Mindsets | Page 44 | Girls Chase



It's All a Game

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By: Chase Amante

Doesn’t happen too often, but I recently got a little annoyed at a situation with a girl I’m seeing. She wasn’t behaving as I felt she should have; she was being secretive and defensive around me, and that’s a big no-no for me generally. And that raised my hackles a bit.

Then I stopped for a minute, looked around, and asked myself: why on Earth am I taking this so seriously?

it's all a game

The Law of Least Effort

Chase Amante's picture

law of least effortI’ve been mentioning it for a while on here, but a friend pointed out to me recently that I have yet to actually flesh out something I’ve been referring to as the Law of Effort; henceforth referred to as the Law of Least Effort for reasons of clarity.

When I say the Law of Least Effort, what I’m referring to is a very simple, but very universal and little-understood, social rule common to all forms of socializing (not limited to courtship and seduction by any means, though certainly of substantial importance there as well, perhaps especially so). Basically, that the person who appears to put the least amount of effort out, while getting the largest amount of effort returned to him by others, comes across as the most socially powerful.

Note the italics around the word “appears” in that bolded section of the second paragraph. We aren’t necessarily talking about the person who is actually, literallytrying the least, but rather the person who is able to accomplish the most with the appearance of putting in the least amount of work.

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Chase Amante's picture

nice guys finish lastEven before I dove into actively learning how to improve myself with women, I knew that nice guys finished last. I mean, it’s basically a cliché at this point, right? Everyone knows it. Poor nice guys.

Women as Sex Objects: Supercharge Your Game

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

This is for reasonably experienced guys. Newer guys will struggle with making this effective, I believe – it might even backfire. But for guys who are reasonably adept with women – if girls are easily attracted to you, if you’re good at getting them to follow your lead, if you have sex with different girls on a somewhat regular basis – this is something you want to read.

Referencing scientific research here, but I’m not one to be politically correct anyway, sooo… let’s talk about objectifying women.

Randomness and Success

Chase Amante's picture

randomness and successI'm almost finished reading a great book, called The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, by Leonard Mlodinow. Its premise is that all these things we attribute to skill are, most often, due to sheer luck.

Picture the Conquest

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

picture the conquestI have long believed, based on my own experiences in my most primal state and what I have seen in some truly talented others, that the best and most prolific lovers in the world - the most skilled naturals and the most successful seducers - have a different way of seeing women than most men, and that that difference is one of the biggest keys to their consistent and impressive results.