Articles by Author: Darius Bright | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Darius Bright

How to Deal With Your Physical Insecurities

Darius Bright's picture

A few friends and I were sitting at a table, careless fluff talk and barely appropriate jokes going all around, when someone made a joke that had everyone cracking up. Too bad I can’t recall the joke. But the point is that we were having a good time. After all, as most people, I love laughing and smiling (that goofy photo next to my name is there to prove it).

Then one of the friends commented – “Why do you cover your mouth with your hand when you’re laughing?”

“I do? Didn’t even notice it.”

I then got noticeably embarrassed and attempted to change the subject.

In truth, I was actually aware I was doing it and the fact that this friend, I’m sure without any bad intentions, drew attention to it made me both angry and uncomfortable.

Body Image

Here’s the deal: at the time I had properly crooked teeth, something I’d been very insecure about; and covering my mouth with my hand (or any other object I might be holding in my hands) was my way of masking this insecurity. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as nonchalant as I imagined and my friend’s comment made it painfully obvious.

And even though I didn’t want to admit it at the time, this seemingly insignificant insecurity was impacting my life in more ways than just trying to hold in a laugh or a smile before I can cover it up with an awkward gesture.

Indeed, in my mind I felt flawed; I imagined how life would be so much better if only I had a beautiful smile – I would instantly become so much more confident and surely all my female classmates would find me incredibly more attractive.

Also, if I saw a woman I liked and then it turned out that she had a great smile, in my mind this would instantly make her “out of my league” because there’s no way any woman with great teeth would find me attractive. Silly, I know.

5 Outfits to Help Make Your Holidays Extra Special

Darius Bright's picture

Hey guys,

Have you’ve been naughty this year? I hope you were... and if not we still have a few days to help you find someone to be naughty with.

holiday outfits

Fortunately, the upcoming holidays tend to be very seduction friendly; I’d go as far as to say even more so than the week before Valentine’s Day. All those pretty ladies going out to party their minds out and find someone to cuddle under a warm blanket with a glass of wine the day after.

The moods are cheerful, full of excitement, and sexual energy is in the air the moment you enter the venue. The guys are out to get laid and so are the ladies. And you can tell that by the way they all dress – the moment those heavy coats and sweaters come off, you see skimpy, provocative, and very seductive outfits.

And so it would be very unfortunate not to cash in when it seems that everything is playing in our favor.

How to Get Started Improving Your Looks

Darius Bright's picture

This article is inspired by a superb piece Chase wrote recently: “How to Get Started at Picking Up Girls”.

Indeed, just like with pick up, it is quite easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information that is supposed to help you improve your looks.

You will read advice like “make sure your clothes fit right”, “wear monochromatic colors”, “wear bolder colors”, “add contrast”, “avoid contrast”, “choose colors based on your skin tone”, “invest in a good pair of shoes”.

And if you’re brave enough to step into online communities that focus solely on men’s style you’ll find an even more confusing situation of names dropping and brand obsessing that for an outsider might seem even a bit snobbish (and indeed it sometimes is).

The funny thing is, such advice (even if it seems contradictory) is often technically correct and can lead to great results in certain situations.

improving your looks

But the problem is that unless you had some positive and style-savvy influences in your life – friends, women, etc. – who can show you what actually looks good on you, how proper fit should feel like, what colors go well together it is a very daunting journey to start on. This is especially true for guys who live outside fashionable cities, in locations where wearing basketball shorts and flip flops is considered an “okay casual look”.

I tried to address this issue in the last article “6 Outfits That Will Help You Look Sexy” and Chase wrote a superb primer for men’s style that covers most important points.

Today, I’d like to fill one more gap in the knowledge – the part that goes before you go out shopping or decide what you’ll be wearing on a night out. We’ll cover mindsets and healthy habits that should be developed.

But don’t be fooled, this won’t be a feel-good article that you will read and forget the next day; I will invite you to do some hard thinking every step of the way, so that by the end of this guide you will clearly know what needs to be done in your unique situation.

6 Outfits That Will Help You Look Sexy

Darius Bright's picture

Packaging matters significantly, so it’s really not surprising that there are quite a few superb articles here at GirlsChase that help us become sexy.

Today I would like to expand this list by sharing an article that can be considered the men’s style equivalent of the pick-up line – simple, practical, and, when executed perfectly, one that will get results. Just as a pick-up line is an answer to the very broad topic of “well, what do I say?”, this article will offer you a canned answer to another just as broad topic: “well, what do I wear?”

But enough with the analogies – let me explain what I have prepared for you today. In this article we’ll discuss six different outfits, for different situations, all designed to help you get one result: look sexy.

As we all have different preferences for our personal style, we’ll split these outfits into three categories:

  • Elegant edgy
  • Rugged masculine
  • Classy and smart

This way we’ll not only make sure that there’s a look suitable for everyone, but also show you that there’s more than one sexy look, and that not everyone needs to go out looking like a rock star or a preppy nice guy.

The Styled for Summer Style Consultation

Darius Bright's picture

Note from Chase: this is the full style consultation from Darius of for our winner of the “Styled for Summer” contest we ran from late June to early July. Darius has gone provided a full head-to-toe fashion breakdown for our winner here, in a post overflowing with juicy fashion tips.

If you’re interested in a fashion consult with Darius yourself, I’ve included a link in the footer of the post you can find out more information about this via. And if you enjoy Darius’s work, also be sure to see his Girls Chase article on summer fashion. Here’s Darius.

Hey guys,

It’s been a few weeks since the #StyledForSummer contest ended and before everything else I’d like to thank those who entered on Twitter! It was fascinating and quite challenging to share insights on how to help improve your personal style in 140 characters for, as you’ll notice soon, I usually get quite “wordy” on the subject. But hopefully those quick tips didn’t go to waste.

This is a follow-up article to the contest, and I’m very happy to say that the winner of #StyledForSummer decided to share his prize and gave permission to publish his consultation as an article here on Girls Chase.

Even though it’s not exactly the same as getting a personal, in-depth analysis of your looks and how to improve them, I’m sure that every reader who’s looking to improve his style will benefit from reading on (hint: guys of shorter stature, pay attention, there will be some gems for you here!).

styled for summer

Before we begin, I’d like to explain what happens before the actual consultation so that everything makes more sense. A consultation starts with a short questionnaire to determine a person’s style preferences, stronger points, weaknesses (we all have parts of our bodies we are proud of and aspects we’d rather not draw attention to), budget, and target audience.

This is one of the reasons why you’ll see certain suggestions and recommendations, and why in this consultation, ironically, we focused more on autumn to spring looks than styles for summer.

Lastly, you’ll notice that pictures are heavily cropped and kept in lower resolution. I am very grateful to the winner for agreeing to share his consultation, and I think it just makes sense to remove any identifying aspects that are not absolutely essential for readers to fully comprehend and learn from this article. By the way, if you find this article helpful, please say a big thank you to the winner!

And now, let’s look at the consultation.

Summer Fashion For Men: Your A to Z Guide to Looking Sexy in Summertime

Darius Bright's picture

Note from Chase: this is a guest post from Darius B. over on Sexy Style for Joe. Darius has really overdelivered here putting together a comprehensive and classy post on getting your summer style tightened up exceedingly well to make you look stylish, attractive, and put-together. This our second post devoted exclusively to men’s fashion, after our 2013 piece, “Fashion for Men: The Primer on Looking Amazing.” If you’re ready to get suited up for summer and get yourself looking crisp and sexy, this article from Darius will leave you in excellent shape. Here’s Darius.

Can you feel it? Summer is getting closer and the weather is getting warmer every day. Well, even if you can’t feel it yet, I’m sure you’ve noticed how sexy women look on those beautiful days when they drop layers upon layers of unnecessary clothing and swap their sweaters and jeans for light, almost see-through sundresses. Ah… just writing about it makes my imagination go wild.

But what about us, men? The signature tight dress shirt and blazer or coat with a scarf to accessorize that used to get the job done in making us look sexy as hell is not exactly a comfortable option on warmer days, as we’d be sweating like a shy teenager on his first date.

We also don’t really have a clothing equivalent to what sundresses and cut off shorts are to women. The best the fashion industry has managed to come up with are shorts that either look very unflattering on most physiques or that are straight up lame and make even male models look asexual.

And so, is it possible for us to dress on the hot summer days in a way that make women go “Wow, who’s that guy?”?

Yes. Though summer brings a set of challenges to dressing sexy as a man, it also enables us to go for a bit more of a raw, sexual look, without appearing try-hard.

This article in turn is about giving you some ideas on great styles of clothing for summer and helping you build outfits that will not only look very sexy on you, but will also feel comfortable. We’ll start off with some core concepts, followed by some tips on picking (or not picking) specific items, then sum it all up with some practical examples you could model.