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The Wandering Romeo and the Many Tribes of Lovers

Chase Amante's picture
wandering romeoJal Lamoree isn’t content with just one perspective on women. So he seeks out experiences, learns from different men, and explores womankind from a variety of angles.

Once there was a youth named Jal Lamoree who itched to know of women yet knew himself ignorant of them. Everywhere he looked, other men seemed to have clear ideas about what women were like and what they all wanted, so Jal decided to seek knowledge from the men around him.

He was in high school, in his third year, and his friends were boys who were nice and shared some of his interests in games and academic pursuits. Their group included no girls. These friends talked about girls, but always in an outsider way. There were girls they found hot, but “those girls were all sluts,” they’d say, before laughing and changing the topic. Jal laughed too, until the day he wondered how his friends knew that about those girls. So he asked.

“Well, just look at how Paisley Olson dresses,” one of his friends offered. “She’s always wearing skirts. Skirts are for ‘easy access’, don’t you know?” The boys all chuckled, except Jal. Jal was trying to figure something out.

“Yeah,” another friend said. “I mean, Lucy McCoy? Maya Adams? You think girls stay that popular not putting out?” The other boys chuckled again.

“C’mon, man,” a third friend said to Jal. “Everyone knows those girls are sluts.”

Jal heard what his friends were saying. But those girls ran in totally different circles his friends had no access to. He never saw them act slutty in school. How did his friends knew what they did outside of it? The few times he’d run into Paisley outside of school she’d been friendly and sweet… and she was always with one of her parents.

“Well, what about the girls who aren’t popular?” Jal asked.

“All sluts,” a friend said. “They’re either ugly or they’re sluts!” The boys all laughed – except Jal.

Tactics Tuesdays: Sexual Escalation Script

Chase Amante's picture
sexual escalation scriptWhat steps should you follow to get to sex with a girl? This sexual escalation script lays it all out, down to the timing of each move needed to bed a girl.

We’ve got a guy over on the forum who’s struggled to make things sexual with girls. He’s a mechanical learner who can follow rules but has trouble grasping the deeper purpose to them, and seems a little lacking in social intuition.

As a result, he’s struggled to find success with women – though he’s been on fifty dates from dating apps, he hasn’t bedded a single girl, and his efforts to seduce once back with girls at his place consistently fall flat.

For today’s Tactics Tuesdays installment, I’m going to lay out an example sexual escalation script you’ll be able to follow in a typical seduction. Even if you’re an intuitive learner this should still be helpful to you, as it’ll give you certain techniques and timings you might not have stumbled across yet. If you’re a mechanical learner I expect this might be a Godsend.

So join me and let’s follow along every step of the way as we lay out a path toward creating sexual arousal in a woman that allows you to sweep her off her off her feet and into bed!

The Uncomfortable Truth About Meeting Girls on Instagram

Chase Amante's picture
meeting girls on InstagramThe secret to meeting girls on Instagram is… well, it’s an uncomfortable truth. Can it be done? Yes. Will you enjoy what’s involved? Most likely not…!

One of the requests we see periodically from guys ‘round these parts is for a system to meet girls on Instagram. It makes sense at first blush, because pretty much anywhere else you can find girls, there’s typically a way to pick them up – even if most guys will never really bother to learn to do it:

  • There’s stripper game you can use to pick up strippers at strip clubs.

And as any guy who’s carved out a large-enough online presence for himself has found out, you can use the Internet to attract, date, and lay women – from adoring female fans to fellow influencers you actively seek out.

So there should be a way to meet girls on Instagram, you’d suspect.

After all, SOME guy is meeting them. These girls are dating guys SOMEHOW or other! Maybe even some guys who slid into their DMs?

Anyway, how can you make that guy those girls are dating be YOU?

The truth is, there are ways to meet girls on Instagram, sleep with them, and take them as girlfriends – but none of them are (as we shall see) quite what most guys asking for a way to meet hot Instagram girls hope…

You Can't Beat Fear of Rejection with More Rejections

Chase Amante's picture
beat fear of rejectionGuys who fear rejection from women can’t overcome that by getting more rejections. What they need to be aiming for, rather, is successes; victories; WINS.

A few weeks back, I responded to a reader named Zucchini with an admirable amount of courage and tenacity who, nevertheless, had run hard into a wall. He says:

For me, my biggest handicap was not being able to master fear. I genuinely tried to follow the advice. Years ago, I went out and approached a hundred girls, thinking "I just gotta approach to overcome approach anxiety! Confidence will naturally follow, right?" Then I burned out because I was so nervous on every approach I ended up ejecting early, half-assing it, or getting brutally rejected (those rejections STILL linger in my head as fears years later).

Ever since, he’s wondered why he’s so afraid, why he can’t overcome his anxiety, if he has too little self-control, if he simply doesn’t want it enough, or what the real problem is.
He studied courses, took trainings, mentored under coaches, and eventually threw himself back into the gauntlet for another pass:

So I pushed myself harder and harder. I was out in the field until my eyes would not stay open, my feet were blistered, and even walking seemed like climbing a mountain. I approached another hundred girls. I told myself I needed to push extra hard because I was so handicapped and weak. Most of time, I repeated the same mistakes over and over, not able to apply anything I was supposed to. Every failure reinforced this story in my head. Eventually, I burned out again, now even LESS confident of myself than before.

At the time of his comment, he'd just read my article on stuck man mentality, and realized he’d started thinking about his problem this way: as a special handicap he had, which other men did not have, that maybe made game impossible for him.

He says:

Now I have reached rock bottom again, and am opening my mind again. I came to the conclusion I am not fully ready to apply the lessons from teachers of seduction yet, so I have started taking advice from teachers in other disciplines - mindfulness, anxiety, behavioral therapy. Perhaps it is unwise to mix in advice from different sources...? I don't know. But I know what I'm doing isn't working. And I'm grateful to this article for opening my mind further and reassuring me that other people also have similar problems.

All this is good. I studied meditation and mindfulness before I started approaching in earnest (I used it to break free of depression). It makes a big difference.

That said, I want to highlight what was going on here with Zucchini (who you have to admire for pushing himself so hard despite crippling fear – lack of willpower is NOT his problem!). He’s switched up his strategy now, yet what he was doing before was trying to beat fear of rejection by, in essence, getting more rejections.

But you don’t beat fear of rejection by getting rejections – not usually.

You beat it by getting SUCCESSES.

How to Know If a Girl Likes Oral or Anal Sex: The Pleasure of Sex Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to know if a girl likes oral or anal sexSome girls like oral and anal sex. Some girls don’t. How do you know if a girl likes such encounters? Use the “Pleasure of Sex” gambit and she’ll tell you!

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today, I’ll share an explicit sexual gambit to arouse your girl and escalate the vibe. What’s more, it can help screen for specific sexual practices, like oral and anal sex.

PS: this gambit is advanced and requires good conversational skills, calibration, and experience with sex talk. You should know how to tackle potential resistance and have good frame control and delivery to ensure success.

I have not shared an explicit gambit for a while, as I favor lighter, less explicit gambits that are not as prone to trigger resistance. This lets me play it safe and introduce the gambit early, usually in night game, allowing me to set an early sexual frame, which has several benefits.

Lighter gambits are still powerful, though. They get the job done and set a sexual frame. They may not arouse her like explicit gambits do. Still, sometimes it’s not necessary if you set a clear sexual frame, set sex-positive frames, and avoid resistance through anti-slut defense busting gambits, such as communicating you are low key, How to Have Discreet Sex (and Communicate Discretion) and that you are nonjudgmental. Then, physical escalation is often enough to seal the deal.

Typically, explicit sex talk is beneficial and risk-free to pull off in late game when you can escalate. There are some exceptions; see When to Switch to BOLD Sex Talk When Talking to Girls.

Some guys, myself included, prefer verbal escalation to sexual. In these cases, bold gambits have their place too.

With that out of the way, let me show you a gambit that serves a different purpose—for screening.

Tactics Tuesdays: Using Sexual Magnetism with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
using sexual magnetism with girlsSome men just ooze powerful sexual magnetism. But what is sexual magnetism? How did they get it? The secret is 3 key aspects – but you’ve got to be a bit of a “seduction pro” first.

This article presupposes you already have solid fundamentals and game. Basically, you are intermediate at least – and probably closer to advanced (or actually advanced). If you’re not there yet, feel free to read it still, but don’t worry if you can’t pull this one off yet – you can come back to it later once your game and attractive qualities are more on-lock.

A forum member named Jeff recently asked about how to convey sexual state to girls the way his highly skilled natural friend does. In other words, how to use sexual magnetism.

About this friend, Jeff says:

I have a friend who's been hitting the field for over 10 years.

Dude's a pro - having racked up easily over 500 lays, and between 100-150 in 2019.

Recently, he told me he moved to a new house (in Delhi, India where he's living) and there's a girl on the first floor (while he's on the fourth).

He ran into her while moving some stuff and all he did was have a 2 minute back and forth with the girl without doing anything fancy, and she was ON him - suggesting they should catch up, party, get a drink, etc.

...all the while being married, with her husband downstairs in the house they're sharing.

I was curious as to what he did to elicit such desire.

By that, I mean -

- Girls text him as opposed to him having to do all the work (of course he texts them, but he barely has to do anything)
- Falling all over him in the club within a few minutes of meeting
- Girls throwing attraction signals at him (like the time he was dancing at a dance workshop and everyone wanted to know who he was)

I, on the other hand, still have work way too hard, probably relying on my verbals a lot more than he does.

Sexual magnetism is an interesting topic. It’s a subset of charisma (which I’ve devoted an entire course to, as well as a series of charismatic breakdowns on Hollywood figures, and a set of beginner’s and pro’s guides to charisma that many guys found helpful)… but rather than focus on general charisma, it zeroes in on the sexual variety.

I gave a quick response on the forum thread, but I want to expand upon that a bit here in an article on what sexual magnetism is and how you can convey it.

Study: Being Alpha Is Not Enough. Being Alpha + Prosocial Is

Chase Amante's picture
alpha is not enoughBeing an alpha male is supposed to get you girls. Right? So why are so many “alphas” dating fat girls – or alone? It’s because “being alpha” is NOT enough!

Way back in the 2000-naughts, the seduction community talked frequently about “alpha males” as obstacles to overcome when picking up. These alpha male guys – the top dogs of mixed male and female groups pick up artists would approach – had to be dealt with properly if you wanted to take up a girl from their groups.

Somewhere in the late 2000-naughts, the idea of “alpha males” got picked up by the nascent manosphere. Except, rather than alpha males being obstacles you had to overcome to get the girl, alpha males transmogrified into heroic exemplars of whom you should aim to become yourself to excel with women and in life.

I did my best to try to stem the tide of this trend even as early as mid-2011, but growth of “alpha male mentality” was inexorable at that point. Today it’s accepted wisdom among a plurality (perhaps even a majority) of Western men that “you’ve got to be alpha” if you want to succeed socially, in business, and in love.

There’s just one problem: plenty of “alpha males” barely get laid, make little money, and have few decent friends. How do we explain this?

To understand it, we have to go back to before the alpha male craze began – back a few decades, in fact, to a study conducted in 1995.

Tell Her You Can Last All Night: The APE Sex Talk Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk gambit: premature ejaculationCan you turn girls on and communicate you don’t cum early – without sounding like you’re bragging? With this unique sex talk gambit, you absolutely can.

Hey guys and welcome back.

After discussions with forum members on the chat, I’ve been asked to share one of my gambits.

If you did not know, we have a forum with many experienced players (including those at our writer level) to discuss and ask questions for free. The forum has a great culture and has one of the best newbie/veteran ratios online. In addition, we have a live chat!

A recent chat discussed premature ejaculation and how to avoid it. Some asked how I deal with this. I mentioned a technique conveying sexual experience while being a good lover. Most women do not want a man who ejaculates quickly, as they usually take longer to orgasm than men.

This gambit is from a long-ago post of mine about tackling premature ejaculation. The trick works well and has assisted me greatly over the years, although I do not have this problem.

The idea is to tell her you can last a long time without appearing that you are bragging. Not cumming fast is a bit like saying you have a big dick, if you see what I mean. (On that note, a normal-sized penis is ideal.)

How do you do this? You convey to women that you are not a quick cummer (without explicitly saying it) and are a guy who lasts for a while in bed. You offer an explanation that “makes sense” for why that is. More importantly, the reason for you lasting so long is not because you are a sexy Superman (which would be bragging), but it’s because you know a simple trick to make sex last longer. I go through this trick here: How to Stop Premature Ejaculation – Proven Tips from a Pickup Artist.

I want to be clear that lasting all night is not necessarily ideal. It is easy to believe that because we, as men, know that premature ejaculation is unsexy, we quickly assume that the opposite must be sexy. Well, it is, but it can go too far. If you never ejaculate, she may become self-conscious: “Why is he not ejaculating?” “Is there something wrong with me?” Her worries arise because most guys tend to ejaculate rather quickly during intercourse, and many do it faster than she hoped.

I will briefly recap the anti-premature ejaculation (APE) trick and then show you can convert this knowledge into a sex talk gambit.

How to Stop Attracting Fat Girls

Chase Amante's picture
stop attracting fat girlsSome guys are complete “fat girl magnets.” If you’re always attracting fat girls though, how do you stop? The solution is part mentality and part behavior.

Are you someone who always has fat girls throwing themselves at him?

It’s a pretty dangerous position to be in, honestly. All it takes is one fat chick throwing herself at you the wrong way for you to end up CRUSHED.

Jokes aside, attracting fat girls is something that happens to some guys, but not ALL guys.

We just had a conversation about it over on the forum. Among comments from some of our members:

fat chicks react very strongly and aggressively asking for number's, staring etc. Does it mean I have low sexual value? [A]m i [a] weirdo?

Same thing happens with me ..

I am an expert in this subject. … Update from last night: another potential pitfall is a broken bed frame.

Obviously, if you love those rolls of fat, you’ll have no need or desire to stop attracting fat girls.

But if it’s a problem for you, let me tell you right now: it’s totally doable to stop the big girls wanting you.

So, while we usually discuss creating attraction on this site, today let’s take a detour – and talk about breaking it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Party Pooper Girl Inoculation

Chase Amante's picture
party pooper girl inoculationParty pooper girls can ruin your seductions – not to mention your good mood. Yet with the right inoculation, you can protect your interactions and image.

Sometimes you’re going to find yourself talking to one or more girls who are just total party poopers.

They’re low energy, in bad moods, don’t respond to your humor, or otherwise act all prickly.

Now, what you don’t want to do is get caught up in these girls’ bad moods. But you also don’t want to get caught trying to change their moods for them either. That’s not your job, nor is it a good use of your time and energy.

So what do you do with these party pooper girls? If you already approached them, only to discover too late that they’re a total drag, you need some way to either get things going with their rest of their group, or else get out of there without it feeling like you got the wind sucked out of you.

The solution is party pooper girl inoculation – measures you take to firmly have a handle on the frame in the face of girls who are no fun.