Articles by Author: Mateo Navarrete | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Mateo Navarrete

Escalation Series Pt. 3: Her Emotions, Stages 5-9

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In the last couple of posts, we have examined the series of events that had to happen both logistically and emotionally in order for an escalation to progress successfully from meet to mate. Escalation

We understand that logistical escalation refers to, from a simplified perspective, where to do something, while emotional escalation refers to when to do something.

This information is important to understand, as the majority of time spent during your learning curve when approaching and socializing will be learning when to do (or say) whatever it is you do (or say).

In other words, when you are in an interaction with a woman to whom you are attracted, you will learn, through trial by error, to recognize the signals that she is communicating to you (mostly non-verbally), as to when to ramp up, or slow down your escalation.

Women are all different, so when you are able to recognize the emotions a woman is experiencing, you will be able to connect with her quickly, effectively, and then build upon this connection to guide the interaction to the Optimal / Desired Reality.

A good way of looking at emotions is to view them as filters. These emotional filters are the keys to decoding her communication.

Escalation Series Pt. 2: Her Emotions, Stages 1-4

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Previously, in “Escalation Series Pt. 1: The Logistical Timeline of Events”, we were able to breakdown and plot the series of logistical events that had to happen in order for the desired reality – consensual physical intimacy – to exist in an interaction that successfully progressed from meet to mate.

We also learned that, just as there were external (for example, logistical) elements that had to occur, there also were internal (read: emotional) elements that were needed in order for an interaction to successfully progress from the approach, throughout numerous moments of posting up and moving together, until eventually, and inevitably, leading to the desired reality of physically bonding together.


In part 2 of this series, to gain a better understanding of how to effectively escalate an interaction from meet to mate, we are going to take a closer look at this process by examining it through the lens of emotions!

Once again, as a bit of a disclaimer, understand that some of this information will seem very abstract, so I will attempt to give concrete examples whenever possible. At the same time, understand that as you gain more experience while internalizing these effective mindsets and behaviors, the information will become clearer and less abstract.

Let’s begin!

Escalation Series Pt. 1: The Logistical Timeline of Events

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Last time, to celebrate your successful completion of the fundamentals of communication series, we grew our conversation outline to include what to say next – for now anyway ;-)

Applying your conversation outline during your interactions will allow you to internalize your fundamentals by diverting your focus from what to say next to what to do, and not do, right now!

In turn, this will allow you to determine which of your habits (read: subconscious instinctive behaviors) are effective, or ineffective, at helping you successfully escalate an interaction logistically, physically, and emotionally. Then, simply replace your ineffective habits of behavior with your knowledge of the fundamentals (read: effective behaviors) and experience the difference firsthand!


In this new series, to gain a better understanding of how to effectively escalate an interaction from meet to mate, we are going to breakdown the process both logistically and emotionally.

As I explain this information, you will notice that some of it will seem very abstract, so I will attempt to give concrete examples whenever possible. However, at the same time, understand that the more experience you gain, the less abstract this information will become, as you will internalize these effective mindsets and behaviors.

So let’s get started!

What to Say to Her Next: Interaction Outline Pt. 4

Mateo Navarrete's picture

So far in this series, we have discussed a customizable conversation starter that we can implement right now as we focus on internalizing the attractive behaviors women desire. We have also explored the five fundamentals of conversation:

  1. Voice
  2. Awkward Tendencies
  3. Early Attractive Conversation
  4. Screening & Rewarding Effort
  5. Connection Building

In addition to conversation, we have learned three other ways to escalate an interaction: physically, logistically, and emotionally.

You have been learning all this so that you may become more effective at creating spontaneous conversation with a woman to whom you are attracted. Over the next several posts, we will dive deeper into the social value matrix to explore and get a better understanding of the method behind the madness of attraction and communication.

Fundamentals of Basic Conversation II: Interaction Outline Pt. 3

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Previously, we covered common mistakes to avoid that have the potential to hinder our success.

We’ve talked about the importance of having a conversation outline as well as a customizable conversation starter you can implement today with the girls you are meeting.

In the last article we explored how our voice, awkward tendencies, and early attractive conversation affect our communication with women. In this post, more concrete examples of effective and ineffective behavior will be discussed, as we discover the final three fundamentals of conversation. Those are:

  • Screening
  • Rewarding effort
  • Connection building

However, before diving further into the nuances of conversation, let’s explore the why behind the what and the how of communication in regards to attraction so we can better understand what makes our behavior effective or ineffective.

Fundamentals of Basic Conversation: Interaction Outline Pt. 2

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In the last couple of posts:

  1. The “I’m Glad I’m Not the Only One Who…” Conversation Starter

  2. The Fundamentals of a Great Approach: Interaction Outline Pt. 1

... We learned a customizable conversation starter (post #1) that allowed us to focus on the fundamentals of physical, logistical, and emotional escalation (post #2).

Before continuing forward with the creation of our conversational outline, today we are going to focus on: the fundamentals of basic conversation.

conversation fundamentals

The Fundamentals of a Great Approach: Interaction Outline Pt. 1

Mateo Navarrete's picture

approach fundamentalsIn my previous post, we learned the importance of having something ready to say when we see a woman to whom we are attracted, so we began building a conversation outline beginning with our initial component of a customizable conversation starter that we can adapt to fit any situation!

Now that we have something to say, at least upon first approaching a woman, we are free to focus on our fundamentals more effectively. There’s a great intro article to fundamentals you can check out here, and Chase has several amazing articles about how to work on your style (including everything from grooming, facial hair, clothing and accessories, your physique, even information about how your scent relates to attraction), as well as your eye contact and your voice.

Today we dive deeper down the rabbit hole as we focus on making the abstract more concrete by learning the fundamental behaviors that can make all the difference in the world in your interactions with the opposite sex!

The “I’m Glad I’m Not the Only One Who…” Conversation Starter

Mateo Navarrete's picture

The #1 thing men ask me when it comes to meeting girls is, “I don’t know what to say! What should I say to get a girl intrigued enough to even want to have an interaction with me?!”

When it comes to attracting a woman, you may be familiar with the phrase, “It’s not so much what you say, but more how you say it that matters.”

This is why I attempt to focus on the “how” (read: “fundamental” behaviors) and “why” (read: “fundamental” beliefs and strategies) of communication and attraction, albeit sometimes the concepts may seem rather abstract.

Some of the ideas I share start off very abstract in the beginning, and over time become more concrete, while other concepts start off very concrete and then become more abstract over time.

On this note, to prepare us for what we are about to learn today, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned so far:

We hold the moral-high ground so there’s no need to feel ashamed of approaching a woman who attracts our attention (Creep-Shame Culture). No (eligible) woman wakes up thinking, “I don’t want to get swept off my feet today”, so there’s no harm in making (inevitable) mistakes when attempting to do this very thing with a woman to whom you are attracted.

Discovering the answer to 3 simple questions (The 4 Types of Women) gives us an effective destination towards which to guide the interaction. Obviously the first step in getting somewhere is knowing where to go!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so by focusing on our fundamentals and essentials (in regards to voice, eye contact, body language, etc.) the occasions when a woman doesn’t look at us will become less frequent. We understand why it occurs, as well as how to handle the situation (Looking at Women, and Getting Them to Look Back) by appealing to her other senses (besides just her sense of sight) in order to successfully gain her attention.

Now that we have all those abstract ideas internalized, let’s focus on something more concrete and fun: learning EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY to a girl when you first approach her!

conversation starter

Today is Part One of my Basic Conversation Outline series. In this article you are going to:

  1. Discover why building a conversation outline is important to your success

  2. Acquire a conversation starter you can use right now

  3. Learn how to customize it to fit any situation you happen to find yourself in

Let’s get right to it!

Looking at Women... and Getting Them to Look BACK

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In my experience, the power to command the attention of all eyes in a room is more a learnable skill than a natural talent.

And in reality, you can effectively internalize any skill and turn it into a “natural” habit. So the argument that “either you’ve got it, or you don’t” is simply inaccurate.

Just to be clear: if you don’t have it (yet), you can still get it (soon).

However, commanding the attention of everyone in the room is outside the scope of this article, and although that skill would indeed be helpful, in this situation we will focus on how to gain the attention of one person in particular: that beautiful woman who has enamored you, and, for whatever reason, is not returning your gaze.

looking at women

To deal with this situation of how we look at women and get them to look back, we break it down into two parts:

  • Pre-Interaction Communication
  • (During the) Interaction Communication

Let’s start by taking a closer look at what we can do before this situation even occurs.

The 4 Types of Girls (and the 3 Questions to Identify Them)

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Note from Chase: This article from Mateo is on a different subject than my “4 Kinds of Girls” article. While that one from me was focused on personality dimensions, this article on types from Mateo is focused on availability and interest levels. Here’s Mateo...

types of girlsCreep-Shame Culture” taught us to understand that since we are attempting to improve our communication with women, as well as better a woman’s life, in spite of the inevitable mistakes we will make, we still hold the moral high-ground. This means that we actually are “in the right” when we approach women to whom we are attracted – as long as we take responsibility for our actions (and don’t intentionally attempt to emotionally harm anyone – to state the obvious).

When we hold the moral-high ground – in other words, when we believe that we are “in the right” – we release ourselves from feeling particular negative emotions that would otherwise hinder our behavior.

For example, if we feel like we are “in the wrong”, then we are more likely to allow the negative emotions we experience stop us from approaching or escalating an interaction with a woman to whom we are attracted.

So how can we direct our moral compass to give us that extra boost we may need to successfully guide our interactions with the opposite sex to the most effective destination possible?