Articles by Author: Francesco Toggianini | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Francesco Toggianini

When Day Game Gets You Fewer Dates and Lays, What Then?

Francesco Toggianini's picture

day game frustration
It’s frustrating if your results from day game aren’t what they used to be. To solve the riddle of what’s happened, first you need to know what’s changed.

Hello everyone, it’s been a while. Have you ever felt frustrated because you were not getting any results at all from day game?

Or even worse (paradoxically), because you were so successful in recent weeks/months but are now not getting the same results, you feel like you’re crashing?

Well, I guess that happens to everyone, and it’s an annoying feeling for sure, but don’t panic. Let’s dive in a little bit and see what we can do.

I will divide this article into two parts:

  1. What to do if you’ve never been able to make day game work for you

  2. What to do if your day game results peak, then start to fall off or decline

I’ll will cover Part 1 with just a few lines, since there is enough material for beginners on this website already to keep you busy reading for a few weeks. But I will dive deeper into Part 2, which reflects what I’ve been through in the past months and is directed more specifically to intermediate/advanced day game practitioners.

My Rules for Making Cold Approach a Part of Daily Life

Francesco Toggianini's picture

cold approach

How do you make cold approach – going up and meeting women you don’t yet know – a regular thing?

I was already planning to write about this, then I saw the comment of a reader who was asking how to keep getting better at seduction while taking care of his day to day life. Here’s the comment:

It’s the part of “managing girls” and having to keep approaching to keep our skill honed that’s so true!

I’m still an intermediate (approaching is no longer as fearful, and it just happens); I only have a few new good leads every month but already have issue setting up dates in a week.

Combining that with school, I can easily forget about other work I have and get sucked into approaching and socializing at networking events.

Since, like everything else, seduction also needs consistent practice to keep top ability, do you have any tips on juggling everything and not losing focus on one or the other?

The answer is deceptively simple: discipline. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, but I certainly know what I do and what works for me. This stuff about fitting cold approach into my daily life is a bit tricky and, in fact, I consider it the most determining and important aspect of this game. My results have a lot more to do with how much time I spend infield, rather than what I say when I am in set.

The 4 Stages of Street Cold Approach

Francesco Toggianini's picture

This is an article about the journey you will experience as you proceed from a man who never walks up to strange women to introduce himself and flirt, to a man who does so all the time, and reaps the rewards, both in terms of women and in terms of how he thinks about women.

If you have read my two previous articles on this website (here’s one and here’s two), you might have noticed that there is a word that I mention frequently (directly or indirectly): and the word is cold approach. In my case, the preference is for street cold approach, though cold approach of any kind is the key.

street cold approach

Cold approach is at the heart of my game; in fact, it is my entire game. When I say it is my “entire” game, I do not only refer to my outer game, but to my inner game as well.

The power of cold approach is so big that I cannot put limits on it. It contains a transformative power that has the ability to change your relationship with women in a dramatic way, on all levels. There is a lot of talking about “inner game”. Well, despite being the cause of your actions, your mindset will also follow the progress you make in cold approach.

Now, let’s make an important clarification: everything is mind and everything comes from the mind. As a consequence, outer game is really a reflection of your inner game. It all starts with a decision, and the decision will happen in your mind. You’ll decide that you are entitled to hot girls, so you’ll go out and talk to them, and then through consistent action you’ll start seeing evidence of your own belief.

Therefore, action is not the cause, the cause is your decision. Action simply follows your decision, and that’s why inner game always comes before outer game. And yet, action is the only way to play this game. Action is born from your inner game, and yet it is the only way to change, improve, sharpen, and expand your inner game. That’s the paradox.

5 Reasons to Approach Hotter Girls

Francesco Toggianini's picture

Having experienced the power of cold approach and the value of doing it in a rather systematic and calculated way (you will probably hear more about this in the next articles...), I am a bit surprised that I am actually writing this article myself.

approach hotter girls

I am a big believer in the efficiency of talking to every girl that I find even remotely interesting, because doing so puts me in a good mood. And, when I am in a good mood, talking to hotter girls becomes easier. Those who are not new to seduction advice know this principle very well. It is called state-shifting, and it basically consists in warming yourself up by talking to girls who might not necessarily turn you on, but that still give you that rush of adrenaline (due to the cold approach) that makes it very easy to do the next approach with the hotter girl.

While I still recommend the state-shifting approach for beginners (as a beginner you are still dealing with approach anxiety and a lack of reference experiences, so being too fussy can actually backfire), today I’m going to describe the benefits of being very selective regarding the quality of the girls you are going to talk to.

This article can be of value to beginners as well, but it is especially designed for intermediate/advanced guys who already have at least 500-1000 solid interactions on the street with women through cold approach.

Beginners are more likely in fact to have the problem of too-high standards than too-low ones; if you are a beginner, you should probably read this article first.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Make Her Kiss You Back

Francesco Toggianini's picture

Note from Chase: This is our first article from Francesco Toggianini, our first contributor from Italy. Francesco’s joining us for a four-article series trial, and if you like his articles and he keeps the quality up, we will bring him on as a regular contributor. Here’s Francesco, with his first article, on getting her to kiss you back.

The title of the article itself contains an important implication: you go for the kiss first, and then the girl kisses you back. It is your job to make the first move. Forget about this truth, and you’ve forgotten about the most important quality of a man: leading the interaction.

make her kiss you

Most of the results I’ve achieved in this game have come after I realized the overall importance of leading, and started to apply that insight infield. Leading could be the subject of an entire new article, but today we are talking about kisses and make-outs, so let’s dive a bit deeper into that.