Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tapping Flow Rate and Process for Scads of New Girls

Eric Reeves's picture

Note from Chase: Eric’s one of our senior forum members, and a past contributor to Girls Chase – and I’m thrilled to announce that he’s recently rejoined us as a regular contributor. Eric’s writings are meaty and dense (he is our resident master strategist, and you probably won’t want to peruse through one of his posts when you’re in the mood for some light reading), but if you want something that’s going to make you look at the deeper layers of seduction and come away with a stronger sense of how things work at their most fundamental levels, Eric is without a doubt your man. Without further ado, here he is.

When I am asked, “What’s the best and quickest way to get laid?”, my answer is – short of suggesting one hire a prostitute – a single word:


And then I repeat it,

Process, process... Process.

It’s not game, it’s not charisma, it’s not dominance. It’s not even looks, and it’s not logistics. It’s not money and it’s not power. It’s process.

flow rate

When you look at yourself, and when others look at themselves, and ask “Why is this not working?”, “What are my weaknesses and why am I not getting laid?”, the answers given are usually along the lines of:

  • I wasn’t flirty or sexual enough
  • I wasn’t dominant or leading strongly
  • I’m not as attractive as others. If only I was more handsome; had a sexier body
  • I’m not moving through interactions quickly enough and escalating
  • I can’t get good logistics and get a girl alone
  • I can’t get women to commit and not flake on me
  • I can’t get women chasing

The list goes on. Now, I’m not saying these are WRONG. These are good things to think about in terms of getting better at women; the fundamentals.

However, these are also red herrings to the most basic question, and most typical purpose of men for learning seduction: “How do I get laid?”, or for the more monogamous, “How do I get a girlfriend?

Want to Win $200? Submit Your Online Dating Profile & Let's See What You Got...

Chase Amante's picture

contestHey fellas,

Quick announcement. I’ve agreed to supervise a contest my old pal (“Black Dragon” from the old mASF seduction community boards, if you ever used to frequent there) is running to select the best online dating profile.

Winner gets a $200 pot – and there’re going to be two winners.

How come? Because BD’s running the contest with two sets of judges – one made up of women ages 18 to 32, and the other women ages 33 to 49.

It’s possible that if your profile is BLAZING good, you may win BOTH pots – a cool $400. There’s your car payment for the next month or two (or a two-year subscription to Girls Chase!).

8 Useful Mindsets for Meeting Women in Nightclubs

Alek Rolstad's picture

In this post I will share my thoughts on meeting women in nightclubs. Nightclubs have often been the spot many would at first consider natural to meeting women, especially those who are students of the art of seduction.

Yet many new players tend to avoid going to clubs to meet women because of the fact that there are other possible options that seems easier and more efficient than picking up girls in bars and clubs.

I agree with those saying that nightclubs are too messy and chaotic, because often they are, yet there are other positive aspects to meeting women in nightclubs. Some of the positive sides are, for example, that you can meet a huge spectrum of different women in a short amount of time. Also, meeting women in clubs allows you to easily have sex with them on the initial meeting – in fact, you can end up having really exciting and crazy nights.

meeting women in nightclubs

However, meeting women in nightclubs is hard, but with the right mindsets it all becomes somewhat easier. Yes, of course it requires lots of practice to become good at meeting women in clubs, but usually the biggest cause of failures is not lack of skill, but the wrong mindsets.

In this post I will cover some mindsets that I still use and that have helped my friends and me a lot. So I hope you enjoy this post.

How to Avoid Making the Same Mistake Twice

Ross Leon's picture

If you’ve spent any amount of time learning pickup, then you know that you’re bound to make countless mistakes. We’ve all been through the same exact process, as you need to make mistakes in order to make progress.

Progression is necessary to finally get the results that you want. Progression, however, comes at a different pace for different people.

Some men progress through this material at a lightning fast pace, going from zero to hero within mere months.

... meanwhile, others, while exerting similar or even greater effort towards becoming attractive men who are irresistible to women, are just not getting the results they desire.

same mistake twice

What is the primary difference between these men? The man who progresses quickly doesn’t make the same mistake twice, while the man who is stuck continues to make the same exact mistakes over and over again. As a result, he feels marooned on an ideological island with no escape.

How do you become the man that doesn’t make the same mistake twice? How do you bolt through this material and rack up lay after lay, shocking even your closest friends with the rapid progression you’ve made? I could just tell you to not make the same mistakes twice. But I know that there is more to the puzzle, as most guys are boggled when it comes to avoiding making these mistakes over and over again.

You see, most guys just don’t know when or how they’ve made a mistake. They can feel that something is wrong, but it’s very difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the mistake. Without knowledge of how the mistake came about, you’re just throwing darts in the dark, trying to yank some progress kicking and screaming out of your unknown mistakes.

It’s time to turn on the lights so that you can finally get the results that you've been dreaming of.

Why You Absolutely Need to Assume Attraction with Women

Chase Amante's picture

I’ve been seeing more of the writers and senior members on the discussion boards reminding guys that you must assume attraction recently. This is one of those things that comes second nature when you’re farther along the path of doing great with girls, but can be an odd piece of advice to encounter when you’re new.

“Assume attraction” is a necessary ingredient in your seductions if you want those seductions to get anywhere. It’s what stops you from spending endless time deliberating about whether a girl is interested or not, whether she likes you, and whether you ought to advance things with her... or not.

assume attraction

What happens is that most newer guys do not assume attraction, and instead spend their time looking for signs of attraction instead (without being all that adept at reading these signs).

They are waiting for women to signal to them that they should move forward with their seductions.

Yet, for similar reasons to what we covered in “The Paradox of the Flirty Girl” for why you shouldn’t put too much stock in flirtation, if you’re sitting there trying to figure out if she likes you before you do anything, you’re going to fall flat.

You’re going to miss out on 95% of the women who really do like you.

Because most of the time, they’re going to be too busy being attracted to you to worry about signaling to you that they are.

How to Have Sex with Thai Girls

Colt Williams's picture

If there is any place in the world that will play host to your desire for debauchery, thirst for intrigue, sense of adventure, and search for hospitality, it’s the country that lies in the heart of Southeast Asia. Forget about Vegas. What happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.

I saw some pretty unspeakable things – both phenomenal and regrettable – while I was living there. But no matter what things were going down, the one truth that was always intact was the fact that there was no shortage of sex with Thai girls.

thai girls

Having sex with Thai girls isn’t very hard in terms of the act itself, but there are some things you’ll need to know in order to make it happen and maintain a positive rapport afterward. So today I’m going to break all of these steps down.

Quick Escalation to Sex: It's All About the Windows

J.J. Jones's picture

quick escalationA hot topic on the discussion boards as of late has been the concept of escalation windows: how to spot them, and what you should do when one of these colossal portals to hanky-panky town is unlocked before your eager eyes. Escalation windows can be hard to spot, and when detected, you must act quickly and with conviction.

If you’re not quite sure exactly what we mean by the term “escalation window”, you should probably go ahead and give this 2011 article by Chase a quick read to get your feet wet.

Basically, escalation is an out-and-out requirement if you want to sleep with women. Why’s that, you ask?

To paraphrase a nice little tidbit that a very wise mentor once best owed upon me: “No Escalation, No Lovin’…”

So with that in mind, if you don’t escalate things… well, you know what will happen. Or, more precisely, what won’t happen.

What are Beautiful Women's Expectations in Dating?

Alek Rolstad's picture

First, I would like to apologize for being inactive and not being able to answer the questions in the comment sections of my posts. I have been very busy lately. But keep in mind that I am reading your comments; they help me get inspired for future posts. This post for instance has been inspired by comments from posters. I would like to make posts based on the comments I get, so that I can give you even better reading material. Hope you enjoy this one.

I wrote an article recently about having fast sex where I mentioned that going for fast sex is beneficial because it communicates that you are a lover, and that being a lover is a good thing when it comes to seduction, as it makes laying beautiful women easier.

In the comment section, however, some men mentioned that, according to their experience, beautiful women they meet tend to display a desire for providers more than a desire for lovers, and that they are not willing to have sex fast.

beautiful women's expectations

Here are the comments:


I am at the point where I am trying to go for really pretty women. However, I am running into some difficulty. My issue is that I am meeting women of quality who don't want first meeting sex. I am getting a feeling that quality women (the real pretty ones) can have sex whenever and with whomever they want at any given time. So a lover who just provides them with sex is really nothing to them since they can get sex from anyone. So, what I am saying is since quality women have a lot of options to choose from they are more prone to being "gamed" (meaning taking them out on dates and playing the game). In your experience do you think this is true? Do you think quality women need to be "gamed"? Or is my entire thinking flawed, do I need rewiring?


And another one:

I also tend to find out that Women of Quality (not your average cute college girl or a drunk club girl) simply will NOT sleep with you until dates 3-5, no matter what you do. I am fairly successful with women and have no problem seducing them on the first date, if we are both on the same wavelengths. Some of the Women of Quality (especially late 20s-early 30s, as opposed to early 20s) just don't have sex early on and they would cut down any and all attempts to do so.

These are very interesting points. Let me now give my answers. In this post I will cover my opinion on the issue. I believe these topics needs clarification and I hope this will clarify a few things for many of you.

Why Girls Don't Follow Logic

Cody Lyans's picture

girls and logicIs it that girls are illogical, or is it that by worrying if a girl will follow our logic we forget to inspire them instead?

When it comes to girls, an experienced man knows that thinking outside the box is key to understanding the choices women make, and he embraces this fact because it not only affords her freedoms, but it affords him some too. Great relationships are built upon an understanding of why women need to be inspired daily rather than won over once and expected to then do as you do. Learn to inspire them and get rid of that confusion today.

If you are like most men, you have probably found yourself in this scenario: a girl has shown interest in you, and has indicated she will go out with you, etc., but then when it comes time she is nowhere to be seen or heard from. You call her later: “Where were you?” and she replies with something that makes no sense too you, given your prior arrangement: “Oh, you didn’t call so I assumed it was off.”


To better understand why women do these kinds of things, you have to take on the attitude that accepts the behavior before passing judgement on it. Girls do things like this because, like you, they fear all kinds of rejection and making mistakes, but unlike you, they must consider the social consequences of how each situation “felt” and how it will reflect on them if they act on it. Girls do not reciprocate feelings and actions based on logic because the feeling of each action must be judged independently according to its context at that moment in time.

At What Point Do You Give Up?

Chase Amante's picture

In response to my statement in “Real Empiricists Test”, uForia asked a follow up question on how you can tell the difference between something not working because you’re not getting right, and something not working because it simply doesn’t work:

I think for most new guys, skepticism comes up when they follow your instructions but it blew up anyways, which questions your legitimacy. It is uncertain for many beginners like myself whether your method needs more practice or it’s just random PUA junk. Again, I didn’t say this to offend you or anything (I think you’re probably mature enough to not be offended anyways), as I’m sure you had difficulties finding what works and what doesn’t as well.

In other words, when should you give up?

when do you give up

This is a non-trivial question, and it’s one that’s pretty necessary to have some sort of an answer to. Because if you can’t tell when you’ve been tossing your time away on something that just doesn’t work, well... you can end up being that guy who goes and does 5000 approaches and still can’t get laid.

And you don’t want to be that guy.

The good news is that most people have a limit where they reach where they just give up without anyone having to tell them to do so... the bad news is that for most people that limit comes far too early, and for some it comes far too late.