situations.

Going into the year, I knew that one of my greatest challenges was dealing with a certain type of girl. I have a pretty strong personality; I like to make my presence known and I am not afraid to be loud and silly. So I tend to look for girls who are strong, independent, and quick-witted. That being said, I have learned that you can find these attributes in girls who are not necessarily the most extroverted.

So in thinking about how I could improve my seduction skills, I really wanted to challenge myself to see how I could be better equipped to deal with girls who possessed these attributes yet who just happen to be awkward.

I have never done well with dealing with awkward people; mirror neurons are some powerful things, and when you can clearly tell that someone is made somewhat (or fully) uncomfortable by one’s presence, no matter how socially adept you may be, it definitely starts to make you somewhat uncomfortable as well.

But some awkward girls are attractive, smart, and genuinely nice people. So I really asked myself over the first few months of last year: how can I overcome this challenge? How can I better connect with awkward girls who are not so socially savvy?

I asked many friends and colleagues about my challenge. And as I found myself in various social situations throughout 2014, I endeavored to push through my discomfort and actively engage with awkward girls as much as possible instead of excusing myself from the interaction as I had normally been accustomed to doing.

And the results were certainly interesting. So how do you deal with awkward girls? This is what I learned.

The 4 Types of Girls (and the 3 Questions to Identify Them)

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Note from Chase: This article from Mateo is on a different subject than my “4 Kinds of Girls” article. While that one from me was focused on personality dimensions, this article on types from Mateo is focused on availability and interest levels. Here’s Mateo...

types of girlsCreep-Shame Culture” taught us to understand that since we are attempting to improve our communication with women, as well as better a woman’s life, in spite of the inevitable mistakes we will make, we still hold the moral high-ground. This means that we actually are “in the right” when we approach women to whom we are attracted – as long as we take responsibility for our actions (and don’t intentionally attempt to emotionally harm anyone – to state the obvious).

When we hold the moral-high ground – in other words, when we believe that we are “in the right” – we release ourselves from feeling particular negative emotions that would otherwise hinder our behavior.

For example, if we feel like we are “in the wrong”, then we are more likely to allow the negative emotions we experience stop us from approaching or escalating an interaction with a woman to whom we are attracted.

So how can we direct our moral compass to give us that extra boost we may need to successfully guide our interactions with the opposite sex to the most effective destination possible?

What’s Great About Inexperienced Women (and What Isn’t)

Chase Amante's picture

content="Inexperienced women can be a joy to date, or a pain to – it depends on your perspective and objectives. Here’s how to approach them.">

inexperienced womenIf you're out and about routinely meeting new women, you'll notice that the women you meet, of course, have a broad range of different personality types and characteristics:

  • Some are bold

  • Some are shy

  • Some try to take charge clumsily

  • Some take charge deftly and naturally

  • Some will wait for eternity for you to take charge

  • Some seem excited to meet you

  • Some appear indifferent

  • Others are reserved, and you have no idea what they're thinking

What this article is centered on is describing the inexperienced women you'll meet - those inexperienced with men, with dating, with sex, and with relationships. What we'll be examining in this piece is how you can tell them from more experienced women; what the differences are when you're actually with them, interacting with them, setting up dates with them, sleeping with them, and having relationships with them; and what are the main pros and major cons of inexperienced vs. more experienced women.

Should be a fun read, and hopefully you'll learn a thing or two you might not have run into, noticed, or been made aware of just yet.

How Many Partners Has Your Girlfriend Had? Find Out Here

Chase Amante's picture

how many partnersHere's a post that's sure to raise some ire.

Ricardus and I were discussing men's tendency to want to sleep with sexually open women, but to date or settle down with or marry sexually conservative women - and how difficult it is actually figuring out how many partners women have actually had because of this. You see, women are acutely aware of this male bias against sexually experienced women when it comes to getting into serious relationships - and they do everything in their power to avoid getting pinned as such a woman.

"Everything in their power" here including, sometimes (okay, oftentimes), stretching the truth, leaving things out about their forgotten pasts, and, well, lying.

Of course, women don't think of it as lying. It's more like, "Well, I slept with that guy on vacation, so he doesn't count," or, "That guy was totally gross, I should never have hooked up with him... as far as I'm concerned, that didn't really happened."

It's a form of selective memory used by a woman to preserve her idea about herself as fitting perfectly into society's recommended mold: that of the "good girl" who doesn't give it up too often to men. Women who do part with their bodies too easily, society tells women, aren't valued as highly, so it's a big no-no.

But, well, women are people, and people like and want sex, and sometimes it... just happens. Of course, a woman doesn't want other people to know it just happened... at least, not as much as it actually has just happened... because that impacts her perceived social and reproductive value.

So, she stretches the truth, leaves things out, and, where necessary, tells a lie or two.

Any women reading this site may not especially like this article, but if you're a man who's seriously considering a relationship with a girl, and you want to know what you're actually getting instead of what you're being told you're getting... how do you tell who's whom?

Girl Types: Shy Excited Girls

Chase Amante's picture

Ah, one of my favorites – the Shy Excited Girl. She’s the one who acts demure and conservative, but she’s bursting at the seams with excitement and exuberance underneath (hopefully for you, although quite often just in general about life). I love these kinds of women personally because they have a kind of innocent enthusiasm about life that’s just contagious, and they tend to be very self-improvement oriented, which means that as you continue to grow and change and evolve, they’re the most likely of any woman out there to keep pace.

These girls are different from regular shy, quiet girls, and from wild party girls. They’re not soft on the inside like regular shy, quiet girls are; nor are they operating with reckless abandon on the outside like wild party girls are. Instead, Shy Excited Girls are full of life, energy, and curiosity, but they modulate that on the outside with reserve and practiced calm. They’re the girls who were filled with boyish energy when they were young, but society pushed back against them and they learned to control themselves and appear more “ladylike” on the outside. But in reality, they’re tigresses.

Shy Excited Girls will often seem quiet and reserved, but you can typically tell by their strong eye contact and decisiveness (as well as their tendency to get excited about all manner of things, laugh a lot, and generally be quite free) that they know what they want, and they know what they don’t want, and they’re going to get what they want and have nothing to do with what they don’t want. These women have the most raw, natural confidence of any kind of woman, and refreshingly don’t really care all that much what other people think. They do what they want.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Quick Reads

Chase Amante's picture

I don’t know how useful this is as a technique we can discuss here, inasmuch as I don’t know that it’s something you can be taught so much as something you just pick up or develop. But I figured it was worth writing a little about regardless.

I do a little something I call quick reading. Pretty much every guy I know who’s done his fair share of meeting and dating and getting intimate with women does this, and it’s quite different from what you’ll see less experienced guys doing.

What a quick read is is when you very rapidly assess whether a girl is the kind of girl you’d go for.

quick reads

It’s an extremely useful technique – or maybe habit – that helps a man in two ways:

  • Helps him to save time by quickly moving on from women he doesn’t like
  • Helps him to end up with women he does like

Girl Types: Club Queens

Chase Amante's picture

Club Queens is the post we’ve chosen to launch a new series on the Girls Chase blog, entitled Girl Types. Club Queens have always been a bit of a favorite type of woman of mine in particular, so I figured what better girl type to start us out on than them!

Ever notice how in most nightclubs there are one or two women you just can’t miss? They’re gorgeous, gregarious, and charming the socks off of everyone in their proximity. They know their way around people in social situations like the back of their hands, and they’re constantly the center of attention, and constantly seeming to be enjoying every minute of all the attention they receive, as well.

I call these girls “Club Queens.”