Leaving on a High Note: The Art of Great Last Impressions
Feb 4, 2025
A great last impression makes women eager to see you again. It’s the ultimate flake reduction strategy. Turn far more of your approaches into dates & lays!
Feb 4, 2025
A great last impression makes women eager to see you again. It’s the ultimate flake reduction strategy. Turn far more of your approaches into dates & lays!
Why do girls trust some men yet feel uncomfortable with others? The answer lies in NUT: a way of comprehending how creepy or trustworthy someone will be.
Women can sense a man’s interest levels from his odor. A girl who smells interest ‘wakes up’ out of autopilot – and must decide if she likes him back too.
To get a girl to chase you, you can’t chase her. Instead you have to be, well… gone. Here’s how to be gone, in line with the ever-cool Tao of Steve.
A high-value man is not just a man who POSSESSES value – he is a man who GIVES value. Here’s how to become one, with a real life case study example.
New on GirlsChase.TV: how to seduce difficult, “broken” women… a SIMPLE way to build quick & powerful connections… PLUS master sensual vocal tonality.
The way a man dresses is like a megaphone to the world: it says much about him. It’s key the message a man’s clothes convey is both attractive – & accurate.
The secret to social power is not anything external. It lies in your behavior and how you interact with others. In these 3 videos, get the basics down cold.
To make women chase you and deeply desire you, you must be better than other men. You must be, in a word, excellent. The Tao of Steve shows how.
Three new GirlsChase.TV videos are up: on vocal fundamentals, vocal volume and clarity, and speaking with a deeper, more resonant voice that has a sexy purr.
Once you have the basics of charisma down, it’s time for the big guns. These 3 strategies let you draw people in like the coolest charismatics around.
Charisma’s an amazing interpersonal tool. How do you get started using it though… when you’re not (that) charismatic yet? This guide gets you going.
Your teeth, skin, and weight all affect how attractive you are to girls. Is there much you can do to improve these? As a matter of fact, there is.
Watch these videos to learn how to: walk in a super sexy, eye-grabbing way… move in a way that communicates power & sex appeal… and use your mannerisms to enchant the women you meet.