Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Day Game 101: Basics and Fundamentals

Jeff Stanton's picture

By: Jeff Stanton

Note from Chase: this is Jeff Stanton’s first article on Girls Chase proper, although he’s contributed some well-received posts on our discussion boards under the handle “Warped Mindless”, a handle he’s had for years on other seduction forums across the web. Jeff’s kicking off with a series on day game, beginning with this post, focused on basics. If you’ve been around a while, this’ll mostly all be familiar territory to you, but it’s necessary foundationally for what Jeff covers next. Here’s Jeff.

This is the start of a new series all about meeting women during the day, sometimes referred to as “day game”.

day game

This series will cover anything and everything you need to know in order to go out and start hitting on beautiful woman and forming the type of relationships you want with them. But first…

Why Tinder is Still the Best Dating App Out There

Colt Williams's picture

Today’s the last day of the launch of my complete “get laid on Tinder” system; tonight at midnight, the price goes up forever. To top off this even with a bang, I’ve put together a detailed look at Tinder – and why, despite some new up-and-comers in the dating app space, Tinder remains the crown jewel of all dating apps.

Long ago, when a man wanted to meet a woman he was interested in – one who was not only fun and interesting, but also very attractive – he has just had to rely on luck or subject himself to the frenzied and unreliable environments of bars and clubs.

And then, at the beginning of the turn-of-the-century, some smart people who wanted to take advantage of the Internet age created online dating websites. They wanted to use the potential that the Internet had of connecting people locally, statewide, nationally, and globally, and apply that potential to a romantic context. They wanted to be able to bring people together and be a conduit, a spark of people falling in love with mates who they would have never otherwise been exposed to.

But online dating added setbacks: it was stigmatized; most sites were poorly designed; and after a while, the hot girls found that there were just far too many droves of thirsty, desperate men trying to get any kind of female contact or acknowledgment that they possibly could – which often manifested itself in a deluge of dick pics. And because of this unpleasant realization, they began to vacate the online dating scene and leave it for girls who were truly desperate.

And then… in the late 2000s… there came the app revolution.

dating apps

Suddenly you could do everything on your phone. You could check email, play music, and even handle your finances. So it was inevitable that, just like with the outset of the Internet age, someone would take advantage of this revolution in order to bring people together romantically. A few apps tried, but none saw true success until the advent of Tinder in 2012.

Tinder came and swept through the app world. It really put dating apps on the map.

What really got people was its effectiveness and simplicity. You simply look at someone’s photo, see how close you are, and then either swipe yes or no. And if you match, you could message them and potentially meet up.

And the best part was: it was completely anonymous. No one knew that you were on the app. Even people who came across your profile could only see it momentarily unless they matched with you. And if they did not, then you would disappear into oblivion and they would probably forget you soon enough.

dating appsThe icing on the cake: you could use the app from anywhere.

Like most things, in the beginning even Tinder was considered a bit fringe. It was considered – much like its online dating counterparts – for people who were weird or lonely or socially inept or otherwise outside of the norm of society. But slowly… and surely… it became more widespread.

Then in 2013, it started spreading like wildfire. Suddenly, everyone was on it: that girl from work, girls from the university campuses, girls from bars. Finally, something had managed to compel and keep hot, normal, socially adept girls in the online realm.

Now, the app is as ubiquitous as Google maps. Everyone has Tinder. But the best part about it is that it is not online dating. People are not on it to find their soul mate. They are on this king of dating apps for one reason and one reason only: and that is to get laid.

No pretense. No misunderstanding. Even for the women who pretend to be motivated by other reasons, this underlying truth still rings loud and clear.

Compassion as a Weakness, Compassion as a Strength

Cody Lyans's picture

One of the most important journeys of the more experienced seducer is reaching the point where he embraces true compassion for women.

This is different from the emotion less experienced men feel, where they want to suck up a girl into their world and take care of her and provide for her, and it’s different from the emotion you feel as a more seasoned seducer, when you want to provide her with leg-tremblingly incredible sexual experiences.

It means to be able to do those things when appropriate but also recognize when NOT to do them.

A less dogmatic and more intuitive understanding of what her life is like as a woman requires the ability to differentiate between doting on a woman, and helping her be independently happy; to stop overruling her own thoughts and desires simply to fulfill yours; to stop being inflexible with your frame, even when you might actually be wrong. Truly compassionate men pay attention to these details, and they don’t push them off to the side for an easier journey.

Learning to mind this balance – being the powerful, effective man who is able to bring the things and women he wants into his life, to provide incredible experiences to the people around him, and to command and demand attention, while at the same time being mindful of the power you wield and developing the ability to wield it responsibly and judiciously – is one of the greatest lessons for the advanced student of the social arts.


Today I will be introducing you to four rules that will help you identify the fine line between real compassion in seduction and pretense.

The “I’m Glad I’m Not the Only One Who…” Conversation Starter

Mateo Navarrete's picture

The #1 thing men ask me when it comes to meeting girls is, “I don’t know what to say! What should I say to get a girl intrigued enough to even want to have an interaction with me?!”

When it comes to attracting a woman, you may be familiar with the phrase, “It’s not so much what you say, but more how you say it that matters.”

This is why I attempt to focus on the “how” (read: “fundamental” behaviors) and “why” (read: “fundamental” beliefs and strategies) of communication and attraction, albeit sometimes the concepts may seem rather abstract.

Some of the ideas I share start off very abstract in the beginning, and over time become more concrete, while other concepts start off very concrete and then become more abstract over time.

On this note, to prepare us for what we are about to learn today, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned so far:

We hold the moral-high ground so there’s no need to feel ashamed of approaching a woman who attracts our attention (Creep-Shame Culture). No (eligible) woman wakes up thinking, “I don’t want to get swept off my feet today”, so there’s no harm in making (inevitable) mistakes when attempting to do this very thing with a woman to whom you are attracted.

Discovering the answer to 3 simple questions (The 4 Types of Women) gives us an effective destination towards which to guide the interaction. Obviously the first step in getting somewhere is knowing where to go!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so by focusing on our fundamentals and essentials (in regards to voice, eye contact, body language, etc.) the occasions when a woman doesn’t look at us will become less frequent. We understand why it occurs, as well as how to handle the situation (Looking at Women, and Getting Them to Look Back) by appealing to her other senses (besides just her sense of sight) in order to successfully gain her attention.

Now that we have all those abstract ideas internalized, let’s focus on something more concrete and fun: learning EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY to a girl when you first approach her!

conversation starter

Today is Part One of my Basic Conversation Outline series. In this article you are going to:

  1. Discover why building a conversation outline is important to your success

  2. Acquire a conversation starter you can use right now

  3. Learn how to customize it to fit any situation you happen to find yourself in

Let’s get right to it!

“Get Laid on Tinder” System Available To Own NOW

Chase Amante's picture

laid on tinderI’m really, very, extremely excited to let you know that Colt’s Tinder system is now available for purchase, and his final presentation on his methods (and the system itself) is up:

Colt’s Tinder System + Final Presentation

Just in case you haven’t been following along:

  • Tinder’s just about the most promising, fruitful place to meet women we’ve seen in ages

  • Tinder’s also a NEAT place to meet women because it doesn’t just have the crazies and bargain-barrel chicks on it like you see with most online dating sites / dating apps, but – because it’s “trendy” and an “in” thing to do – it actually has scads and scads of attractive, sexy, regular girls on it too. And while some of these are looking for Instagram followers, many of them are extremely curious about seeing what all the noise is about and going on some Tinder dates (and a lot of them already are doing this)

  • Colt plowed 500 hours last year into decoding the rules of the game on Tinder and building a complete end-to-end system for himself (and now you, if you want it) to basically pipeline women by the dozens off the app and out into person, and from there into his bed

  • I’ve been working with Colt since last May or so on fleshing out the details of the program, and the past month has basically been nothing but Tinder for me – I personally pulled out all the stops to make sure this was as useful, and also beautiful, product as we could possibly create for you

Is She Interested? 8 Signs She Definitely Is

Colt Williams's picture

People in the seduction community make a lot of talk about IOIs, or “indicators of interest”. Indicators of interest are subtle hints that girls may drop – often subconsciously – in order to demonstrate their romantic and/or sexual attraction toward a man.

But the term “indicator of interest” makes this whole process sound entirely too scientific, as jargon in any niche field can. At some point, in order to master any craft, you have to get past the jargon and get back to what is simple. And in the case of women, what is simple for men is asking themselves the question: “Is she interested?”

At the end of the day, that is all we want to know. Is she interested or not?

is she interested

Many men waste a lot of time on girls who lead them on, are attention whores, or are just too nice to reject them directly.

Because, as we know, most of us men need very direct communication – i.e., firm rejection – in order to relinquish our pursuit of a girl we fancy. But once we get that firm rejection, or are pretty certain that she is not interested, then we usually will move on.

However, most girls are far too nice to deliver such a blow. Or at least they think they are being so. So it is up to us to figure out if they are interested. And although it may seem somewhat difficult at first, it can be much more obvious than it appears once you learn to look at the signs. And once you become more attuned to the signs, you will be able to pick up on them without even trying. You will even be able to observe them in the dynamics between other people.

So is she interested? Well, by the time you’re done with this post, you should never have to ask yourself such a question when thinking about a girl you like. You will just know. And what is more: you will not only know, but you will also have the power and confidence to act. So let’s get to it.

Deep-Diving and Childhood Regression

J.J. Jones's picture

By: J.J. Jones

Childhood stories and memories are some of the most ingrained, pleasing thoughts that a person’s mind can evoke in life. It is merely human nature to attempt to relive things from a distant past that were pleasurable or peaceful. Although we have but a vague recollection of these events at the surface, they’re rooted far into the depths of our unconscious.

childhood regression

It is for those reasons that spurring a woman to recall all of these old feelings and thoughts will arouse deep-seated emotions in her that will not only spin her off into fantasy land, but will also create a very strong connection between the two of you.

And yes, I am aware that when we talk about psychoanalytical things and relate them to attracting women many guys shake their heads in disbelief. But, before you cast this one off as mere “hocus pocus”, I recommend giving it a thorough read-through and letting it digest first.

There is truth in science, and why not learn a bit about the dynamics behind deep-diving a girl on her childhood experiences?

How to Host an After-Party (That Gets You Laid)

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi there, how is everybody doing? Today I will write my last post on logistics for a while. Previous posts in this series can be found here:

Although I find the topic of logistics very interesting and useful, I feel that it is now time to change it up and discuss something else. I will round it off by continuing on from last week, where we discussed how you could screen for good after-parties and get laid at them. Today we will discuss how to host an after-party (and one that gets you laid, at that).

host an after party

Different “attraction building” techniques – i.e., techniques for making women attracted to you at after-parties – will not be the topic of this post because the techniques for making women attracted to you are the same for most situations. So most of the techniques taught by me or anyone else on this website can be used.

Yes, there are certain “special” techniques you can use at after-parties such as funny group games and so on, but I have decided to make this post only about logistics, as this is where after-parties differ from other types of game.

Trust me when I say this: logistics are often more important than building attraction.

If you have your basics in check, it is almost guaranteed you will get laid with the strategy I am about to give you.

It is recommended, though not required, to read my previous post on after-parties. Some of the points listed there can be useful when applying the system I am about to share. It might also be wise to check out my other posts on logistics as well.

Now, let us begin with some basics.

Looking at Women... and Getting Them to Look BACK

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In my experience, the power to command the attention of all eyes in a room is more a learnable skill than a natural talent.

And in reality, you can effectively internalize any skill and turn it into a “natural” habit. So the argument that “either you’ve got it, or you don’t” is simply inaccurate.

Just to be clear: if you don’t have it (yet), you can still get it (soon).

However, commanding the attention of everyone in the room is outside the scope of this article, and although that skill would indeed be helpful, in this situation we will focus on how to gain the attention of one person in particular: that beautiful woman who has enamored you, and, for whatever reason, is not returning your gaze.

looking at women

To deal with this situation of how we look at women and get them to look back, we break it down into two parts:

  • Pre-Interaction Communication
  • (During the) Interaction Communication

Let’s start by taking a closer look at what we can do before this situation even occurs.

How to Handle Awkward Girls (Who Get Nervous and Antsy)

Colt Williams's picture

awkward womanChase’s amazing year-in-review really got me thinking about my own year. It was a fantastic year of growth, development, lessons… and women. I always find it to be a very interesting exercise to look at my year through the lens of women. “Which girl was I hanging out with this month? What challenges did we have? What adventures did we go on? What did I end up learning from the situation? What did I learn about myself?”

These are all valuable questions that seem to arise somewhat naturally when engaging in this exercise. So even if your year only saw two girls, and even if you may have done nothing but make out with them, still, think about how you changed and grew because of these situations.

Going into the year, I knew that one of my greatest challenges was dealing with a certain type of girl. I have a pretty strong personality; I like to make my presence known and I am not afraid to be loud and silly. So I tend to look for girls who are strong, independent, and quick-witted. That being said, I have learned that you can find these attributes in girls who are not necessarily the most extroverted.

So in thinking about how I could improve my seduction skills, I really wanted to challenge myself to see how I could be better equipped to deal with girls who possessed these attributes yet who just happen to be awkward.

I have never done well with dealing with awkward people; mirror neurons are some powerful things, and when you can clearly tell that someone is made somewhat (or fully) uncomfortable by one’s presence, no matter how socially adept you may be, it definitely starts to make you somewhat uncomfortable as well.

But some awkward girls are attractive, smart, and genuinely nice people. So I really asked myself over the first few months of last year: how can I overcome this challenge? How can I better connect with awkward girls who are not so socially savvy?

I asked many friends and colleagues about my challenge. And as I found myself in various social situations throughout 2014, I endeavored to push through my discomfort and actively engage with awkward girls as much as possible instead of excusing myself from the interaction as I had normally been accustomed to doing.

And the results were certainly interesting. So how do you deal with awkward girls? This is what I learned.