Pickup | Page 129 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

Invite Her Home

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Guys go out for different reasons. I find that one of the most common ones, particularly for men new to meeting women on the street, at bars, at clubs, at bookstores and coffee shops, is to “work on their game”.

Totally understandable. It’s where I started out at. And, especially in the beginning, you have a lot of basic stuff you’re trying to get down and specific traits you’re looking to iron out and make a regular part of who you are and the way you interact with women.


Chase Amante's picture

pre-openingOpening (or engaging a woman verbally for the first time) in-and-of itself is a necessity, something that must be done 96% of the time when you want to meet a girl (if we imagine that about 4% of opening is done by women themselves). It’s unavoidable and inescapable. Different types of openers can net you different results – with direct openers being of course the flavor of opening that typically offers the most bang for your buck.

But outside the words used in the opener itself, there are in fact a few other things you can do with your openers to have them serve you far better.

Enter pre-opening. A term I coined to give name to a handful of small nonverbal gestures that net big returns in opening percentages and efficacy.

This is stuff that will get more girls opening for you, more eagerly. If you want women falling all over themselves when you first say hello, outside of making changes to your clothing, hairstyle, posture, eye contact, voice, and other fundamentals, this – pre-opening – is the way to do it.

There are several categories of pre-opening I’d like to cover here, so rather than spend a lot of time talking about the how and why, let’s just dive into them and hash that part of it out as we go.

Women as Sex Objects: Supercharge Your Game

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

This is for reasonably experienced guys. Newer guys will struggle with making this effective, I believe – it might even backfire. But for guys who are reasonably adept with women – if girls are easily attracted to you, if you’re good at getting them to follow your lead, if you have sex with different girls on a somewhat regular basis – this is something you want to read.

Referencing scientific research here, but I’m not one to be politically correct anyway, sooo… let’s talk about objectifying women.

Using Intrigue to Get Girls Chasing You

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using intrigue with womenOne big mistake I see a lot of men make when meeting new women is forgetting to allow for some mystery… a little intrigue. And a little bit goes a long way – it fascinates women, gets them thinking about you when you’re not there, gets them frustrated – in a good way! – trying to figure you out.

Closing With Consistency

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

close consistentlyHad a cool discussion tonight with a buddy of mine about some cats who are fearless at closing, and close well and often. Same-Night Lays (SNLs) from clubs, bars, no problemo, on a consistent basis.

Sure, SNLs happen, but how many guys have them happen consistently? I know just a handful of dudes who have consistency in that regard.

What I've noticed in these guys, and myself when I'm successful usually, is that closing consists of two parts:

Picture the Conquest

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

picture the conquestI have long believed, based on my own experiences in my most primal state and what I have seen in some truly talented others, that the best and most prolific lovers in the world - the most skilled naturals and the most successful seducers - have a different way of seeing women than most men, and that that difference is one of the biggest keys to their consistent and impressive results.