Articles by Author: William Gupta | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: William Gupta

How to Handle Awkward Dating Situations

William Gupta's picture

An attractive girl grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. We danced together for a couple seconds before I made up an excuse to stop dancing with her and ran off. I got scared that she would find out that I couldn’t dance and things would get awkward.


That night I walked home kicking myself, questioning what caused me to run away.

There was another time where I wanted to make a move on a girl that was my friend, but the time was never right. I was worried she might reject me and things might get awkward. I waited years to finally make a move but by that time the attraction was gone and she had moved me to the brother zone.

Finally, I have been in relationships where girls did little things that I didn’t like. But rather than bring it up early, I would bite my tongue. I was afraid to make things awkward. I would let these incidents happen until either she would lose respect for me or I would blow up on her about something insignificant.

Something that is not often discussed about success with women is how awkward things can get and how men’s fear of awkwardness leads to them never pushing the boundaries and holding back their success.

8 Simple Habits that Can Get You Laid

William Gupta's picture

I have written about the realm of opportunity in some of my other posts. “Whenever there is a girl present, there is a chance you might have sex with her.”

I have structured both my interactions and my schedule as to always put myself in a place where sex with a beautiful girl is possible. In this post I will share both the theory behind how I structure my life and also go into some practical habits to optimize your lifestyle, so you can build a lifestyle designed to get you laid.

habits get laid

The Truth About Taking Drugs and Hooking Up with Women

William Gupta's picture

drugsI had snorted two grams of cocaine in thirty seconds. Twenty minutes later I collapsed in the middle of the theme park.

My body convulsed as first responders rushed me to the infirmary. My heart was beating over 170 beats a minute. I only weighed 107 pounds and I had not slept in over forty-eight hours.

All this just to impress a girl.

I have been sober for years now, but I have lots of experiences with both drugs and women.

I have seen many guys try various drugs to try and get with girls – from selling pot to meet girls, to taking Molly at a rave with hopes of meeting a girl at the end of the night.

So here is my tell-all about the world of drugs and women.

How to be the Funny Guy that Gets Laid

William Gupta's picture

I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m a funny guy. I do stand-up comedy for fun. I’m the guy who leaves his friends and family in stitches. Being funny has both helped and hurt me with women. Humor helped me because I win over her friends with ease, I have some great openers, and I can use it to diffuse awkward situations.


But that same humor has led to me receiving more tests, not being taken seriously, being the entertainer and not the lover, and on more than a few occasions it has bought me a one-way ticket to the friend zone.

What I have come to realize about using humor with women is that you need to know when and how to use it to get her to go home with you. So here is my breakdown of how to be a funny guy that still gets laid.

Dating Professional Women: The 3 Types You’ll Meet

William Gupta's picture

I was doing some work at my favorite coffee shop when I saw an attractive girl sit down wearing a t-shirt with a university crest.


Pointing at her t-shirt I asked, “What school did you go to?”

She said, “Harvard Business School.”

I smiled to myself. “Did you have to choose between HBS and the GSB?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

I said, “What made you say no to Stanford?”

She replied, “The fact that it would have been more difficult to say no to Harvard.”

I invited her over to sit with me. I said the right things and we set up a date on the spot. On my way home I thought about how far I had come in my seduction journey. There was a time when hearing “Harvard Business School” would have intimidated me, but over the years I have learned a system for better relating with professional women. Knowing what to say to make them feel comfortable and makes you keep a good mindset so you don’t feel intimidated.

After dating doctors, lawyers, consultants, and investment bankers, I have noticed that even though their careers may look very different, their personalities are actually quite similar.

If They Won’t Lead… Will You?

William Gupta's picture

When looking back at all my experience with girls, there are a couple of events that still haunt me. Not because I got rejected, not because I bombed out, but because I was so close and failed.

The failure wasn’t due to there being poor logistics, nor was it a rogue friend that pulled her away. These failures were the result of me not standing up at the right moment and being a dominant man. I either pushed off the responsibility on one of my wingmen or the girl. Well, in life and in game, no one is going to do the work for you. This is why I have adopted the mantra “If they won’t, I will.”

won't lead

This post is going to be set up a little different from my other posts. I am going to bring up two instances where I failed to stand up and take responsibility. I hope the lessons from my nightmares can help your dreams come true.

The Truth About Big Muscles and Getting Laid

William Gupta's picture

When I was seventeen I overdosed on cocaine. I weighed 107 pounds and was 5'9" - needless to say, I was skinny. It's been eight years since that event and I now weigh 165 pounds and am around 7-8% body fat. I have been asked to be a fitness model and to competitively powerlift. My journey from being a skinny kid to a muscular bro was motivated almost entirely by my goal of bedding more women.

muscles get laid

And although putting on a lot of muscle didn't give me the results I had fantasized about, the journey helped transform my character and turned me into a guy who does in fact bed a lot of women. I'm writing this post because there are a lot of misconceptions about how being muscular helps you with women, so here is the truth about how being muscular will help you get laid.

How to Get Rid of Jealousy (Mostly)

William Gupta's picture

I came home in a blind rage. I had seen my ex-girlfriend out with one of my friends and was ready to end both of them. I walked into my house with my fists clenched and sweat dripping from my forehead. My dad noticed and immediately pulled me aside asking me what was wrong. I lied and said nothing was wrong. But after a few more pointed questions from my father, I finally caved and said why I was so upset.


“Son, you have a jealousy problem.”

“No I don’t Dad!”

There was no reasoning with me; the emotion had consumed the rational part of my brain. I wasn’t Will, I was Jealous Will. That night my dad imparted a great deal of wisdom to me. It took me years to fully understand it and another couple years to embody it. That’s not to say I never get jealous anymore. But my episodes are now nothing more than a passing inconvenience.

With the help of my dad and my life experience, I have figured out ways to discharge jealousy quickly. I have also adopted a philosophy that makes it very difficult to feel jealous in the first place.

Before I venture further, I want to establish what this post isn’t. This post is not a guide to “keeping your girl in check” or “when your jealousy is a clue that she’s cheating”, this is just about your internal state and how to have a life of less jealousy.

Everything I Know About Race and Dating Girls

William Gupta's picture

My friend had just told me that he saw the girl I liked with another guy.

“I don’t get it man! I know that she likes me.”

“Bro, it’s because of this,” he said, pointing to his dark skin.

I responded saying, “What are you talking about man?”

“It’s because you’re black bro; girls like her only date white guys.”

race and dating

Until that point I had not looked at dating through a racial lens. But after that day I started to become more “aware” of race and dating. I started “seeing” that white guys had it easier when it came to getting girls. It didn’t matter that I had dated many different races of girls before. It didn’t matter that I ended up dating the girl that we were talking about. That conversation had given me the ultimate excuse: that if a girl didn’t like me, it was because of my race.

It took me years to get away from that particular train of thought. It still creeps in from time to time, but as soon as I catch myself thinking like that now I cut that line of reasoning. So I will go ahead and answer the question that is on a lot of your minds right now.

Does race matter when it comes to dating? Yes.

Does it matter as much as people think it matters? No.

In this post, I will answer common questions I get from guys about race and dating; some advice for getting over racial insecurities and some stories from my journey.